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Date: 14.02.2014
From: Rachael

Subject: How do you tell the difference between a flare & everyday pain.

I struggle to tell the difference as I'm ALWAYS in pain. Some days (like the past 3) I'm wanting to sleep more.
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Date: 14.02.2014
From: Sean

Subject: Re: How do you tell the difference between a flare & everyday pain.

Hi Rachel - What does the doctor say - you shouldn't be left in pain - I have vivid memories of my worse times and I sympathise this anyone that has arthritis pain

For me everyday is residual stiffness from previous damage and flares - a non-flare time is when I have no soreness or pain in my ribs, shoulder blade or hips or sacro joints.

Luckily it's only the sacro and occassionally hips that tends to flare these days and I haven't had any flare in my ribs or shoulder blades for over two years. My flares used to last months but now I can resolve in a few days to a week.
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Date: 14.02.2014
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: How do you tell the difference between a flare & everyday pain.

Rachael , the sleep & tiredness is all part of RA , its a sign that your condition is not being controled well , I had RA since 1996 & never had a pain free day since & if you end up with joint damage you never will

try a few things & take the drugs on offer , dont be to scared about the side effects but some are pretty worrying , try fish oils & glucosamine and maybe workout if any foods are making your arthritis worse , myself alot of fruits do it & nightshade vegetables but in others its wheat & milk , for some reason there is a link between what happens in our gut/stomach & our immune response
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Date: 14.02.2014
From: Rachael

Subject: Re: How do you tell the difference between a flare & everyday pain.

Sean and Colin, I'm on tramadol X 20mg a day & garage tin X 700mg a day, but I'm STILL in a lot of pain. I dread to think what I'd be like without them.

I had my bone scan on Friday so I hope to hear something soon
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Date: 14.02.2014
From: bsk

Subject: Re: How do you tell the difference between a flare & everyday pain.

I guess you used predictive text, Rachael! Garage tin is a new one on me. lol
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Date: 15.02.2014
From: Rachael

Subject: Re: How do you tell the difference between a flare & everyday pain.

Lol. My phone is terrible since the update. Should have been. Gabapentin not garage tin lol
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