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Date: 14.05.2014
From: Meg

Subject: Advice.

Hi all hope you are having a good day. I am getting really frustrated, I have arthritis of the spine, but my neck and shoulders have been particularly painful for the last 3 weeks. I went to my GP yesterday, he put me on a months course of Naproxen. What I would like to know is, are there any other treatments available. Should I be seeing a specialist. It is now starting in my fingers and toes. I am really depressed and exhausted to the point my home life is suffering, how do you all cope with housework etc, I also look after my grandchildren (cousins)while there parents are at work. My family don't know about my arthritis. When I am on my own sometimes I just sit and cry I feel such a failure. Advice please.
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Date: 14.05.2014
From: Eve

Subject: Re: Advice.

You are by no means alone and there is a very emotional side to being in chronic pain.

Do you get much support from your family (rather than you looking after them)?

It can be really difficult asking for help though I find that often the anticipation is far worse than the reality. It took me so long struggling to make the massive decision to go part time at work, especially as I'm on my own but, once I made the decision I wished I'd done it sooner.

I still struggle but it helps. As for housework, it's a huge issue for me and really strsses me out. I need help, to get a cleaner but I've been putting it off and putting it off and things are just getting worse.

Have they suggested the type of arthritis? Eg inflammatory or osteo (though there are many types) and have you sounded them out about a referral to a specialist or maybe a pain clinic, physio, occupational health etc...?

I find talking therapy is fantastic, it's my space to talk about what I want, rant if I want, cry if I need to etc... and I've found it very therapeutic and my therapist has helped with with lots of little things which add to my stress and even my pain.

Sometimes if you don't ask you don't get so could you at least start the ball rolling by asking about options, if you haven't already?

Maybe trial things? Share out jobs if you can, prune your workload at home in priority, get a routine going which could make things easier to manage, plan ahead for contingency if you can so you have some space to just be when you can. Make time for you and take it easy on yourself.

I do need to take my own advice haha, but it's not always easy and pain can be overwhelming, let alone everything that goes with it.

I really hope you get some relief soon. It can be miserable but there are always people around on here to listen x
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Date: 14.05.2014
From: Meg

Subject: Re: Advice.

No I haven't been told what type it is I have been going on and off for the last 2 years had blood tests but nothing showing up, no specialist or treatments have been mentioned haven't even been offered pain meds just told to take paracetamol with naproxen. Hubby helps when he can but he works full time and has pain issues himself two knee replacements which give him a lot of pain and swelling. I feel so guilty moaning. Just really needed to talk it out. Thanks for answering.
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Date: 15.05.2014
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Advice.

Hi Meg

Apart from painkillers - has a doctor ever mention diet association with joint pain and arthritis?

Quite a few comments here -

This is a good resource too!
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Date: 15.05.2014
From: Meg

Subject: Re: Advice.

Thanks for that I am already on a gluten free diet, I am a diagnosed coeliac. Since going gluten free my arthritis has actually got worse. :(
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Date: 15.05.2014
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Advice.

Hi Meg

Oh dear - It's not nice that you got worse - but if you cut out gluten did something else change in your diet. What did you replace bread with as your staple?

I was a patient to arthritis / allergy doctor called Dr. John Mansfield (30 years ago) - although there are some very common foods that somne people react to I have learned over time that different people can react to different foods - in his practice he also tests for perfumes, solvents, mould and gas reactions.

I react very strongly to corn - and it worries me to see that corn is recommended as a safe gluten free alternative although it might be for most people. Corn contains its own gluten called "zein".

I have rice or rice pasta as I have to avoid corn like the plague.

In the "thorne" paper on arthritis Corn was rated as a higher allergic food than wheat. These were the top 10 (percentage of RA sufferers reacting) -

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Date: 15.05.2014
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Advice.

Meg - I wanted to post this to you also.

Some of it is based on scientific study rather than opinion.
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