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Date: 12.11.2009
From: Alexis

Subject: Young and Arthritic : /

I'm young, confused and looking for a job, my arthritis pulls me back

As the title says, I am 25 and female, and my rheumatoid arthritis is in my hands and wrists, this means I swell up easily, picking things up and using the computer and just using my hands!

I was diagnosed at age 24 I have adapted well, my arthritis has changed my life for the better, I could be way worse off, but before my arthritis I was just this calamity as some people would think has given me focus and a new lease of life :)

But I want to develop myself in terms of a career :( and I am so confused as to how employers will think of mindset is such that I will not try because I know my maladies and who would want to employ me. I'd be virtually useless. But no more of this kind of thinking!

I will be successful; I don't care what job it is, I'll be enthusiastic about anything, but I must support myself financially somewhat, at least.

I already have a job, but I had this job before I was diagnosed with R.A. So I kept on as part time, I only work eight hours per week, and concentrate on my customer service and mild cleaning. I use a pen to use the till and a wrist rest and again four hours per day twice a week means I am not aggravating myself.

But I need some job to get stuck into I have brill communication skills, etc perfect cv! I am thinking of going for disability allowance but that is a last resort, I've avoided that for quite a while now.

What types of jobs would you recommend to me?

Please forgive me if I sound rather selfish etc or if my post is in the wrong place, this is my first post on this forum.
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Date: 12.11.2009
From: valh:-)

Subject: Re: Young and Arthritic : /

hi alexis u do not sound selfish and u can post any where here welcome .i work in a shop (machines and office furniture) as long u do not get to many customers so clothes shop that bit higher class it a good job as u get lovely people to talk to . used to work in a fruit shop but it was to much, heavy lifting and tills were non stop . what about teaching assistant
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Date: 13.11.2009
From: jill

Subject: Re: Young and Arthritic : /

Hi Alexis...good to have u on baord... Like Val said, we do our best to support everyone, and hopefully others supports us back....... Luckily for you it is only mild, I know u r struggling, but in the scheme of R.A. is could be everywhere in your body...... must say, and forgive me for saying this, but i couldnt understand Y u said since being daignosed with R.A. it has given your life a better focus? and that b4 u were lost? R.A> is a vicious disease and im wondering if you have read up on all the affects this insidious disease can have on your life..... I have severe Inflamatory Artharitis, todate had 7 corrective surgeries, and need another spine op.....Im also on Methtrexate(immune suppressant) to dampen down the disease activity, and Enbrel, biologic alo on Morphine for pain etc......... I could Never say that my life is better since having this nasty illness....Im chronic, I know that, and thank god U arnt....but how can R.A. give your life clarity? im far worse off, cant work at all, financially we struggle, and I find it distressing being fatigued and sick all the time......... Hope U dont mind me being so Honest with u, but I wld like to understand your comments a bit more, its kinda facinating......

Ojk regards jobs...cant help u there....but I do know ther is the ARTHRITIS ASSOCIATION, or something like that, there is a link that can get u to it, and they help u visit a Disability advisor, and help u find the correct job for u......... and U r entiteld to DLA, takes ages to get, and U shld apoply as its your right...... goood luck

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Date: 13.11.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Young and Arthritic : /

Hi Alexis,
You say you have brilliant communication skills, do you also have good listening skills? If so then maybe going down the voluntary route like the Samaritans would be a good starting point.
It wont make you any money initially but the voluntary sector can improve your skills and may lead to counselling or some kind of social work in the future.
Hope this helps.
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Date: 13.11.2009
From: lisa

Subject: Re: Young and Arthritic : /

hi Alexis

ive had psoriatic arthritis for years, i knw its not the same as you but i get terrible pain in my wrists and fingers, swelling stiffness cramping. I have managed a day nursery for 15years and i am very fortunate to have an understanding boss, however DO NOT give up i havnt, speak to careers advice, i know The Shaw Trust are an organisation that help people with all sorts of disbilities stay in or find work, dont forget you can still claim for DLA even if you work i do, it helps with all my prescriptions time off work ect, perhaps think about re training, there is loads of funding for training now for over 20 year olds, maybe thats for you?
keep positive x
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Date: 14.11.2009
From: Lucy

Subject: Re: Young and Arthritic : /

Hi Alexis,

I work full time un and always have but it is hard and I would like to reduce my hours so I can manage my illness better.

What I would say is dont take on more then you can and look for jobs that wont be physical. I work with community groups and run training for parnts with children 0-5. Tis can be physical but I try to come to an understanding with my employer as to tasks I can undertake and tasks I cant.

What I would say is most authrities and Councils have really good equal opportunities policies and will guarantee a disabled person an inteview if they meet the person specification why not contact your local Council re customer service jobs or admin jobs.

Good luck and take care

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Date: 28.11.2009
From: Kirsty

Subject: Re: Young and Arthritic : /

I'm 18 and have been working part time since 14. I haven told my new boss about my arthritis and raynauds and he understands. Take into account what Jill said about the DLA. She talks sense!!
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