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Date: 12.12.2009
From: Verity

Subject: Glucosamine results?

Hi has anyone actually had any noticeable results from taking glucosamine? You hear a lot of good reviews but ive never experienced any noticable change.
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Date: 12.12.2009
From: valh:-)

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

been taking it about 9 months have oa and it helps but takes six months to show any sighns of working think it more preventative than cure helps joints repair them selves more effectivly or at least slows down wear and tear . so good luck and give it a chance and good luck
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Date: 12.12.2009
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

maybe i just didnt give it enough time. Ill have another go
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Date: 13.12.2009
From: jill

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

hi gang, sorry not been in and supporting each other, still having a tough time typing with my rotten neck...hope all of u r ok.... re glucosamine, when i use to go gym, instructor there told me its pure sugar...i was trying to lose weight at the time, was a year after my spine op, so gained weight in 2003. was taking gluscosamine, and found it hard to lose wieght, he told me its for athletes only ? lol...anyway, i did give it up, and i began to lose the wight so much quicker....thats my story anyway.....Hi val love to u, hope ya ok matey x..... gotta go for now, anyway stay well all of u.......trees up and looks so cosy and pretty.....xx
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Date: 13.12.2009
From: Andrew Patrick Longworth-Dames

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

I have generalised osteoarthritis and have tried glucosamine on a number of occasions including a long period on prescription from my GP. IT HAS NO POSITIVE EFFECT WHATSOEVER. I saw my GP last Thursday and he said that he no longer recommended it as there was no evidence to support is use.
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Date: 13.12.2009
From: jill

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

thats my point, think its just sugar....havnt looked into it, but either way, its not a miracletab....Andrew may I ask waht other meds u take for your O.A. is yours under control or chronic ?
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Date: 13.12.2009
From: Andrew Patrick Longworth-Dames

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

I'm not sure you are right about glucosomine being just sugar but certainly one of the problems with glucosamine is that there is no accepted standard in terms of quality and dose. That applies to prescription glucosamine not just over the counter stuff. Whatever there is really no evidence supporting its use for arthritis. Its promotion is nothing short of a confidence trick on people who are vulnerable. The companies who market it are nothing more than 'snake oil' confidence tricksters.

I have tried all the usual suspect meds for my generalised osteoarthritis and have found nothing acceptable in terms of either working well or side effects. As far as NSAIDS are concerned the strongest make me ill and I will never try them again after may last experience, a whole weekend in bed after just one pill! There is also evidence that NSAIDS actually speed up the rate of joint deterioration. Beware! As far as pain killers are concerned I found Tramadol worked but had a very similar affect to strong NSAIDS. I do use anti-inflammatory gel on my hands and analgesic cream. They do ameliorate the chronic pain a little but don't stop the acute pain, especially in the joints at the base of my thumbs.

Sorry it is not a very positive story but I know it is not unusual. I have talked with fellow sufferers in clinics and have recently been to a Pain Clinic and know that many people are not helped by NSAIDS and pain killers.

I have over the years had a number of steroid injections and they have had mixed results. Depends very much on the abilities of the person weilding the needle! I have had relief in one shoulder that was super painful for a long time, now just occasional!
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Date: 14.12.2009
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Hi Andrew, what trouble did you have with NSAIDS? Ive been on diclofenace for 14 years and don't think I could have coped without it!
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Date: 14.12.2009
From: Andrew Patrick Longworth-Dames

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?


Diclofenace. This is another name for Voltarol is it not. My wife takes voltoral from time to time but that upsets her stomach. I tried it originally in the mid nineties and it worked for a short time then not. Subsequently I tried a number of NSAIDS up to the strongest and was even prescribed the Cox 2 Inhibitors that were subsequently withdrawn, (literally lethal in large doses!). The strongest NSAIDS made me ill, could not get out of bed for two days after the last dose. Keep in mind that some researchers believe that NSAIDS speed up the deterioration of the joints. I think this is fairly recent research but that does not mean it is wrong. The drug companies have invested a lot of money developing these drugs so anyone claiming they don't work or are in any way detrimental need to be sure of their ground.
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Date: 14.12.2009
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Yeh, Diclofenac sorry, not diclofenace. Ive had 75mg twice a day since I was about 10 (24 now) and have never had any problems with them. I notice it though if I dont take them! i take Omeprazole with them for my stomach which seem to do the trick.
I was taking Etoricoxib for a short while a few years ago but it didn't seem to help so went back to the diclofenac. Ive just looked on Wikipedia and Etoricoxib has now been withdrawn. It is a little unnerving isn't it! But then with there being no known cure for arthritis we'll constantly be tested on for up and coming new drugs.
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Date: 14.12.2009
From: Andrew Patrick Longworth-Dames

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Taken from Vernon Coleman's website. One or two possible side effects there. If it works for you and you are happy with it then that's OK.


POSSIBLE REASONS TO TAKE IT MAY INCLUDE: For the treatment of all grades of pain and inflammation in a wide range of conditions, including arthritic conditions rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acute gout; acute musculo-skeletal disorders such as periarthritis (e.g. frozen shoulder), tendinitis, tenosynovitis, bursitis; other painful conditions resulting from trauma, including fracture, low back pain, sprains, strains, dislocations, orthopaedic, dental and other minor surgery.

