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Date: 19.01.2015
From: charlene

Subject: thinking about trying for a baby

Hi. I took arthritis 8 years ago when I was 24. I've had my ups & mostly downs. I have tried a lot of meds & got great relief when I started the enbrel injection once weekly. I have recently turned 33 & would like to start trying for a baby. I went of my injection in October & slowly weaning myself of Voltarol. The reason I have joined this forum is for advise from anyone who is going through the same decision as me or anyone who is pregnant and how they are coping. Many thanks
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Date: 19.01.2015
From: Emily

Subject: Re: thinking about trying for a baby

Hi Charlene. I have 2 beautiful children. A toddler and a 6 month old. Both I had to come off my drugs for 6 months to conceive safely (methotrexate and TNF). They did suggest I could stay on the anti tnf as a trial but there wasn't much data and although they said it was probably safe I didn't want to risk it. I was put on steroids to help and had to come off anti inflams as they often stop conception happening. It was a very painful time with my joints but luckily after the 6 month 'clearing out the drugs' period we conceived quickly with both (while I was on predisolone). They are the best thing that has ever happened to us and bring so much joy. I'm not going to lie it's hard at times looking after children when you are hurting and sore but you find a way. I wouldn't change it for the world. They are amazing and I love being a mummy!
Both pregnancies were easy for me as my arthritis pretty much went. I had the normal aches etc but nothing like I was used to and coped better than my pregnant friends who were forever saying their backs/hips hurt! My advise is get an after birth drug plan in place as with my first I didn't have one and struggled massively with a big flare about 6 weeks after birth. My second I was ready for it and covered by extra steroids until my meds started working xx
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Date: 20.01.2015
From: Charlene

Subject: Re: thinking about trying for a baby

Hi thanks so much for your reply. I just needed to hear from someone that has went through the same experience. My husband is very supportive but I think no one really knows how hard it is sometimes unless you are going through it too. I have asked to go straight back on my embrel injection once the baby is born as it is amazing. I have ankylosing spondylitis & it has affected my hips so will probably be safer having a Caesarian. Charlene x
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Date: 20.01.2015
From: davina

Subject: Re: thinking about trying for a baby

hi charlene i have a 6 month old and a 5 yr old.
its difficult especially when i haven't found the meds for me so still trailing them

i can tell you its not easy being of all meds but steroids and pain killers but its worth it.
i come of methotrexate before trying to conceive for 6 months and it took me a further 17 months to conceive. we had decided to stop trying at 15 months and i was ready to go back on meds. lol
my ra only started to ease at about 6 months but i then had other complications so was difficult but so worth it. my main pain during pregnancy was my hips when he started putting on weight.
as emily said ensure you have steroids cover while waiting for your meds to kick inn.
i had a c-section and i couldn't cope with the pain killers they gave me (paracetimol) due to being on zomorph during pregnancy so i was on tramadol after but it just goes on how you cope.

hope this helps alittle anything else just ask x
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Date: 20.01.2015
From: Charlene

Subject: Re: thinking about trying for a baby

Thank you's so much. I've went 8years with arthritis & no one has really understood how hard it's been until speaking to you's now. I lost all confidence in myself. Until the last couple of years I had gave up hope of having a family because I had bad flare ups. But then I realised that I didn't want to regret never trying. All I dream about now is having a little one running about calling me mommy :-). I have cut my hours at work so that I'm not on my feet all day. Fingers crossed xxx
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Date: 27.01.2015
From: Emily

Subject: Re: thinking about trying for a baby

You may be surprised once pregnant how great your arthritis is (I know it doesn't happen for everyone but it does get better while pregnant for a lot of people). Mine was still there but a lot more manageable considering I was on little meds. I was on predisolone during conception and pregnancy. Only low dose. I didn't think it would be enough but it was. I had a few sterio id injections in playing up joints but all in all think it was quite good.

I too was worried about my hips as I've had them both replaced. No doctors could give me any answers as to if it was safe for me to deliver naturally and said they would offer me a c section if I wanted but it was up to me. I decided to go for a natural birth and all was fine. My second just popped out no pain meds - us arthritis folk are tough! :)
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Date: 29.01.2015
From: Sean

Subject: Re: thinking about trying for a baby

Hi all - I found this that might help! Assesses the relative risks if different drug treatments during pregnancy.
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