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Date: 03.04.2007
From: Moving again

Subject: Help with crippling joint pain, I found it!

In Dec. 2002, I had a lot of flu symptoms and then noticed I was getting stiff all over. I went to the Family Doctor and then to an Orthopaedic doctor. They thought I must have injured both knees at once. All the blood tests returned normal. I went to a Rheumatology doctor and he thought it was Osteoarthritis brought on by obesity. Now I admit, I am heavy but the stiffness was in my wrist and fingers also?
I could not make a fist or even snap my fingers, rolling over in bed or pulling up the covers was almost impossible. I needed help getting dressed and could not walk across the grass or uneven ground. Driving was difficult, as starting the car caused such pain. It took several tries, and as many minutes to get out of a chair. I could not even lift a gallon of milk. Getting on the floor was a threat to life! I was tested and considered for Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis among other things. I then talked to my brother that is a big hunter and contracted lymes disease. He described his stiffness and said he got to where he couldnāt hold a pen to sign his name. I said thatās right were I am at. I found a lymes specialist in PA. After having the stiffness respond to antibiotics a few times I was convinced this was it. The doctor did several tests and when the stiffness returned even with antibiotics, he was not convinced. The tests were all negative. I was left hanging with no solution and nothing to try. I CANāT MOVE!!! I AM 98 YEARS OLD. I looked on the internet and thought Aspertain Poisoning sounded like a match. I didnāt drink a lot of diet pop, but I stopped all artifial sweeteners and nothing.

We were rethinking the whole thing, when my husband told me to check into Synthroid. I had been on this medication for 12 years, the numbers were always good, so doctors (and even we) didnāt give it much thought. After checking into it, I decided to try Armour Thyroid, a natural thyroid medication. IT DID THE TRICK..... I have been symptom free for eleven months. It took four years to find it, but Thank the Good God, we did.
Moving once again..... And loving it.....
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