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Date: 31.05.2009
From: dan

Subject: osteoarthrits aged 20

Hi, i got diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my lumber spine in 08 after having a mri scan which i had to go private for because the doctors would not give me one. I had been having pain in my back since i was 15 and the doctors and physio's kept telling me there is nothing wrong. Two week's ago i had a ultrasound scan on my shoulders because i had been having pain in them for 3 years and again kept getting told by doctors and physio's there is nothing wrong but the scan found ac joint arthritis in both shoulder's and what's worse is that i ham getting the same symptoms now in my upper back, neck and knee's as i did in the joint that have osteoarthritis. I't had ruined my life completely i can't do nothing anymore, i used to love training in the gym which i can't do anymore and i have also split up with my partner which i was with for 8 years and we lived together and had a daughter. The split up was basically cause by the arthritis because i am unable do do things that i would normally do and we would have arragements all the time because i am in constant pain. There is no history of any form of arthritis in my family and i have never injured any of the joint's. The doctor's will not help me at all and i can't get on the sick or have dla. I will do anything to find out what is causing this and will take anything to be pain free and get back in the gym as that is what makes me happy. I don't bother with no friends anymore as i can't do what they do. I just don't know what do do anymore and i am only 20.
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Date: 31.05.2009
From: J

Subject: Re: osteoarthrits aged 20

Hi Dan

Im sorry to hear of your probs. my back pain began age 15 too, I thought it was due to the fact that I use to horse ride, and was often thrown LOL, however, I realised years on, my back was due to Herniated discs...I Muddled on then age 26 I was told I had Non progressive Arthritis(wrong diagnosis back in 87) anyway muddled thru for years with terrible pain as u describe, young family etc, then in 2002 hospitalised for 6 weeks, diagnosed with Retiers disease, but a year on from that, seron neg inflam arthritis R.A.

Arthritis is terrible at any age, Pain is pain at the end of the day, However, we kind of expect to mb get this disease later on in ,life, when our joints are worn out due to getting older etc, so it is unfair, when u r so young and now have it, Mind u, on a positive side, if u get the right meds from your Rhumatologist and the fact you are young hopefully u will not get much worse, and the joints will be saved by the correct meds, Unlike mine, ive had lot of corrective surgery, due to not having the correct meds at the time....

when u say your Docs wont help u, do u mean your GP? or Rhumatologist? the fact there is evidence that u have arthritis in some joints I dont understand y the doc wont help u ? I would go to another doctors, can U take up swimming? i use to love going to the gym, I cant do that either.....Arnt they going to Operate on your shoulders? You really need to put the pressure on the Docs ok... find a good Rhumatologist

let us know how u get on

take care Jill
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