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Date: 15.02.2016
From: Kate Heaton

Subject: Septic Arthritis

Hi all. I was diagnosed with RA 10 years ago. I have it in all my joints and as a bonus, have osteoporosis in my wrists! I have been hospitalised twice in the last year with septic arthritis, and wondered if anyone else has had this problem, and if they have, what advice were they given to help prevent it happening again.Each attack has damaged my knee further, and as a consequence, my knee is now bone on bone. I really would like to prevent it happening again as it is so very painful and I don't enjoy being laid up in hospital, or the knee drains that I end up having!
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Date: 15.02.2016
From: sleek fox

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

I assume it is your RA drugs that are making you vulnerable. I take a single antibiotic pill every day to prevent me from getting lung infections as I have a lung condition. I have no idea whether this is a treatment that is recommended for someone in your position but it would be worth asking your rheumatologist. I'm surprised they haven't given you any advice, to be honest. I would have thought it would be a matter of adjusting your RA meds to a level where they are helping with the RA but not lowering your immune system fully. Which is what they do with me. Septic arthritis is awful and I hope you don't get it again.
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Date: 15.02.2016
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

hi kate , sounds realy bad , been having so much problems myself , had leg ulcers six months & they wont give out antibiotics , got one opened up on my toe & gone into the toe joint , just hope its not infected , also my right knee is so bad that it wont straighten & makes it very dificult to walk ,

those of us with RA just seem to suffer alot & its hard to stay positive when you had RA so long , know my knee needs replacing but they wont do it because of my age/weight & with leg ulcers , dont give up & make sure they sort your problems
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Date: 15.02.2016
From: suz

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

I've had R.A and 2 joints replaced i think what we sufferes need to prevent septic arthritis is lots of anti inflammatory and antibacterial foods or supplements in our diet for example curcumin supplements, omega 3's.. oh everyone please avoid cows milk specially while you got bad flare or anytime really.
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Date: 16.02.2016
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

Hi Kate

Do they know how you developed the infection?

I do not have RA but have Ankylosing Spondylitis - and my pain, stiffness and disease activity is greatly connected to my gut and what I eat.

I found this overview on septic arthritis -

I was not surprised to see it say this -

"The most common route of infection is following a bacteremia. Causes of bacteremia leading to septic arthritis include urinary tract infection"

Which therefore ties in with this other research from Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist, Kings College London Professor Brian Ebringer, where he says in this paper published in 2014 that -

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a Proteus urinary tract infection.

Which led on from research that said this in 2010 -

Conclusions. These studies link the type of colonizing bacteria in the gut and urine with the immune response (anti-bacterial and RF) in early-onset inflammatory arthritis and provide evidence for a role of the hostpathogen response in the aetiology of RF.

There's an interesting discussion about it in another forum website that I follow talking about use of Antibiotics for Proteus as the underlying cause of the disease -

We had a long chat on this forum about antibiotics a few years back here -

Obviously everyone has different stories and I have no idea if this of interest or wil help you.
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Date: 11.12.2016
From: Heidi

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

I am a 29 yr old whom just recently had my first dealings with Septic Arthritis. My doctor let me sit for 2 weeks untreated until finally I want under for Arothoscopy to clean out the infection. I am now on Iv antibiotics everyday, but I'm severe pain. My first week out of surgery I had more of an aching inside my joint, but now I cannot move my leg with sharp pains on the side and top of my knee.I'm unsure if it's muscle spasms or if maybe I did endure damage from the infection. It's been 2 weeks since the surgery and I'm in more pain now then I ever have been before. The infectious disease doctor believes the infection came from an infection on my skin that I had gotten from work. Please if anyone has gone through this before and has any advice on how to help with my pain or recovery so would greatly appreciate it. My doctor is saying it's from being stiff, but it doesn't make sense.
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Date: 27.01.2017
From: christine

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

My 2 week old son developed septic arthritis in NICU due to a drip being put in his hand. He was in awful pain and took antibiotics for 3 months. He has had 6 surgeries and has damage to the joint. If you are still in pain you need to go back. Septic arthritis often recurs and needs a number of surgeries.
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Date: 11.09.2017
From: Mitchell

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

I had septic in the knee for almost a year before they found it during a scope having previously thought it to be meniscus damage from a car crash I had been in. After the scope to clean the infection, so much scar developed that I developed a flexion contracture. I had another scope 3 months after the first to remove scar tissue. It helped some but I still can't straighten or flex the knee fully. I couldn't walk before the first and second surgeries and was on crutches for months. If I could go back and do anything it would be to have gotten on the IV medication much earlier. I had been taking oral antibiotics after the first surgery for a few weeks before they started the IV medications which was the opposite way they should have gone. Once the scar tissue hardens your pretty much left with a stiff knee that has the symptoms you have described, as I have as well. The best hope is to PT the hell out of the knee, even when it is at its most painful, to break up the scar tissue.
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Date: 27.04.2019
From: Claire

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

my son got septic arthritis at 8months old in his hip..he had to have surgery to draain the fluid around his hip..he was in hospital for 2 weeks.. im just wondering if anybody or any ones child had septic arthritis more than once as everytime he gets unwell now im always panicing thinking its come back..
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Date: 02.05.2019
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Septic Arthritis

Hi Clair , I had problems 5 years ago & spent 3 weeks in hospital , they drained my hip & injected it with steriod & aesthetic , then twice washed the hip out but never found the infection , some called a septic hip , my CRP was 240 , endded up on steriods & still on them but my hips now need replacing because of the damage

It is very rare to get it & you are right to worry but we ae not quaified to answer your questions , my hip was in huge amount of pain , I could not move it & needed gas to be able to get out our house , for a few years it should be fine but fight for your son if he starts having problems
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