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Date: 27.07.2015
From: alan millard

Subject: side effects?

I've been on sulfasalazine for 6 months and can walk more easily but have swollen and itchy hands which demand to be scratched and are consequently covered in scabs and look pretty unsightly!
The consultant wanted me to stop the sulfasalazine immediately and take methotrexate but I'm worried about methotrexate having worse side effects.
As I also have psoriasis it was agreed that I should see a dermatologist first just in case there might me something else causing the problem
before I stop taking sulfasalazine.
Any thoughts or has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice welcome.
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Date: 14.08.2015
From: Lara

Subject: Re: side effects?

Hi Alan, tried posting last week but forum wasn't working. I've RA and been on methotrexate for 5 years now. They put me on sulfasalazine too which lasted about 3 days due to the side effects! I'm now on methtrx weekly and Humira bi weekly, and have my life back. I didn't feel methtrx gave me too many side effects other than if taken at night I couldn't sleep and I have to take folic acid every day for 6 days.
I think dermatologist is a good idea obviously but a lot of the meds are trial and error until they find the best one for you. You didn't say when derma appointment is but hope it isn't too long given you are suffering so much.
Good luck and let us know how you get on. Take care.
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Date: 04.09.2015
From: Alan Millard

Subject: Re: side effects?

Hi Lara,
Thanks for your reply. Sorry to be so late responding but I've haven't been on the site for a while. I had my derma appointment last month and was advised to come off the sulfa as my hands were itchy and bleeding where I scratch them. But he put me on month's gradually decreasing steroids (down to 15 ml currently) and I've since been really well (very little itching, no joint pain or swelling, walking like I used to, etc) so I haven't haven't stopped the sulfa. Maybe when I come off the steroids I'll have to change my mind.
Part of my resistance to going on to methtrx is that I enjoy a small beer each night (only 9 units per week max)and I don't fancy giving that up. I also wonder if changing drugs might bring on even worse side effects than itchy hands!
I know that you can't help much on that. I'll have to wait and see how things go when I'm off the steroids in a couple of weeks from now, but if you have any thoughts I'd enjoy hearing from you.
Thanks again for talking the trouble to reply. I hope you're getting on okay.
Best wishes, Alan
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Date: 04.09.2015
From: lucy

Subject: Re: side effects?

Hi Alan, I am on methotrexate and sulphasalazine and a few other drugs and I still enjoy a few glasses of wine most weeks. I suppose everyone is different but I don't think a few beers each week will cause any problems. You will have regular blood test so I wouldn't worry too much.
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