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Date: 09.11.2009
From: Elena

Subject: Different medications

My name is Elena. I am almost 20 years old. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 5 years old. Since then we've been trying to treat it with a lot of different medications. I was on methotraxate a few times on and off. It seemed to work but gave me very bad nausea. We switiched me to arava, that didn't have any effect whatsoever. We tried traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture which seemed to stabalize my condition. Now, my arthritis is acting up again and we're going to begin using Simponi. I've heard a lot of good feedback about this medicine and I'm looking forward to being able to do things without worrying about pain.
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Date: 09.11.2009
From: Lucy

Subject: Re: Different medications

Hiya Elena,

I have rheumatoid arthritis to since the age of two. My story is similar in that we ave tried alsorts but nothing tends to make much of a difference. I have found the only way I can make much difference is to adapt certain activities that cause me pain as well as limit them.

Its really hard when you are in pain continuously to be positive but that does help even though at times I wont say I dont get human who dosnt.

Which joints are most affected hun if you dont mind me asking? x

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