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Date: 15.09.2016
From: RandaMama

Subject: Soft tissue issues/symptoms with RA?

A veteran RA sufferer of 15 years, I was on Enbrel for therapy for much of that time. Last year we added Arava because the flares were becoming more frequent. In May,the RA was completely resistant to the Enbrel and I was switched to Humira. Since that time, my flares have not improved. In the past year, tissue in the tips of my fingers/thumbs have began become hard/tight. They feel as if they could burst. I have swelling in my feet where my feet "teeter" on the floor and cannot put my foot down flat. (knots on my feet, one or the other, at least once a week, but usually both feet at the same time.)

In the past 4-5 months, I have experienced tendonitis symptoms in my elbows/ wrists. Ganglion cysts have appeared as well. Now I'm experiencing swelling/pain/lack of flexion, in my forearms about 6cm above the wrists on both arms. sometimes on the inside of the arm. Sometimes on the inner side. It is inflamed/ red/ has heat/ etc. When I mentioned it to my Rheumatologist, he says it is all just a phenomenon of the disease. This month we have added Metholtrexate (injections) to my regimen and I will begin Plaquenil in two weeks. Has anyone else experienced these soft tissue symptoms? Is this just part of the disease because I'm considered in the moderate-severe category? I had a friend die from bone cancer, so all of this inflammation in my arms that are not at joints is really freaking me out O-o
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Date: 15.09.2016
From: lucy

Subject: Re: Soft tissue issues/symptoms with RA?

Hi. Randa, I too have had RA for around fifteen years. I was on enbrel for a short time but it didn't help me at all. I now take rituximab and that has helped me a lot, i get the infusions approx. every nine months, i was in a bad way before starting the rituximab. I hope the methetrexate and plaquenil help you. RA is a disease that seems to cause a lot of problems and can affect us in many ways but hopefully with the right treatement things will improve for you. I also get pain in areas that make me wonder if it is the RA or something else. I have recently been experiencing pains in my chest and worrying it could be my heart then i think it's probably the RA or connected to it. I have had tendonitis symptoms too. RA is a disease that can affect many body parts so i think your rheumatologist is right in saying it is connected. Hope things ease soon for you.
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Date: 15.09.2016
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Soft tissue issues/symptoms with RA?

hi , I had RA for over twenty years , there are better biologics than Enbrel & Humira , like rituximab which I am on or tocilizumab which I was on but suffer with leg ulcers so switch biologic

soft tissue problems go with RA , like sjogren's syndrome which alot of us suffer from dry eyes but not all the symptoms of it , Lupu & Ehlers-Danlos syndrome , my old rheumatoligist was never interested , only bursitis in my hip & elbow

Plaquenil should help with your problems & maybe try a gel like Difflam cream (benzydamine) which you can buy or get on prescription
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