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Date: 24.06.2009
From: JILL n Apples and fings

Subject: Spiritual evenings to come

Ok who ever is interested...Im thinking of planning a Spiritual Night, perhaps as Sunday as its all u know, godly like.... Please have a Candle by your computa....and we can alll chant a Mantra of " Peas Carrots and Soups, eat that daily and u will Jump thru Hoops"..... there dont u feel so much better practicing the Emotional Therapy!! I feel so young, OMG infact after just one day chanting and scoffing Organic bread and fings, I feel ammmmmmmmmmmazzzzzzzzzzzzzing!! can u feel the Positivity in this rooom? ok Im off to learn More mantras, gotta learn 5 a night, all offf by heart, whilst drinking Pineapple juice... oh goooodey goooodey!!! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....Im finally feeeling the love of the EFT!!!! LOLOLOLO
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Date: 24.06.2009
From: Jill and cider vinegar

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come Plus SPROUTS+

U Must have a Sprout sitting beside the candle, or it wont work, silly me forgetting to tell u that important part, remember incase u dont know, that u have 2 drink a Pint sized glass of Organic Celery juice boiled with Organic Cabbabe and REd Organic Onions!!....If u want to know more cheCK out my website ORGANIC APPLES, PEAS, CARROTS AND SPIRITUAL CHANTS ON A SUNDAY @ imfick!!
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Date: 24.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

you are a moron.
hope your toxic meds help you prolong your life?
this demonstration of inbred thinking truly shows how close minded you are.
such a shame you decide to mock the things that would help your cause.
such a shame and a waste of life.
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Date: 24.06.2009
From: Jill the saint

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

ok mr big shot...I will try and be pleasant... seeing as u try and act like Jesus... whats so special about U,? R.A. ?assuming u have the correct diagnosis and the meds u were ever offered? b4 trying this hloistic approach to your sad boring organic life? and by the way, its been proved that Organic is not nessesarily best!! just expensive!
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Date: 24.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Organic is not nessesarily best!! just expensive! lol thats just so
i hope you dont still drink wine three days a week?
thats so bad for you!!!
anyway enough about my sad boring organic life! what about yours?
what about you feeling so useless because your poor husband has to do everything for the kids ? what about him being a good un?
what about the enbrel and mtx?
what about the spine ops?
what about you liking a glass of wine 3 or 4 nights a week?
what about you asking if its doing you any harm and stating that you couldnt be bothered to do the search yourself?
your words!!!
your life is played out on here jill for all to see?
i however am a much more private person and prefer not to do my washing in public!
it dont look like a bowl of cherries for you but i wouldnt make the assumption that you or your life are sad in any way , no matter how desperatly sad and soul destroying it your situation may seem.
unfortunatly from your posts and your replies to me i can see exactly the sort of person you are but live and let lie eh?
please allow the people who want to engage me in debate to do so and lets not let our petty squabbling and your lack of insight ruin the chances of someone actually benefitting from the wisdom shown on this forum.
love and light.
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Date: 24.06.2009
From: Jill The BrickSlayer!

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

LOLOL... u r sad... thought u might have a s.o.H... However sad little man that u r, researching all the Crap ive put on here, do U think I remember all that bullshite I wrote,? LOL it changes from week to week, wot bothers me today, wont bother me tomoz, what pain i have today, wont bother me tomorrow, so your efforts of researching me(OMG U must be a STALKER " ! LOL) isnt important enufff...I sooooooo couldnt be botherd to even read back copies of your past.... yep think u r liking me a little, if not a lot (Wink) LOLOL also I wlnt interfere with your crusade... ive now got oh so bored with u WaynO... like others will... but hey each to their own... U leave me alone, and ¦I will leave u!! Deal or No Deal Mr Organic Bricklayer
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Date: 24.06.2009
From: Jill BrickSlayer

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

BTW Big shot.... I dont give a shite when i take my meds, dont even think about it, My partner is a good guy, how lucky am i, but of course he knows that also...and the part u r refering to about my fella helping with my kids, thats whne ive has operations, and feel jaded, but hey,Good women feel like that, we like to be dependant, can see U dont like strong Minded women that talk u down!...anyway Ive said my bit to u... U havnt really got much at all, and U obviously keep your private life shut cos U know we wld be BORED STIFF hearing about it.... anyway, remember this, what Ive mentioned on here is voluntary, its not that private the stuff ive talked about, if it was, I wouldnt discusss anything of True importance on here...U r Daft!....Bye Organic Brick Layer
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Date: 24.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

your brilliant!
quote "do U think I remember all that bullshite I wrote,? " awwww thats so funny.
also liked the " U leave me alone, and I will leave u!! Deal or No Deal Mr Organic bricklayer"
and then you go and have another pop at me before i even get a chance to kiss and make up?
i would like to make one serious observation though jill and i honestly and sincerely mean this.
you say in the above piece that what bothers you one day dont bother you tomorrow?
i too have come to realise this and it lead me to thinking that hey yeah sure im ill but how can one part ache like hell and then be ok?
now listen guys because this has been very important for me.
i realised pretty quickly when i had come to terms with the shock of having ra that not all my body is broken.
some of it is deformed yes but its not broken!
so how can it be ok one day and not the next?
my observation lead me to a profound point......if im ok one day why cant i be ok all the time?
i have found that through having acceptance of my problem and using eft to break down my barriers,ive begun to take control of my problems.
i eat a rigid diet and never ever faulter,i dont drink alcohol and i dont fill my head with silly thoughts of fornicating with random women and the like.
eft has purged my mind of so much rubbish and stress.
the key to a better future for us all really is stress relief ,being happy with yourself and living the life that you want to lead.
you have to sort out your core values and define what makes you happy, go for it! change your lives because no ones gonna go and do it for you.
you really do need to make these bold changes because i can tell you now that this condition is brought about by stress,anger,poor nutrition and poor enviroment.
i have overcome so much of my ra by doing the things set out above and more.
i was bed ridden for months but now im doing so much better.
you need vitamin d in your lives too and i would advise you to get out of the country from october to march,get off to the sun.
i hear you cry i cant afford it,can you afford not to?
we need a serious change of thinking here people!
i cant begin to tell you all i have learnt in this small space but if you would like to know more id be happy to help.
one last thing i will say to you is that ,one day all ilness will be treated in this way via the mind.
i guarantee it!
the mind is an amaing thing but can become so weak when left to stagnate, how can this weakness be there and not show up in your body?
love and light.
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Date: 25.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come xx
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hello Wayno,
I am 53 and to my surprise and shock started with RA in Feb last year, by Dec I was diagnosed and am now on sulfasalizine.
I have been reading about EFT after your prompt, and also have read your posts on lifestyle and thought patterns etc.
I live in the country and am in a beautiful enviroment.
I did work until I got unwell with RA, I suppose that could cause stress although I wasn't aware of any at the time.
Anger now yes I can relate to that,and dont like myself a lot for it.As I have got older I seem to be less tolerable,all my friends are the same mind just the GOW stage (Grumpy Old women lol).
Over the years I have had tons of counselling for this and that and I thought I had layed my demons to rest.
I have always tried to be a positive person,and listen to peoples advice and have tried all sorts of alternative therapies.
So although I understand what you are saying, I ask myself why do I deserve this then?
Any thoughts on anything I may have overlooked.
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

