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Date: 29.06.2014
From: Kirst

Subject: Back after almost a year of remission

Hi, I have not been on here for a long time so hello all!
I have had pretty much an entire year of no flares of my RA and only the occasional joint niggle however over the past few weeks it has returned with vengeance! I was called into see the rummy after my blood results showed increase in everything and im being advised to start MTX. I was on that a few years ago (the injections. 20mg) and stopped them as I was convinced they caused major interference with my monthly's. Then started sufa and got no effect from that at all.
Im worried about starting it again, he wants me on 15mg with the view to increase the dose and if I cant tolerate the higher dose he is going to maintain me on 15 and prescribe lufolomide as well. (think that's the one he said, I know it would be a daily med). It all seems really aggressive and I know my joints are suffering and it will help slow down the RA but after a year 'off' id gotten used to feeling close to normal.
Non of my pain meds are working for the pain, im taking paracetamol, 2x tramadol, nefopam (when needed) oh and ibuprofen when I remember to take omaprazol in the mornings (I get reflux). Anyone recommend anything which may help me as I feel like im popping pills with no effect??? :(

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Date: 29.06.2014
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Back after almost a year of remission

Hi Kirst,

so sorry to hear your RA has come back with a vengeance. I have also been off meds for the best part of a year (for different reasons to you and a brief course of sulphasalazine.) I'm about to start leflunomide and am dreading it as I've largely felt well in myself. I've had to rely on steroid injections to keep me going. Have you had one? Maybe that is what is needed to keep you going until the drugs kick in. I couldn't have managed without them. That's all I can suggest really. I know the painkillers don't really do that much, though I found 30mg codeine more effective than other painkillers, taken with paracetamol.
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