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Date: 21.01.2016
From: Helen Benjamins

Subject: Cheap relief that works (for my mum anyway).

Hi all, I don't personally have first hand experience here but have spent many years and a small fortune trying to find some comfort for my mum. She suffers with arthritis and mainly in her neck. From microwaveable wheat bags to electronic massage collars, I'd like to think we've given them all a fair trial. But, alas, with little success. Yes, they have brought some comfort but we've yet to find something that was easy to 'put on the spot' so to speak.
That was all before a few days ago, and you all may well read this and say "oh that one, been using it for years", but just incase here is what has proven to be a Godsend for my mum.

Hand warmers. These are little palm size, plastic pouches filled with a liquid and a metal disc. Don't ask me how they work, apart from having to click the metal disk through the plastic to cause a reaction, I have no idea. All I know is that by clicking the disk, the liquid warms up and stays warm for a while. These pouches are light and small enough to fit in the crook of my mums neck and can be used over and over again.
My mum has even made a sort of scarf with little pockets in it which hold the pouches of liquid. Because of how light they are, they are, they stay in place.

Here is the best bit. For a pair of these I paid the princely sum of £1.99 from good old Lldl. Ok they have spiderman on them but who cares. I am sure they can be found without if it bothers you.

As I said, I am no expert and don't claim to be. However, if this idea helps just one person (other than my mum), then how great is that! On the other hand, if this is all old hat, then I am sorry to have given false hope.

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