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Date: 05.05.2014
From: jackie young

Subject: R.A

MY doctor says I have rheumatoid arthritis and wondered if anyone can give me any reassurances.
It started on the 25h Jan this year in my right leg, was in pain most of the night couldn't walk so went to my local A&E was told I had torn a ligament and to rest for 2 weeks which I did but just getting worse so made an appointment with my GP he said the same rest for 2 weeks, after 10 days was in so much pain went back to doctors saw a different doctor. She told me thought it was a torn cartilage and to have it strapped up for 2 weeks, by this time my left leg was hurting she said it was because I was putting more strain on that leg. After 2 weeks went back no improvement just more pain and day and night so bad was crying , she then said she would send me for MRI scan on my right leg gave me tramadol for the pain,took a week to get the appointment and three weeks for the results , was taking 30 painkillers a day. Went back to doctors saw another doctor who said to take blood tests and have an x-ray, he then called me in too see him to say I had RH and he would refer me to a specialist. I have now been unable to walk for almost 4 months just received an appointment so see specialist in 6 weeks. this will be 5monthhs since I first started with the pain. can anyone tell me what to expect when I seem him will he give me any steroids .. any help please
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Date: 05.05.2014
From: rhona

Subject: Re: R.A

Hi Jackie, When you go to the hospital they will examine all your joints and ask questions about your health etc and possibly do some x-rays and blood tests and then tell you if they think it is RA. It is unfortunate it has taken so long for you to have been referred but this seems to be the norm. The hospital will be able to prescribe you medication called disease modifying drugs and they will help you and slow or stop any joint damage from happening. I am sure some others will come on with some good advice for you. Take care xx
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Date: 05.05.2014
From: rhona

Subject: Re: R.A

Meant to say, that they may well give you a steroid injection which can help a lot with the pain, it is very helpful while waiting on the medication kicking in. They don't usually prescribe oral steroids unless absolutely necessary and usually a small dose short term but it's not something they would normally prescribe at this stage. Good luck.
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