i find the the fact that you have grown to be a grumpy old woman interesting?
also the councelling thing is have obviously had issues in the past that have come to light and have needed attention but you have sought help from other people for this?
seeking help is a good thing but is very often reliant on that person being there to continue support, as time goes by the issues have been dealt with because you saw a counsellor right?
sure it helps to talk but have you ever tried meditation and facing up to these problems on your own and truly deeply evaluating issues new and very very old?
it never ceases to amaze me how old old issues that are dead and forgotten about still affect us subconciously after decades of apparently being forgotten about and put to rest.
you seem like an open individual and someone who would benefit from eft greatly.
ill post a link so you and others can recieve all the info you need for free.
eft will teach you patience again ,modern life is the biggest rub of all and is why we get grumpy old women
why cant things be like they used to be? why cant i be younger looking? why is my body doing these things,it never used to?
why do the kids listen to this racket?
not bloody football again!
some of these probably dont affect you as you seem to live a very simple and nourishing existance but as i say you gotta get that diet right.
it amazes me when people say ill eat what i want or well it never did me any harm and all that nonsense?
most of these people saying this stuff are obese, diabetic have early heart disese and all sorts of other conditions but hey it never did me any harm!
people are dropping like flies but no one ever died from eating chips?
as a people we didnt have early death from heart disese before the start of the last century!
just about the time we started messing with all these lovely processed foods that we now "enjoy"
isnt that a paradox,,,,,nah.....its just another vile rant by wayno as he rails against the establishment on our forum and affends us all by his rude and unthinking remarks.
i love the fact that you have got yourself into a beautiful place in the country that you enjoy, good for you!!
but do you have things in your life that your not happy about?
have a think about it.
what are your core values and what do you see as being your future? are you happy with that future or do you need to set goals in life or change the path that you thought was all set out for you?
because your path is set out isnt it?
are you really happy with that?hmmmmm?
just because you you can see the end of your time coming dont mean there are no new begginings for your.
your amazing when you put your mind to it! yes even now at your age? funny how people forget that.
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

WAyno I HAVE NOT READ THIS WHAT i ASSUME IS AN ATTACK..... i said nowt and said we r ok, the night b4 last, was barely on here yest... so what r u harping on about! what r u on???? Y r U attacking me yet again ????? I told u the night b4 last all was ok, that that u were reading the messages out sequence?/ what is wrong with u, I cant be bothered with this nasty negatitvity from u, U wernt on yest, and soon as U do u attack again, from something I wrote days ago...and u read out of sequence.... Get your facts sorted....but I gave u a chance the other night to clam things u will c in a post i sent... and from what i told others on here.... u r wanting an argument.....dont talk to me PLEASE!! end of convo....
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi jill dont stay away because of others dont let the negative in stay happy and positive we have good place here read posts u want to ignor what u dont but stay we need u :-)pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeessseeeeeeeeee
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Oh VAL SWEETIE, i WONT BE STAYING AWAY, oops caps soz, Im here to stay, just sad to see wzyno is still attacking me...thiought we called a confused...oh well...some people cant accept they NEEd help too... take care val x della thanks for your reply, glad ur resting x PS val...thats my point, I can give to others, becos I am happy, I have an amazing strong sense of humour, as ya know...x
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

im sorry jill but you seem to have this all wrong?
the reply is to angelas question and nothing to do with you?
guess you should of read the article, eh?
sorry for the misunderstanding?
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

we need one thats 4 sure or would sit around feeling sorry 4 our selves and getting angree with others .life is 4 living the more u give the more u get back (glad u stopped shouting hurts my ears lol)
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Ok apologies wayno, I did assume it was for me....
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

