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Date: 27.11.2018
From: Greg

Subject: OA Knee Pain at Night

I'm 45 and have been dealing with OA for about 25/30 years...yes it started when I was about 15 because of osteochondritis dissecans. After years of degrading knees, I'm finally at the point where I have not slept through the night in 3 weeks. I can deal with the pain during the day and during exercise but the nigh time pain and sleeplessness are starting to take its toll.

I wake up several times at night with shooting nerve pain from my knee down to my ankle. After trying many different approaches (OTC sleep aids, NSAIDs, Alcohol, etc) I finally figure out that the only relief is getting up and walking around. After I get out of bed and walk around the room for a few minutes and lay back down, the shooting pain goes away and I get back to sleep. IT works but getting up and walking around 4 or 5 times a night will start to take it's toll after a while.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there any other way to deal with it?
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Date: 15.12.2018
From: Rosie

Subject: Re: OA Knee Pain at Night

I had to have my two knees replaced. I walked everyday for a mile or so it felt that knives were sticking into my knees. My bones were sticking out and my patella was nearly at the side. I found the only way I could sleep was to sleep on my side with the legs either bent or straight which ever is more comfortable then by using 2 memory foam cushions one under the bottom knee and then one between the knees. I hope this helps at I had to get used to sleeping this way.
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