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Date: 11.04.2015
From: Carla

Subject: Advice Needed please

I am 43 and following a recent series of blood tests my GP was sure I had inflammatory arthritis and referred me to the Consultant Rhuematologist. I am in severe pain in my hands, wrists, feet and knees. I was a bit upset when I saw the Rhematologist as her focus seemed more on my weight and efforts to lose weight than any else. For example, she didn't ask about family history or anything like that, which I assumed she would. I am overweight and I am trying to lose weight but I just felt I was viewed as a fat person responsible for my own aches and pains. The rheumatologist took further bloods and arranged a scan. The scan was of my right wrist and hand, which of all areas is the least effected, but none the less still painful. I have today received a letter from the hospital to advise the scan showed no inflammation (is it possibly because I've been taking anti inflammatories since this investigation started 6 weeks ago?) and that whilst my CRP and ESR levels are raised that this is probably due to my weight. I feel so upset. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for RA or any other medical complaint but I know myself that something is not right. I'm in constant pain and for someone who doesn't like taking pain killers for a headache, I am taking Neproxen everyday just to get through. I'm not a pill popper and nor do I want to be, but I just don't know where to go from here. I basically have been given no diagnosis, although GP believes differently and therefore don't know what to do know about the very real symptoms. Any advice would be most gratefully received. Thank you
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Date: 11.04.2015
From: sleek Fox

Subject: Re: Advice Needed please

Hi Carla, that sounds very upsetting. I would ask for a referral to another rheumatologist and stop taking the Naproxen a couple of weeks before your appointment so they can see how you really are without meds. It sounds as if your GP is supportive, which is good. Just remember, a scan is only a moment in time and if you don't have inflammation that day, it will show up negative. Don't give up. There are plenty of people on here who can give you advice and support you.
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Date: 11.04.2015
From: lois

Subject: Re: Advice Needed please

Hi Carla, what a horrible person. We all know we shouldn't carry any weight but it is very difficult when we are not so active. Some of the medication doesn't help either.
Your family history is important. Like sleexfox said you need to see someone else. You are entitled a second opinion.
Go back to your Gp tell her how you were made to feel. I am sure you Gp will refer you elsewhere.
I had to change my consultant years ago he was just so rude in general.
Take care x
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Date: 11.04.2015
From: Carla

Subject: Re: Advice Needed please

Thank you both so much for your advice. I'm going to call my GP first thing Monday. I'm so worried about work. I work for a University and parking is terrible. Because my feet are so sore and mornings are worse my occupational health nurse has given me a temp parking permit allowing me to park closer to my office. Without this I wound struggle so much. I'm scared I will lose this and then each day will be a struggle. I'm scared that I feel so bad and yet no diagnosis.
It's weird about the lack of family history questions isn't it? Arthritis is extremely prevelant in our family, seemingly "passed down" through the generations. My mum and aunt are currently being treated for Polymyalgia rheumatica, they also have osteoarthritis and my sister has just been diagnosed with Ankolysing spondilitis. I'm sorry to sound so negative, not my normal frame of mind. It's good to know that I have the right to ask for a second opinion. X
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Date: 11.04.2015
From: sleek fox

Subject: Re: Advice Needed please

I hope you can get to see someone else quickly. Once you've spoken to your GP you could talk to your occupational health again and explain you are waiting for another referral. Hopefully, they will facilitate easy working conditions for you. Keep us posted on how you go.
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Date: 11.04.2015
From: lois

Subject: Re: Advice Needed please

Hi again, Don't worry about sounding negative we all go through that now and again. We are hear for you.
Keep in touch and let us know how you het on.
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