going out byeeeeeeeeee
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hiya again Wayne,
GOW yes I gave myself that label after being told by my close family that I say insenstive things these days without thinking to much before hand,I think I just say what I feel and I do lack patience now.In my younger years I would have probably gone about saying things in a more delicate manner I guess and that what my family got used to.
Looking back at the counselling I had on and off for different problems over the years it only opened me up to face and decide which route I wanted to take regarding these issues, and I am confident I dealt well with everything. I only ever used counselling to move forward not wallow in my own self pity if you know what I mean.
May be you have a point about the subconcious, I will give it some thought.
I do meditate in fact I have my own little space ,my family take the pee but who cares.
Are you sure you are not physic?? you have just described the GOW in me to a T lol.
My diet I have always been a stickler about, to the point of my daughters as youngsters taking wholemeal sandwiches to school for lunch and return with white bread crusts in their boxes, I used to ask them why would that be had they swapped lunches at scholl and they would say NO WAY no one wanted mine lol.
My hubby and I have our own allottment and have all fresh veg and also eggs and table birds all as organic as can be. See I dont think you rant, I could be worse than you with my
My biggest crime was liking a drink, I was a bit of a party animal in my younger days, and when I drank I wouldalways have a smoke again the next day I hated myself for it.
I did pay for that two years ago when I got my cholesterol checked and it was 7.4. All that stopped and I got it down to 5.
Another little sore point is it is now up again to 7.4. have no clue why, only I have stopped my intake of sugars, as I do bake all natural mind but I need to see if thats the cause.
My core values are health,inner contentment, and strong loving bond with children and grandchildren oh and hubby lol.I honestly have everything I could ever want.
I am not happy about being a GOW, sometimes I am not happy because I cant help my kids out more financially when they want something,( note I say want not need)to todays standards both girls have good lives and are good people.
Hey cheeky lol I dont see the end of my time coming I am the baby of the older generation thats all.No I know what you mean, indeed thats why I decided to go back to work last year full time to have another stab at my abilities. I was quite chuffed with myself to strangely though this condition started a few days before I started my new venture, and it was such a contrast to the probably more earthly lifestyle I had been having. I was concentrating soley on money making (so that I could treat my girls lol)and many times I did think this is not what I should be doing, and my body just kept reminding me, first my wrist then my shoulder affecting my writing which interfered with work, then my mobilty strange hey???
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi angela u sound a very nice sencible ladie to me when i was younger i would let others influence me but as u get older u realise your opinion counts and when u know u r right u dont let other push u around i always take others in to consideration but i dont always put them ahead of my self as i once would have is that wrong love your self if u want others to love u respect your self if u want others to respect u we r all equals so stay as u r u sound great to me (sorry about spelling not my best subject)
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

i enjoyed reading that thanks angela,
you do indeed seem to be a very sorted lady.
sorry about taking you for being older than your
i do find your diet interesting though and i love the fact that you grow your own food !!
i doubt you would follow a diet like i do as its pretty extreme to most but i would strongly advise to give up the fags and booze for a start.
the bread really needs to go all together as does the sugar im afraid.
processed sugar is a di saccharide and is very difficult for the body to process whereas natural sugars are not.
when we eat fruit there are all sorts of other enzyms and nutrient in the fruit that help the body process the natural sugar, whe we eat processed sugars there are not so the body has to find these things from the natural stores in our body and takes them from our bones and skin.
sugar is very damaging and not only leads to arthritis but accelerates its progression.
im a bit pushed for time as ive been on here all morning and im getting grumbles of dissent from my staff but ill be back later and will try to come to your other points..
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come
if you go to this link and subscribe you will recieve all the info and acess to the site free,you will also be sent weekly email updates and case historys.
this is for free!!!! lol
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

ok ok...told u I was being a good gal , ive actually subscribed to the above LOL... u must have gotten inside my head somewwhere Wayno lol. mindu, I like freee things 2..
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

brilliant jill i hope you get something from it.
nice one. xx
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Thanks for your reply once again Wayne,
I should have mentioned I gave up drink and cigs 2 years ago.
I am aware of processed sugars, and do use honey in cookery. Yes we have 3 bee hives to lol.
You talk about natural sugars, I have read that to much natural sugar from fruit can also have a damning affect on cholesterol, also blackcurrants are bad for RA. I have had to cut down a lot of all the delicious currants and berries we have at the moment.
Bread yep I know, thats quite easy in summer, in winter it is more tempting.
Thanks for the link, I have it all, and have printed a chart for my own space, more for the kids to take the pee, but hey water off a ducks back lol.
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hello Val nice to hear from you, Thanks for your complimants, I agree you need to love yourself and it will have a knock on affect.It must be the old hormones playing me up when the old GOW comes in lol.
Dont worry about the spelling its my worsed subject, soyou are not the only one.
Take Care
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi angela.
this one may take some time as there seems to be no current clear thinking on the positive or negative effects of eating too much fruit,
however everything in moderation!
i personally eat around ten pieces of fruit a day but we must not forget that not all fruits are high in fructose , the natural sugar.
Fructose is "natural" only when found in fresh fruits that contain all the enzymes, vitamins, and minerals to effectively assimilate it as a rich nutrient for human consumption.its About 20 times sweeter than table sugar.
this should in no way be confused with the fructose in high fructose corn syrup that is put in things like fizzy drinks,
this is processed and is full of mercury!!! crazy but true and legal! lol
citrus fruits such as grapefruit,oranges ans so on are low in fructose so are berries and plums and more.
grapefruit can actually decrease blood lipid levels and Red grapefruit is very effective in lowering triglycerides, the cholesterol often associated with heart problems.
lets not forget that there are good and bad cholesterols and its the combination of factors that make ldl cholesterol such a damaging a pre cursor to heart disease.
ldl is so bad because of the way it sticks to your arteries but eating pineapple is a great way to free the plaques that clog arteries,fact!
so do we stop eating fruit ?
no , fruit contains many more beneficial properties than bad! the only thing that is ever siezed upon is the bad ie fructose.
fruit maintains the body in so many ways and we are only just discovering the phyto chemicals that help protect us, this really is new science.
Berries may fight cancer and heart disease by increasing levels of flavonoids in the blood.
Flavonoids are found in certain fruits and vegetables and are thought to fight the cell damaging effects of oxidation. Eating berries such as cranberries, blueberries, bilberries and black currants can lead to a higher level of a flavonoid called quercetin in the blood.
Quercetin is a potent dietary antioxidant that may protect against cardiovascular disease and possibly cancer.
antioxidant compounds found in blueberries,cherries, strawberries and blackberries may fight arterial disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol.
Because the oxidation of LDL is an important step in the development of heart disease, it suggest that the phenolic compounds found in berries may have a potential benefit.
blackberries have the most antioxidant activity and cherries are also good with strawberries being the least potent.
well to summarise ...fruit is good for you and should not be avoided because of the fructose content, you can have too much of anything so dont go eating pounds and pounds a
the problems arise with ldl and bad diet.
for instance you could go to your doctor and he might say your cholesterol was up therefore your arteries could be blocked and it wouldnt be a good idea to switch to a high fruit diet,might as well stay on the chips.
if we get our cholesterol to a good level fruit wont harm you as long as your sensible.
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

