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Date: 30.09.2015
From: Sean

Subject: Just found this on Twitter - worth a read Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Autoimmunity & dementia in general -

Then RA -

The conclusion of this RA study is now invalid - as it assumed that because the RA patients increased antibodies to gliadin did not have celiac disease (villus atrophy in the gut) that it was irrelevant - nearly ALL autoimmune diseases have increased antibodies to gliadin - and repeated studies show it for RA
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Date: 01.10.2015
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Just found this on Twitter - worth a read Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Sean , we know people with RA have a link with gut problems & on antiboitics the RA improves , but what we dont know is that is it because antoboitics lower the immune system or how it affects the gut/stomach , what we do know is that it affects the blood results & lowers the inflammation markers

its not just the antiboitics as used in AP , its pretty much all of them , had four weeks of clarithromycin & my RA been best its been for ages but suffering now off the , just dont think its anything to do with Gluten or Celiac , some people with stomach weight loss surgery have improved

I wish they would do more research into it as think the benifits could be alot more than the very expensive biologic drugs they give out now
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Date: 01.10.2015
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Just found this on Twitter - worth a read Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Hi Colin

Thats really interesting and has set me off on another search :)

I did a quick bit of research - and found some very promising stuff!

They appear to have done the research in both late RA (where patients are failing drugs) and early stage RA but dont ask me why they dont use them. I think its criminal that this stuff just sits here as research when this might be safer and MUCH cheaper! Its all about profit.


2007 - Effects of clarithromycin in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis.


In patients with early active rheumatoid arthritis, treatment with clarithromycin significantly improved the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Clarithromycin has been shown to be
effective against rheumatoid arthritis."

2003 - Clarithromycin in rheumatoid arthritis patients not responsive to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: an open, uncontrolled pilot study.

Ourfindings suggest that CM treatment can be beneficial in those patients who are not responsive to or cannot tolerate DMARDs. No definitive conclusions can be drawn based on the present study, due to the small sample size involved."

The bottom line is this -

Most rheumatologist refuse to treat their rheumatoid arthritis patients with antibiotics even though all five controlled prospective studies conducted to date show that minocycline (and other AB drops the rheumatoid factor towards zero and helps to alleviate the pain and destruction of cartilage of rheumatoid arthritis.

Having done research myself on this I am aware of the mechanisms - and it's not TRUE infection it is that the body has created cross reactive antibodies against normal levels of certain gut bacteria. It is failing to regulate attacking YOU versus THEM - when the antibiotics killed off certain gut bacteria then your body regulated and stopped attacking you.

The GLUTEN thing is different - GLUTEN isn't the cause but it is one of the catalysts as it causes gut permeability in everyone.

So in the above - the gut bacteria are more likely to get through to your blood stream and cause the unregulated response.

Nearly every antibiotic protocol person I have liasied with over the years is also on a gluten free diet.

Better get back to some real work.... :)

Take care - and happy to explain if you have any questions.
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