HOW IT IS PRESCRIBED: More suitable for short-term use in acute conditions for which treatment is required for no more than three months. There is no information on the use of diclofenac for more than three months. Usually taken two or three times a day.

POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS MAY INCLUDE: Epigastric pain, other gastro-intestinal disorders (e.g. nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, dyspepsia, flatulence, anorexia); gastro-intestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer (with or without bleeding or perforation), bloody diarrhoea; lower gut disorders (e.g. non-specific haemorrhagic colitis and exacerbations of ulcerative colitis or crohn's proctocolitis), pancreatitis, aphthous stomatitis, glossitis, oesophageal lesions, constipation; headache, dizziness, or vertigo; drowsiness, tiredness; disturbances of sensation, paraesthesia, memory disturbance, disorientation, disturbance of vision (blurred vision, diplopia), impaired hearing, tinnitus, insomnia, irritability, convulsions, depression, anxiety, nightmares, tremor, psychotic reactions; taste alteration disorders; rashes or skin eruptions, urticaria; bullous eruptions, eczema, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Lyell's Syndrome, (acute toxic epidermolysis), erythroderma (exfoliative dermatitis), loss of hair, photosensitivity reactions, purpura including allergic purpura; acute renal insufficiency, urinary abnormalities (e.g. haematuria, proteinuria), interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, papillary necrosis; liver problems including hepatitis (in isolated cases fulminant) with or without jaundice; thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, agranulocytosis, haemolytic anaemia, aplastic anaemia; oedema, hypersensitivity reactions (e.g. bronchospasm, anaphylactic/anaphylactoid systemic reactions including hypotension); impotence, palpitation, chest pain, hypertension.
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Date: 14.12.2009
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Yeh, shocking isn't it. Name me an alternative therapy that works any day and Id give em up. Unfortunately I think I tried a lot of what is available and there was nothing that helped. I had no choice but to give in to the pain and the doctors. Just gotta do the best ya can with whats available
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Date: 15.12.2009
From: jill

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Ok I take Zomorph...any news on that med Andrew? I take 100mg morn and night!..high dose i know, plus co codamol, and Oramorph!....noit being lazy, cld google it all, but it hasnt ocured to me, but as u seem to be knowledegable about the side affects of certain meds, wondered if u knew about the ones I take........ scared now.... waiting in anticipation...jill
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Date: 15.12.2009
From: Andrew Patrick Longworth-Dames

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?


I don't think there is a drug out there that does not have side effects. They are worse for some than others, many people seem to be able to take whatever for a long period without obvious side effects.

What I would say is, and I don't have the quote to hand vis a vis figures, that many people who end up in hospital don't end up there because of what they were diagnosed with in the first place but because of what they have been prescribed by their doctors. I think it is often a failure by doctors to review their patients medications. The repeat prescription business can just go on and on.

One advantage of the internet is that patients can 'wise up' on their medications and make more informed decisions. This at the risk of annoying some doctors!!!!!!!! Knowledge is power as they say.

Personally I take as little formal medication as I can get away with. We each have to find ways of coping with pain that suit us.
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Date: 15.12.2009
From: jill

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Hi Andrew, thanks for your speedy reply...ya right im sure..... becuse I take Methtrexate and Enbrel I have my meds reviewd regularly, by my fantastic GP and also by my Biologics nurse... unfortuantely, ive had to carry on taking Zomorph and alotho on the Biologics and MTX, still need three ops... 7 corrective surgeries todate, and a further 3 coming..ome Fusion of soine, which terrryfies me(alredy had spine surgery) but more dics damage so need annother, and recently Impingment on both shoulders, angry really about that, bercos ive had those both done 3 years ago, and very painful recovery, couldnt lie on that operated shoulder for nearly 4 months!...what with bcn and hip pain, and shoulder pain, sleeping is a nitemare...awake most nights just turning!...oh well, wll drop my dosage as soon as i feel im recovering.... what a joke that is LOL....stay well Andrew

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Date: 13.12.2010
From: Patrick Vaughan

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Andrew, I should love to correspond with you but not on your medical problem! You share the same (unusual) surname as my mother, and I would like to discuss how we must be connected!
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Date: 14.12.2010
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

I was advised to take Glucosamine by a Chiropractor years ago when I got OA of my spine. Tried them but they just upset my stomach. I think Diclofenac can do the same but a lot worse that's why it's important to take a PPI with them to protect the stomach.
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Date: 14.12.2010
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

How nice to see you all Verity, Jill and KJ! Verity, I can't remember if you have inflammatory arthritis or OA but I do know there is no evidence that glucosamine works for the former.

How are you all? How is the gastritis Jill?

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Date: 14.12.2010
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

Hi sally I'm fine hope you are okay too :0)
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Date: 20.12.2010
From: LinBolton

Subject: Re: Glucosamine results?

I had osteoarthritis and took Glucosamine for a long while with no benefit until I bought a book (from says that you have to take it with Chondroitins for it to work. My arthritis has dramatically improved (more than 80% better) after reading that good book. Good Luck
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