I am a Fruitaholic,,, I eat at leat 8 peices of fruit aday... Wayne r u an Ologist of sorts lol... your knowledge is incredible I must say... well done u 4 studying this subject... Mind u, it confuses me... but I do tend to agree with what u said there..
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Date: 26.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

thankyou for you kind words.
im just interested in everything and want to learn about everything whatever it is.
i have lots of time now im not trying to drink myself to death and as a result ive increased my brain power by some factor.
ive always like to think that i can go anywhere and talk to anyone on any level about anything and at least appear
in the last year ive also learnt french and spanish to the point of being fluent and i often listen to the radio in a foreign language to help with this.
im not a ologist of any sort but did manage a few o
ive tried to simplify the above science as ive researched the disease and nutrition to the sub atomic level and have learnt so much about the body,dna,rna,epigenetics and a little nano fluidics for good measure.
bet you didnt know that your genes are not a set in stone
they are altered all the time by allsorts of things like mood,enviroment,nutrition, stress and basically all the things ive been babbling on
this is the stuff that makes you who you are so why not use the tools at our disposal to manipulate our own genes to be what we want to be?
now thats forward thinking!!!!!!!!
go and have a look for yourselves guys the knowledge there inside this box your staring at! lol
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Date: 27.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hiya Wayno,
Thanks for your information yet once again.
I am so glad you came onto the forum.
Reading that you have researched this disease really uplifts me.
Usually thats my first port of call but I have felt so frustrated just trying to understand this inconsistant condition,I have got no where. Now I can move forward with confidence thanks to your good effort and knowledge.
The fact that you do look at alternative methods is another plus for me, not that I bare any judgement on chemical products cor when I was really bad I would have taken anything, but now while I feel it is under some control I want to delve into other areas.
I know everything in Moderation,I am a bit of a miss piggy especially with all the berries out at the moment, I can pick a punnet and have it eaten in no time, one little dilemma of growing your own, mind I can freeze and preserve,no excuses.
I know about the hdl, ldl and triglycerides from when my cholesterol went high before,I made it my business to find out. My tri's were high then. My hdl this time is 1.9 so the ratio is not at danger level yet. I am going to take the honey out of my diet now instead of the berries which I was planning, and see if that makes a difference.
Red Grapefruit and pineapple will be on the menu at least until my next cholesterol check so lets see.
Ehh I feel like I have had an hours consultation with a nutritionist well done you!
Thanks again
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Date: 27.06.2009
From: Blogger

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come


Whats your heart rate and Blood pressure?

both good indicators of your body health

mine 72bpm at rest 80/120 pressure

Only take heart rate to 140 in bed :-)
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Date: 27.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi blog
its broadly the same assuming that you mean 120/80 and not 80/120? prob about 115/75 now but was around 130/85 when i was drinking alcohol.
resting heart rate may be a little lower at 65 ish but can get it lower when meditating.
were you just curious blog or was there a point?
i added the info for the benefit of the forum anyway?
what does the missus say when you stop to check your bp?lol
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Date: 27.06.2009
From: Blogger

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Trying to relate the conditions of people posting with their general body fitness and see if their is a link.

B.P. as you say higher first 120/80 I do still drink alcohol in moderation but keep my cardiovascular system healthy cycling.

Wear a heart monitor no need to stop till you have had enuf as Michael would say :-)*
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Date: 27.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

good point.
im still quite young and would like to think relatively fit?
i was in great shape before this and apart from the drinking always eat well but to a high protein diet for muscle building.
the drinking was my major down fall as it leads to all the pizzas and such like whilst out caning the drink.
id eat like a king for 5 days and then knock myself to bits at the weekend?
ive come to terms with being a skinny bloke now and at least most people have stopped thinking ive got cancer but i do hope to get some muscle back one day.
theres still quite a bit of good stuff left on me and i stand 6'4 so its not all
gotta get moving !!!!! pump the body!!!!!!!!!!!
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Date: 27.06.2009
From: Blogger

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

High Protein Diet could be the problem also

I have heard several people have had problems with a diet like that
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Date: 27.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

