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Date: 01.10.2020
From: Redman

Subject: Arthritis in both feet

Hi I'm new here.
Don't know how detailed a message to put. Briefly I have Osteoarthritis in both feet. I ham under the Pain Management Clinic at my local hospital. I have lived with this since 2008 but have only recently been diagnosed with OA. They are still trying to sort the meds that are right for me.
I am on Amitripyline 10mg x 3 at night,I'm also on Gabapentine 300mg one tab 3 times a day Unfortunately that has not really made that much difference. I was recently in hospital with something unrelated and required morphine 3 times whilst in there and that had no effect on the excruciating pain I gave in my feet . I'm at my wits end as not sleeping because of pain and its worst at night but never goes away.It really kicked off 6 weeks ago with this excruciating pain. In the first 5 days I had a total of 2 hours sleep and since then am lucky to get much sleep at all. I am thoroughly exhausted and desperately in need of 4/5/6 hours continously sleep but pain stops that. Sorry this was meant to be brief but once I got going my fingers would not stop
Anyway,that's me in a nutshell. Thanks to anyone who is that bored as to read this.
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Date: 02.10.2020
From: Lois

Subject: Re: Arthritis in both feet

Hi there, firstly welcome to the forum.

Can I ask have you been tested for Rheumatoid arthritis.
I was wondering has it ever been discussed using a higher dose of gabapentin. I take 2 three times a day. It doesn't take all the pain away but most days the pain is bearable.I can take up to three three times a day. Have a chat with your GP or your Consultant.
I have both OA and RA.
It is hard to get the balance right for us.
The sleepless nights are something most of us suffer with. It is hard to deal with. I read or watch TV. I find I fall asleep eventually. Just laying there makes me stress more.
Hopefully they will sort things out for you soon.
Whenever you need a chat or to shout or vent off come back here. You will never be judged. Its not what we do.
I hope this helps somewhat.
Take care.
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Date: 02.10.2020
From: lucy

Subject: Re: Arthritis in both feet

Hi, Is the pain in your feet or ankles? Have you had an MRI to show what is causing the pain? If not I would ask for one. I have rheumatoid arthritis and my ankles are very painful, I was told it was OA and it wasn't until I had an MRI scan and saw a consultant that I was told it was the RA causing it. He also said you don't get OA in both ankles and from what I have read it is usually the last place you would get it with OA.

I would really be insisting on and MRI scan. x
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