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Date: 19.02.2018
From: Jack Nicholson

Subject: Arthritis research, any feedback would be hugely appreciated!!

Hello all! I have been assigned a university brief as a part of my product design course to make a cleaning product directed towards people suffering with arthritis. The specific type of arthritis Iām focusing on is osteoarthritis in the hand joints. I was wondering if I could ask you only 3 short questions regarding arthritis as a way of collecting primary research for my project? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

1. How does having arthritis affect daily chores (like bushing the floor, for example)?

2. What sort of issues do sufferers of arthritis have with standard cleaning products currently on the market?

3: What features would you recommend adding to a simple product (like a dust-pan-and-brush, for example) that would make it much easier for a person suffering from arthritis to use?

Regardless of whether you can answer the questions or not, I hope you have a great day!
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