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Date: 09.09.2014
From: Julie

Subject: I just feel so let down and I am so angry and upset

12 weeks ago at my last rheumy appointment she said to me that the main consultant had said that he was going to put me on minocycline, but first needed to have a couple of xrays and bloods done, she said we will send you and appointment in 12 weeks with Dr. Pxxxxx

Appointment was today, I have had the most horrendous past two months with my knee being so swollen and painful but I knew the appointment was coming and I put up with pain

Got to clinic and guess what its wasn't Mr. Pxxxx but the same rheumy as last time, I don't like her actually never have, and do you know she came out with exactly the same speech a last time, and sent me for xray on knee and bloods an appointment for 12 weeks time to see Mr. Pxxxxx.

Then I went for bloods, I actually didn't hear her say 12 weeks time, my husband told me when we sat waiting for bloods.

She asked the same questions they all do, what tablets are you on, what has been stopped - I always have these typed out just to had over to save time.

She said when was the last time we injected your knee, I said you never have, then she went onto say well would you be prepared to have one, she must have seen my face drop (the thought terrifies me) and she said well its not a very nice thing to have done but it might help but then again it might not because I don't know if your knee is RA or OA!!! Soon as she said that I said I would leave it.

Can you believe it, I came out after 3 hours and was so angry I couldn't speak, I wanted to cry, good job I wasn't driving or there would have been road rage on news. I hate the woman, so now I have got another 12 weeks in pain. We are hoping to move home soon so I certainly wont be helping. One of the nurses knew I was mad and said wait 3 weeks till your g.p. gets all these results and go ask him to pull your appointment forward, I will do more than that I will tell then to put it on my records that I wont see Dr. Samxxxxx again.

Sorry for ranting but I think I am still seething, 12 weeks of pain what a bloody joke, I thought they were there to help us, I started these meds April 2013 and I am still in the same position as I was then. Wish I was rich.
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Date: 09.09.2014
From: bsk

Subject: Re: I just feel so let down and I am so angry and upset

Hi Julie, it sounds utterly frustrating and I'm not surprised you are so angry. The only thing I would say is that an injection into the knee is not awful at all and is well worth having done, whether it is OA or RA doesn't make a difference. I've had two and the injection is far better than the pain.

I hope your GP can bring your appointment forward.
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Date: 09.09.2014
From: rhona

Subject: Re: I just feel so let down and I am so angry and upset

Hi Julie, I can understand why you would be angry and disappointed at not seeing him.

I have had loads of injections into my knee and as bsk has said it isn't too bad at all. A minutes discomfort is worth maybe a month of relief.
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Date: 09.09.2014
From: Julie

Subject: Re: I just feel so let down and I am so angry and upset

thanks bsk and rhona, I am just a coward I know I am. I do have quite a high pain threshold, I actually had my second baby without any anaesthetic at all so I can stand a bit.

I am soooo angry I feel as if 12 weeks and an appointment have been wasted, I wouldn't mind but she questioned me why my g.p gave me antibiotics without sending sample to the lab!!! My daughters both thought that I would come home and we could all look forward to maybe me getting bit better. Thankyou both for reassuring me of the injection, I feel exhausted now and cant wait to go to be and begin my 12 weeks wait, that's if I can sleep.
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Date: 10.09.2014
From: Jackie

Subject: Re: I just feel so let down and I am so angry and upset

Julie, may I ask what samples your GP was meant to send to the lab when your gp gave you antibiotics ? As you know Im on AP and take Minocin and I am not rich. If you are still interested in the AP route it isn't too expensive, it works out at around £9 per week .My NHS GP does my bloods , so that doesn't cost anything. Strange that so many rheumatologists are SO unpleasant, it seems nice ones are thin on the ground !
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Date: 10.09.2014
From: Julie

Subject: Re: I just feel so let down and I am so angry and upset

Hi Jackie, now the steam has stopped coming out of my ears and my eyes have lost that red colour I was thinking back what happened yesterday. I think she forgot the first time to do me the appointment to see 'main' man, stupid woman.

The samples were from mucous in my throat which I do suffer with a lot and that's what causes the staphlycocous, both myself and my g.p. know the symtoms now so I suppose he just saves time - unlike someone else I know!!

the appointment yesterday was to actually go onto mino through the clinic, don't think they like the idea but tough. I don't think my g.p. would actually do what yours does, that is a good price isn't it. I would at least like to try it, I know we have spoken before and it has helped you. did you try all the other dmards first?

gosh I am in pain today must be all the stress yesterday, but looks like I will have this for next 12 weeks, I feel deserted and given up on, didn't even get steroid jab:(
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Date: 10.09.2014
From: Jackie

Subject: Re: I just feel so let down and I am so angry and upset

Hi Julie, I haven't been treated with anything for my RA other than Minocin. I didn't like the look of the treatments on offer, so I sort out AP treatment within weeks of diagnosis.Im sure your GP would do your bloods, he sort of has to as you have RA and need that monitored anyway.
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