yeah but like i say it was all wear and tear back then.
hard drinking , really hard working and training like mad on the big weights but i was untouchable or so i thought/hoped.
i dont touch the protein anymore but have read some encouraging articles that good quality whey protein may help? i may revisit that part of my diet as its a great source of amino acids that you just cant get in food.
only drawback for me as far as i can see is that its "processed" and contains msg.
i dont know? maybe im just after that boost again and should stay away alternativly it may be beneficial and help my recovery.
i guess more research is needed.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi angela
well thankyou ,im flattered !!
it gives me the greatest pleasure to hear that you find the info a help.
i think your on the right track with giving the honey the elbow.
honey is pure sugar,only difference is its been partially digested by the
you must of seen the chrystals around the top of the jar when left out?
the poor old honey bear is the only animal in nature that suffers from tooth decay,true! lol
berries are so good for you they contain so many beneficial nutrients and im sure you have heard the term "super foods" well most of them are berries or green leafy things.
do you use the natural bio yoghurts?
With bio yoghurts the bacteria used in the production process are not killed by the acid in our stomachs. The bacteria avoid being digested themselves and stick to your gut wall and they help digestion and assimilation of food. They also boost your immune system by reducing the amount of bad bacteria in your gut, which your immune system normally has to kill to protect you.
so you get more bang for your buck nutritionally and lets not forget digestion is just another job for your body so reducing stress and incresing efficiency has to be a no brainer.
have you ever tried apple cider vinegar?
it contains vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin, A, vitamin P, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6. ACV also a lot of beneficial minerals like manganese, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulpher, copper, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine and fluorine.phew!!!it also provides enzymes, amino acids, aldehydes, potash, alcoholic acids, propionic acid, and apple pectin. Apple pectin is a dietary fiber essential for a healthy diet. more than ninety substances !!
is it also said because of its acidity it keeps our stomach acids at a beneficial neutral level and also helps clear calcium deposits on our joints!!! now thats gotta be essential for people like us!
i know i use it to great effect but only use it lightly now as it was making my eyes sting and all sorts!!!! it certainly gets around all the parts and i can quite see it getting to the bones where these deposits may lie.
im off its bed time for
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hiya Wayne,
You are welcome, credit when credit due.
I know about honey but I do believe that it has great healing properties, and am only taking it out temporary to see if it lowers the cholesterol, then I will have it again in my diet.
Yes berries are classed as superfoods,I think because I am dealing with two conditions, I am getting myself into a bit of a tizzy, finding what I should eat with RA, then the same with cholesterol,and I am getting myself mixed up.
Bio Yoghurts yes I have used them,especially when I was put on antibiotics 3 times this year.
I am staying away from dairy as well till my next check though, and using soya milk and advocado instead of butter.
Talking about the gut and bacteria I have read that there may be a connection to RA and the helicobacterpylori(cant spell it)bacteria which can give people ulcers as well. Have you heard about that?
I have cider vinegar as a salad dressings,usually daily while my salad leaves are out. I remember years ago taking it with honey for some ailment cant remember what now. I try so many lol.
I do find I am prone to mouth ulcersif I have to much though and sometimes have to cut it out for a day or two.
Another little tip which might save your pocket, I noticed on one of your posts that you buy water. Have you thought of just boiling what you already pay for anyway, and place it in a glass jug in the fridge? It is just as safe I believe anyway,any chemicals will drop to the bottom of the jug and you just throw that away. I think its a con this bottled water plus its in "plastic bottles" mind thats very hard to avoid if you tend to carry water about with you I know, still thats only my view everyone to their own.
Well thats it I had better get moving, keep up the good work, all advice
Make it a good day.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hey angela
its great to hear that your taking control and looking into all aspects of your health and diet.
something ive found whilst looking at my own diet is that you can try and do too much.
i became obsessed with what to eat and what not to eat to the point where even i think it was getting a bit silly.
id got myself into quite a state about the things i should be avoiding and forgot to concerntrate on the good wholesome things i did actually enjoy.
this can also be quite a stressful experience and therefore something to be avoided.
i only bring attention to this for other peoples benefit who may be reading as im sure that your attacking your diet in a balanced way anyway.
metabolic typing is an interesting subject that you may want to give some thought to as whats good for one person isnt always good for another person of a different metabolic type.
you can be of a high protein, high carb or a mixture of both as a metabolic type and if you can work out which you are(which isnt straightforward) then eating the foods for your metabolic type that actually suit your body is a much better way to look at your diet.
there is a lot of confusion of what to eat if we have these conditions but there is no blanket coverall diet and nor should there be! what works for one person wont work for another and that can be due to metabolic typing.
i would also suggest that chewing your food properly is another great way to maximise to nutrients that come from our food.
there is evidence that every mouthfull of food should be chewed at least 12 times per mouthfull and surprisingly enough is called the twelve chews method.
think about it ,it makes sense to chew your food and get the enzyms in your saliva into that food to aid digestion, its one of the reasons their there.
ims ure there are other points in you post ive missed and may well come back to later but im a bit busy today and have to go make a big beautiful sunday dinner full af
to finish i gotta add that tap water is very damaging indeed.
it is packed full of flouride which is actually derived from mercury and contains mercury.
now i dont have a problem with tap water actually concerning bugs and nasties that can be eradicated by boiling water infact the filtration system that filters our water is based on these enzyms and bugs actually cleaning our water in the first place as im sure you know.
as you live in the country and probably in an oder house with copper plumbing you may also be interested to find that copper actually protects us from many bugs! the incidence of superbugs in new hospitals is partly due to the copper piping being ripped out for the cheaper plastic alternative.
i would urge you to get a water filter at the very least as there very inexpensive these days but an inline reverse osmosis unit would also be a good addition to your plumbing.
these types of filter remove agents and heavy metals that cant be eradicated by boiling such as
hormones like oestrogen that are present due to the moedern day contaceptive pll.
just dont drink it guys its very damaging and i could be here all dat writing a book but ill save you the trauma of that, unless someone requests
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Jill is off out to re invest in a new water filter system.. thanks for that info wayno ..ohhh u say yoyr 6ft 4, Y didnt u say so in the begin ing LOLO,. x
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

My metabolic rate is diabolical! had most of my Thyroid removed, so prone to bloods showing Underacitivy... Not on Throxine thang God, my throid does labour, but im often just borderline of Underavtivity, GP wont do a thing about it... sometimes I do feel sluggish, but I put that doen to fatigue of Reiters etc... Wayno do u know anything about the Thyroid? and also fact ive had Most removed(regrowth happening tho) lots biopsies as one test came back as cancerous, sent to London, turns out the local hospital contaminated my Biopsy(GRRRRR) worry etc... anyway rambling here, If I dont exercise, along with most thyroid removed, I gain weight, so I calorie count...
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

yeah i did say i was 6'4 in an earlier post?u must of missed
i assume you have an underactive thyroid problem as opposed to an overactive thyroid?
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

sorry jill just been rereading your post as i think i was a bit distracted and confused by your array of conditions!! wow you have been in the wars!!!
sorry to hear you have so many problems,are you diabetic?or have you been checked out for that?
so you have had an underactive thyroid if im right, maybe a multi nodular goitre? or more likely just because of you immune system?
im not sure if i can give you any answers regarding your condition as you should be listening to a doctor and not a
but if you have had some of your thyroid removed and your t3/t4 levels tested then your doc should be putting you on thyroxine if your not producing enough these hormones.
have you heard bad things about thyroxine?
out of my depth now but i wouldnt of thought there would be a problem with supplimenting a hormone like for like if you simply were not producing enough?
gotta get the level bang on though or you will suffer from overactive thyroid symptoms.
as for diet i can only say that the diet i talk about in my post is the one to help all conditions and as such i couldnt draw you to one thing in particular to focus on.
a whole foods diet and daily variety in that diet is one of the keys, oh and drinking water.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

