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Date: 05.12.2014
From: shirley

Subject: Osteoarthritis of the spine question.

Hi everyone I hope someone can help me with this. I have Osteoarthritis from the neck to the lumber region of my back. Recently having gastrointestinal pain and all tests I have had have come back normal. Would love to hear from someone who is or has had this problem
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Date: 06.12.2014
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Osteoarthritis of the spine question.

Hi Shirley

What tests did you have?

I spent most of my childhood with gut issues - in my late teens I was told I had something like poly / non specific arthritis with inflammation in my spine and rib cage and also neck and shoulder pains too but was told by the consultant that there were signs of osteoarthritis too (at 19!) my Dad had AS which affects the spine and his back and ribcage is mostly fused from sacro.lumber to neck. Mine is related to AS - as worse symptoms are spine, hips, ribs and buttocks.

I'm 48 now - and luckily my arthritis has not developed the same way as my fathers but I am 99.9% sure that healing my gut and modifying my diet (at age 26) was key to my arthritis not developing further. AS sufferers also have a massive risk for Crohn's disease too.

I read that there is a comon overlap in diagnosis with AS, osteo and oligoarthritis.

So sorry no specific advice but a relate story :)
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Date: 06.12.2014
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Osteoarthritis of the spine question.

Hi Shirley, I am also an OA sufferer. I have had spinal surgery and surgery to my elbow. Have you had scans on your hips? If you have OA in the hips it can cause pain in the stomach area. Just a thought!!

The trouble with pain is sometimes it is hard to pin point when OA is in more than one area of the body. We don't hold ourselves in the right positions and we tend to get referred pain. We put a lot of pressure on other joints to ease out pain. I have had OA for 30 yrs (not just for old people) Make sure you have good pain medication.

I hope this helps you. Take care and keep your chin up.
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