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Date: 22.10.2015
From: Sean

Subject: On Twitter

I'm finding lots of like minded people on Twitter - including GP's using diet change to affect the microbiome.

I'll be sharing information and research from other Twitter users on my account. Nothing to sell just info :)


Diet Works


Today I found another paper on GF - this time for Fibro

A fairly conclusive study on Fibromyalgia
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Date: 24.10.2015
From: Patricia

Subject: Re: On Twitter

Ooooh that sounds very interesting :-)) I don't 'do' twitter but I am registered so I will have a look at your twitter account for any info you have. Thank you for continuing to provide us with great info to help us to heal, Sean. Very much appreciated. Great to hear some Gp's are now recommending diet change too. Although this may not mean full remission for everyone I am convinced that it can help enormously. I just need to convince myself to be consistent with it :-) I still read lots of controversy around paleo or vegan. I am currently reading a book called the Campbell Plan which is whole foods plant based. Dr Tom Campbell is a GP in America and seems pretty convinced vegan is the way to go and recommends to his patients - along with his father he co authored the China Study. Hope all is well with you x
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Date: 24.10.2015
From: Sean

Subject: Re: On Twitter

Hi Patricia

I've read a lot about the China Study and I'm not convinced. I believe Cambpell calls his diet "the starch solution" - which would probably kill most with AS form of arthritis.

I am swayed by the analysis of Denise Minger (google her) a former vegan that went in to her nutritional degree looking to justify her diet by doing a thesis on the China Study - to a cut a long story short, she realised how flawed the study was - and today has switched to be a big Paleo diet advocate.

I believe Vegan can work for some people if their only triggers are specific animal proteins. If your trigger is bacterial - which is likely in many then lower carb is probably better bet.

Looking forward to following you on Twitter- take care
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Date: 26.10.2015
From: Patricia

Subject: Re: On Twitter

WOW!! I thought I did a lot of searching but you Sean have the most knowledge of anyone I have talked/written with about illness/diet and how it affects our lives and health.

Thank you so very much for the name of Denise Minger. I most certainly hadn't come across her before in my searching so that will be really interesting. I have just googled her and there is a lot of info on there - so will take a longer look later - looking forward to it :-)

I am not sure about full blown paleo for me - perhaps because I don't want to eat meat - therein lies the problem - but at the moment I am eating fish - and I think as you say it is the carb that can be the problem - and sugar I am thinking ;-) - I was told by a nutritionist who was very much paleo to stay away from bananas (too much sugar) and eat pears, plums, apples and berries.

I haven't got a clue what to do on twitter to be honest but I have found your Treat_Me_Gently on there so I will keep up to date with your info :-)

How are you keeping these days?

Thanks again Sean and you take care too x
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Date: 11.11.2015
From: Sean

Subject: Re: On Twitter

Hi Patricia - how are you doing?

I am well thanks, have been away in Spain for a bit. My last proper arthritis flare for a week last Easter (after a semi-drunken binge of 200g of Cadbury's Mini-Eggs) - but just niggles since.

My problem food still at the moment is cows milk - where my skin really reacts inside my elbows then later around my eyes (makes be look about 70 instead of 50) - when we go to dinner people often make me a dairy based desert to avoid the wheat / corn.

Twitter is actually quite addictive, but a bit technical I guess - basically you join a conversation or follow people you want to see send messages - I am following 62 people now and 31 are following me.

People are defined by a name preceded with a '@'

Subjects are grouped by '#' - so for example under #AnkylosingSpondylitis there will be all the conversations tagged with this # tag. People can therefore classify there conversation with multiple #tags - and copy in different people like @David_Cameron :)

Twitter is like a mammoth forum with all subjects you can ever think of - so if you want to comment on #taxcredits and debate with people or reply and debate a newspaper article with people.

It gets heated and there are lots of idiots and nasty people - but you can block their 'tweets'.

One of the best contacts I made on Twitter was a GP called Joanne McCormack - via who I have linked out to some other people and the very best was - IQUITSUGAR - and they have a web blog which you might find interesting.

I dont think Paleo is the very best diet I have some reservations - but funnily enough the tide is turning on diets with a strong recognition that LCFH diets can help automimmune diseases especially diabetes.

There are many good doctors out there who believe advise on saturated fat has caused the obesity crisis and allowed Sugar and Carbs to flourish as our main fuel.

Another doctor I follow on Twitter is Dr. Rangan Chatterjee - who was on BBC breakfast TV last week.

It is always worth remembering that it is not just foods directly that can cause an autoimmune reaction - but gut bacteria that are fed by foods also sustain, make worse or can improve our everyday pain.

Regards, Sean
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