just need to add, you bloody women and your hormones!!!! lol
but seriously now emotional stress can lead to all sort of hormonal responses so maybe you should look at the physical and emotional stresses that you have been under, including accepting the conditions you have and using things like meditation to help you be more relaxed about these issues.
its a long road but so is illness.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Very tru... Yep had Goitre on thyroid, size of an egg, pusing on my windpipe, removed in 94..Doc keeps good check on me, blood test every 6 months, seems ok...he is happy that is isnt Underactive, as such, but they have a window, and sometimes I jsut reach the top.. then it drops again to a good level... guess Ive been lucky.. all the things that ive has wrong with me Wayno..i.e. thyroid removal, carpal tunnel Ops(both hands ) in 87, knees and spine ops, and hips, bursa removal last year etc... and also has Acromegaly in 89(dissapeared) feet and hands grew(brought on by MASSSSive Stress) was told, Invloved a Loved one.... anyway apart from the acremegaly, the rest I was told was due to Arthritis etc.// thyroid included...What a friggging joke eh...
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hi Wayne, Metabolic typing sounds an interesting topic must look that up.
You talk about tap water and flouride, I always thought "all" water has natural flouride?
The one I guess you are refering to is silicoflouride which is put into water in some areas, this is artificial and very toxic.
I orignate from up North were I know that toxic stuff was added to the water you can taste it, but here in Norfolk where I have lived for many years the water authorities do not add it.
Our water comes from underground springs as well. Its the farmers chemicals that pollutes ours,hence the boiling water.
I have tried filters before and had an osmosis system when we lived abroad but I found they had a funny taste.That was a long time ago though maybe they have advanced now.I am not convinced yet that I need one though to be honest, our water is very hard also.
Right going to look up this metabolic typing now.
Hope your dinner came out good, fresh lightly steamed veges I hope keep that delicious flavour in, or raw even better. lol
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: J

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Have I missed summat? whats metabolic Typimg?
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

i once had a bursa years before my ra and wonder if it was a sign of things to come?
it was very painfull at the time and i often wonder if i was advised then that there may be a connection to this condition? cant remember?
but back to you ,you do seem to of suffered from a lot of high stress conditions both physical with your carpal tunnel and mentally with your acromegoly.
although mentally is probably a little vague a description for acromelogy because it can be caused by all sorts of things like growths on the pituitary gland but can be casuse by very great streeses.
yet again we have an hormonal response to your surroundings or situation causing a stree related problem?
keep telling you guys you gotta get these stresses out of your lives.
its interesting too that goitre and acromelogy are both caused by activity of the pituitary gland.
also these conditions are more normally attributed to women who do tend to worry more, that said child birth dont do you any favours hormonally.
arthritis and thyroid are both auto immune diseases though?
as always i feel diet and meditation with plenty of eft would help you loads.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Emma

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hello Wayno
I noticed the discussion on water filters/tap water etc. Reverse osmosis filters are vey costly to install and in fact waste huge amounts of water, about 5% of the water that passes through the filter is used, the other 95% or so ends up going into the sewage system. Though they are very efficient at removing impurities. They also need regular disinfection to prevent unacceptable levels of microbial growth. Most domestic filters are good for removing chlorine and organic material, but actually remove very little of the heavy metals and none of the fluoride, microbes, sodium or nitrates.
Floride is a reduction of fluorine, which is a halogen element(non metal) whereas mercury is a transitional element(metal) Fluoride is not derived from mercury, they are seperate, naturally occuring elements.
Superbugs such as MRSA and C.diff can be waterborne, but their spread is mainly through airborne comtamination. They do not contaminate the water supply. They are found on dirty taps, sinks etc, but not in the actual water supply.

I agree that fluoridation of our water is not necessary, but it has yet to be proven to cause long term health problems and research seems to indicate, in test animals, that higher levels of flouride are required to be, for instance, carcinogenic.

I think it is unwise to state that our drinking water is damaging/unsafe. The treatment of public water supplies has prevented the untimely deaths of countless millions from grisely waterborne diseases. I think that we are fortunate to have access to this vital resource.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi emma
im pleased that you agree that flouridation of our water is not neccesary.
there are studies going back to the fifties that have continually found evidence that flouridation causes cancers .
the chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute in the usa Dr. Dean Burk stated before Congress:
"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical."
studies in america found that from the 1970s to the 1980s bone cancer for males under 20 had increased by 70 percent in the fluoridated areas, but had decreased by 4 percent in the non-fluoridated areas.
id also like to hear your theories on chlorine and dpb's such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids?
i do believe tap water to be a good thing in that it has saved millions of lives with improved sanitation and so on but i dont believe it to be safe to drink.
fluoride is NOT an essential nutrient and nor do we need it in our lives?! it prematurely ages your body.
researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%.
i think its unwise to state that drinking water is safe to drink!
i suppose it depends on if you want to take the risk?
your right in what you say about ro filters no doubt about it but should i really worry about the efficiency of the unit or the cost when im thinking about my health?
sorry if that sounds selfish and wasteful but its called self
sure filters need maintenance too but would that really sway your descision on buying a unit?
as for water filters not removing flouride thats incorrect as there are filters on the market that will remove at least 95% of flouride regardless of the quality of the water and heres a list of the other impurities modern filters can remove.
Aluminium 97%
Ammonium 85 - 90%
Bacteria 95%+
Bicarbonate 91-95%
Bromide 88-92%
Cadmium 93-96%
Calcium 93-96%
Copper 94-97%
Chlorine 95%+
Chloride 88-92%
Chromate 85-90%
Cyanide 85-90%
Endrin 95%+
Fluoride 95%+
Glucose 95%+
Iron 94-97%
Lead 95%
Lindane 95%+
Magnesium 93-96%
Mercury 94-97%
Methoxychlor 95%+
Nickel 94-97%
Nitrate 50-90%
Phenol 95%+
Phospate 97%+
Potassium 82-88%
Protein 95%+
Pyrogens 95%+
Silicate 88-93%
Silver 88-92%
Sodium 88-92%
Sucrose 95%+
Sulphate 93-96
Strontium 93-96%
THMs 95%+
Toxaphene 95%+
Urea 95%+
Virus 95%+
Zinc 94-97%
still dont want one?
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi sure every one else better educated than me but faced with that long list was just to much information at one go. think i better go back to jannet and john books. get your point but take pitty on us illiterate poor people (only kidding but did have to wait till had time to read it)
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi sure every one else better educated than me but faced with that long list was just to much information at one go. think i better go back to jannet and john books. get your point but take pitty on us illiterate poor people (only kidding but did have to wait till had time to read it)
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi sure every one else better educated than me but faced with that long list was just to much information at one go. think i better go back to jannet and john books. get your point but take pitty on us illiterate poor people (only kidding but did have to wait till had time to read it)
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Della

