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Date: 09.10.2016
From: Tony

Subject: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

Hi all, I'm new on here, I'm just sort of worried what's next and what's in the future for me, I went to the docs a couple of weeks ago because my hands were sore for a few months and did not clear up, I thought it was because I've been digging the garden out, in which I have shifted over twenty tons of mud/clay, the doctor did some blood tests and ring me up a few days later saying my bloods showed positive with a reading of 28.1, he didn't explain much really and just said he transferring me to a specialist at the hospital, so bit worried what's next.
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Date: 09.10.2016
From: lucy

Subject: Re: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

Hi Tony, As far as I know some people can have a positive reading and not have arthritis. If you do have RA or one of the other types of arthritis then there is a lot they can give you to ease the pain and stop the progression of the disease so try not to worry too much. The medications for RA have got a lot better than what they used to be so try and stay positive. It's good though that they have referred you, they may take x-rays when you go to the hospital and some blood tests and start you on some medication if they think you have RA. Let us know how you get on and good luck.
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Date: 10.10.2016
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

hi Tony , you can be poitive for Rheumation Factor & not have RA , your reading is very low & just above the level so dont worry to much , if your hands still are playing up ask your GP for some anti inflamatory drug like voltarol or even just try the gel from a chemist

it will be worth the consultant checking up on you , they can check so much more
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Date: 10.10.2016
From: Tony

Subject: Re: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

Thanks for the reply Lucy, yeah I have read that you can test positive even without having RA, there is something going on though, little finger on left hand locking up and tight, hands and wrists sore in the morning, feeling tired all the time, I'm seeing the specialist in November so will see what they say.
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Date: 10.10.2016
From: Tony

Subject: Re: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

Hi Colin, I've read conflicting things online in respect to what's a low/high reading, I was under the impression above 14 is abnormal, might be wrong but what would be classed as a high one, what will the specialist do when I go.
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Date: 10.10.2016
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

Tony , think 20 is their limit but some of us have high readings like mine at 450 & others are negitive & have RA , if you have problems with a joint or joints then you need it checked out , mine started over 20 years ago with a red swollen middle finger + asthma so they gave me steriods

a month later it was back & tested positive for RA , the consultant may do x-rays & other blood test as well as check all your joints , hope it goes well for you
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Date: 10.10.2016
From: Lucy

Subject: Re: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

Hi Tony, I remember one of my fingers used to lock too and the doctor diagnosed it as a trigger finger, he was wrong it was RA. Has the doctor given you anti inflammatory pills to take? They do help but can cause stomach problems as you probably know, at least November isn't too long but if you are in a lot of pain go and ask for a steroid injection as it can help until you get sorted it. Good luck with it all.
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Date: 10.10.2016
From: Tony

Subject: Re: Positive rheaumatoid factor blood test

Hi Lucy, no doc hasn't given me anything for it, I've been taking just over the counter ibuprofen at the min, the pain isn't really bad just uncomfortable at the min.
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