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Date: 20.01.2016
From: Becci

Subject: Can I receive support now diagnosed

Hi its my first time posting. So basically I had a fall 3 years ago where it left me having multiple plates and screws in my knee. Since then I have had the plates removed as the dr thought that was the cause of my pain. I returned back to work for a year until I just couldn't take the pain (very active job) I have not worked for a year now, having never been on benefits I am now on income support which I feel down about as I have always worked I feel like am stuck in a rut. I've felt like three years down the line the hospital thought I was making this pain up after a clear mri scan. Finally they agreed to put a camera in my knee. Today I spoke to the dr about the results although I am devastated I feel like now everybody knows am not imagining the pain. So they told me the outside of my knee has grade 2 arthritis where as the inside has grade 4. I also had multiple miniscus tears and bits of floating bone in my knee. I don't know anyone with arthritis and the dr was very brief about the diagnosis. I will at some point need a full knee replacement.
My question is- I want to work I always have done, but I just don't know what type of work I should be looking for as standing or sitting for to long causes me pain I feel like I can't win.
If I can't work is there anything I can claim to support myself and my children?
Any advice will be greatly received :) thank you
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Date: 21.01.2016
From: Barry

Subject: Re: Can I receive support now diagnosed

Becci you can certainly put in for PIP, personal independence
Payment , whether you're still working or not, as long as you're between 18 and 64, ESA, which has replaced has replaced in copacity benefit, and if you're on low or no income then declaring that to your local council to reduce your council tax, then there's all sorts of other benefits to be looked into including free prescriptions, dental treatments, all depending on your present income, help with a mortgage, bearing in mind that the government now is making it more and more difficult for the Ill

and disabled to claim, you may have to fight for it, but it is there, like my self, you've paid into this system, you are entitled to benefit from it when you need it
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