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

omg im sorry if im talking out of line but this is my opinion i think things are getting a bit too deep in here now. god wayno do u eat or drink anything? we all have to die and yes i agree with eating healthy although i havent been a good candidate up till now but trying hard and i do get your point but i think that list and a few other of your posts are taking it a bit to far what a sad existance we would have if we were scared to eat or drink anything even tap water?do u own a mobile? im sure like most of us u do they say mobiles are bad and can cause cancer, do u drive a car ? cars are polluting our air bu t we still breath in the air just think its a bit OTT sorry.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

thats your view della and im afraid its also the view of the sickly masses.
if you want to keep propagating illness then its up to you,but heres the thing.......its your choice.
you make you what you are, no one else.
yeah you were born with certain genes and so on but you choose how these genes operate.
its in the things you do, the diet that you eat and the stresses that you put your mind and body under that shape your body to what it is today and will become tomorrow
yeah we all have to die and if you choose to exit quickly then fine but im hanging around for a little bit longer yet.
i am saddened that you decide to ignore my well meaning input but its just easier that way isnt it.
as for taking it a bit too far then no not really as i can never take the issue of me living a full healthy disease free life too far.
id be really surprised if you didnt want the same?
as for a mobile ... yes i do own one but prefer to switch it off most of the time because if i dont it keeps ringing!!!!
well im not about to let such things stress my life, it can wait.....ill be intouch and itll still get done but on my terms.
nothing can be so important that im needed immediatly?
stress free is the only way to be!!!!!!!!!!!!
the problem that you have is that you dont think you could live without those little emotional crutches that you have like chocolate and cake or whatever it may be.
its really quite silly because its killing you but you wont be able to see it from my point of view.
its only bread!
i eat like a king!!! its been the best thing i ever did by a mile, i love the food i eat and now and have to get involved in its preperation and cooking instead of pulling out of a packet or irradiating it in a microwave , of all things?
cars are polluting but im here to save me not the planet? i use them yes but i can only make descisions that affect my life and me walking to work wont have the slightest effect on the quality of the air i currently breath.
and god forbid things should get deep in here , eh!!
we might have to think for ourselves instead of following like sheep and it might involve a little effort. oh no no no no!!!!!
il choose the path of illness and early death
how silly?
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Emma

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hello Wayno
Please give the details of the domestic water filters makes that can do everything you say, I'm intrigued.
Sure you can buy water distillers, but that's not what you have been talking about, is it?
We could all cite endless research to argue our points. But at the end of the day if tap water is so toxic we should all be dead or suffering the consequences of it's toxicity! It is interesting that in one post to Angela you list many of the properties of apple cider vinegar as beneficial, yet you have just listed many of those same properties as impurities that need to be removed from tap water via filtration - very contradictory!

I read in one of your earlier posts 'I don't touch protein anymore' How exactly do you survive? - protein is essential in all our diets, a fact that cannot be disputed.

I will read your future posts with great interest and equally with great wariness.
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Date: 28.06.2009
From: Della

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Wayno as for you saying to me
"the problem that you have is that you dont think you could live without those little emotional crutches that you have like chocolate and cake or whatever it may be".
You no nothing about me or my life as it happens i am very happy with my life i have been married for 18 years i have 3 beautiful children so please dont speak to me as if my life is crap because its not.And as far as living life stress free how nice that would be u r very lucky if u do .
Maybe we dont all want to hear how u live your life i for one am fedup with hearing about what u have to say i read all the posts on here and it doesn't matter what anyone says or their opinion u hardly ever agree and nearly always shoot them down. i came to this forum about 6 weeks ago and have found some lovely people to talk to and yes, moan too and also to have a laugh with, god its so damm serious in here now and to be honest i dont think i will bother saying much or bother to come on here as its just not the same. and as far as following like sheep i dont think u will b happy until we all follow u like sheep i wish u would go preach somewhere eles.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi em
just to quote
"But at the end of the day if tap water is so toxic we should all be dead or suffering the consequences of it's toxicity!"
where all in here in here talking about sickness and we dont eben know why were sick!!! amazing.
look around you for god sake ,huge swathes of people including kids are taking medical drugs for all sorts of medical conditions we didnt even have before we started messing around with our food and water. look at the sick obese out of breath kids in the supermarket pulling on mummys dress for more sweetys.
theyve still got a mouthfull of broken teeth no matter how much flouride you pump down us all without giving us a choice.
have a look at google for the filters, very common.
ill post a link tomorrow if thats not good enough for you.
as for the protein i was referring to the body building whey protein suppliments i used to take.
protein 90 by maximuscle i think it was if youd like a look at that too or i can post a link.
and as for the apple cider vinegar thing you know very well that small concerntrations of all these things are essential for a healthy body, EVEN FLOURIDE!!!!!!
look i didnt come on here for a easy life , i knew my thinking would be contraversial and would ruffle more than a few feathers but what i didnt expect was to meet with such utter bloody minded ness and non argument from somebody who from her earlier posts seemed intelligent?
if you want to argue endlessly why not open a thread and ill accomodate you on there so no one else has to suffer the way they did with me and jill.
hows about we get this thinking in our heads!!!!
to have a change in our condition there has to be change in our lives!!!!
there are no magic pills and no magic solutions to disease . getting better will take hard work clear minds and better attitudes to change!!!
until you realise that you are wasting your time not only on this forum but on the internet as a whole.
there will be no cure , you are your own little plc making money for the pharmaceutical giants.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

yes della the truths the hardest one to swallow.
im sorry if i offended you and never meant to imply you had a shit life.
for the record i dont think you have a shit life.
disease riddled and hard work yes but not shit.
the reason i havnt had much to agree with on here is also a sad indictment as to why im gonna have to stick around for a little while longer.
i have actually agreed with many things that have been said so thanks for the balanced view.
look i understand your pain as i said before i knew you would think it was an attack on you .it wasnt.
to move on to the stress free bit, my life is truly stress free and its not by measure of luck that it finds itself to be that way.
i made a choice and made it that way.
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Date: 29.06.2009

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

this is the sort of thinking that gets people in unhealthy conditions della. just let it go ?
its obvious to see that your aligning yourself with emma because you feel it gives credence to your argument?
big deal.
emma set the tone with the outrageously poor attack on my posts earlier but im not going to go into that.
this is called debate.
not shut up wayno i dont like it?
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: Della

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Well maybe we aren't reading the same posts then because as far as i can see emma wasn't attacking your post she was just voicing her opnion the same as everyone eles on here but if its not what you want to hear you turn. And do you know what you are very condesending in the way that you speak to people well let me tell you i have quite a few years on you young man and i certainly dont need you telling me let it go and that im using emma in the way you said grow up i for one cannot be bothered with listening to your rubbish any more so yes i wish you would shut up.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: Emma

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hi Della

Poor Wayno does not like anyone to point out how contradictory his arguments are and what mistakes he makes, such as stating that fluoride contains and is derived from mercury. I won't enter into to anymore of his discussions unless I see him again spouting facts that are blatantly wrong.

He is welcome to his opinions, but not to back them up with incorrect science.

Don't let him bully us in to submission.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

exactly della ! "im not having him tell me what" im far older and more able to inflict disease upon myself"!
luddites ! plain and simple!
be careful when your out and about today we wouldnt want you falling off the end of the world.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Hello again Wayno,
On going away from the forum to find out all about my metabolic type, which I have found and was coming back with eagerness.
I have read all the posts I have missed and think "what a shame".
You have so much to offer. At first I thought it was just passion,and eagerness to spread your knowledge as we can all do when we feel something can help others, a caring gesture lovely a breath of fresh air as I said.
I noticed a bit of what I thought was playfulness but thats not what I am seeing now.
You must see that you are alienating people from you, and I cant for the life of me understand why you want to do this.
Any peaceful, stress free, happy people that I know would never converse this way quite the opposite.You must know you are not opening people minds, if anything you are creating more stress for them why do you want to do that? is it just to be right??
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

hi all sorry u have all been up set i have stopped reading a lot of what wayno says as it takes so long he often says things that r offensive to read what about helping others giving support that is what this forum was set up 4 so please no one stop coming on because of this we need this forum it works 4 us just choose what u read and dont let others put u off have made some lovely friends would hate to loose them because of one person
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: val h

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

wayno have tried posting on arthritis care forum,tends to b more into how why and what best to do than this one post on there from time to time not noticed u on it so give it a try might find some like minded people on there. only advice u dont have to take it would not take offence if u dont :-)
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: Della

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Wayno you are the most insulting person i have ever come across and as Angela said when you first came on here yes you were posting about something you were passionate about which is fair enough and were trying to show people that it worked for you and maybe it might work for them.If you look back over the posts in the beginning you will see i had heard of eft , but all you have wanted to do since being on here is have everyone agree with you and WAYNO can never be WRONG . Well i agree yes diet plays a big part in this disease which is why i asked about diet in one of my posts i just wanted advice on what was good for it and what wasn't not a bloody science lesson.And as far as saying i have inflicted the disease on myself how ludicruse and insulting all you have done is make people feel more stressed. I am new to the disease as i said and i certainly dont need scare mongers like you telling me what to do. Now go crawl under the rock you came out of you silly little man .
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

im pleased i came on the debate is obviously waking some of you up!
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

ive been at work all day in the sunshine building my wall and ive been thinking about you all.
yeah im probably a little too much for you all but one thing i did realise id forgotten id not lit on much is about when i go to see the folks in africa.
very simple people and passionate christians with good values, a little like england used to be 50 yrs ago plus.
you do not see these people bent double complaining about illness and disease ?ive seen huge strength come from these people , half ton bales of clothes thrown around like nothing.
they love and respect nature and dont have the bullshit stress that we have here.
they have so little but are so happy and grateful for the smallest things,just food for example! no junk no sugar just natural food.
incredible that we got to where we are in this wonderful developed country.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: Emma

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

You are making huge generalisations here.
So in your opinion Africans are all good Christians who do not suffer with illness, do not have similar stresses in their lives to us and all live on totally natural foods!

Actually approx. 40% of Africans are Muslim. AIDS spread by promiscuity is rife, the tobacco companies make huge profits from their African customers, as does the Coca-cola company. I am sure that the millions of Africans struggling to provide the smallest things in life, such as food and medicine for their families would appreciate your comments on their stress free lives!
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

yes lets just call everyone and anything, how can there be any good people out there ?
im sure you go to benin now and then?
urrggghhh and theres muslims live there toooo!!!
40 % of em are muslims!!! that must mean theres no christians at all in the congo.
wow emma thanks for the facts on africa
whats the % of muslims living in the uk emma?
aids and promiscuity are rife here! unless you choose to be blind to that too?
as for the africans appreciating my comments ?lol
your talking about a simply educated people who dont have the luxuries that we have been accustomed to , they are such simple and grateful people but they have their problems like everyone, yes the rebels have been causing havoc over the last 18 months and making it very difficult for us to operate but we dont give up on them and sit moaning about it.
coca cola and tobacco companies make huge profits here too as do brewers and pornographers,drug lords legalised arms dealers and people traffickers who insist on taking people from places like africa to become prostitutes here. nice point emma ! were such an enlightened race of people.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: Wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

so sorry all
im such an idiot.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

i just can't help myself i'm such a sad sad person.
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: Blogger

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

Dont stop til youve had enuf!

Michael has ( not the footballer)
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Date: 29.06.2009
From: wayno

Subject: Re: Spiritual evenings to come

how childish? someone please stop posting comments in my name?lol or this could get very confusing..........
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