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Date: 20.01.2014
From: Patton Fickett

Subject: natural help for arthritis ?

If you suffer from arthritis, and are looking for a remedy that doesn't include pills or capsules. I believe I have found your solution ! It's a natural liquid multivitamin, that is recommended by Dr.Oz, mentioned in Mens Journal, GMP certified, Non GMO, BPA free, made in a FDA approved facility,and had independent double blind placebo test studies (Which is not required by law in the health and wellness industry.Everything is made and manufactured HERE IN AMERICA . It's called Vemma and I can personally vouch for its success . A month ago I began giving my grandmother Vemma , the other day she had came up to me and started clenching her fists. I asked "What're you doing that for Grandma?" She responded "Patton, I haven't been able to do this in 20 year." It was an amazing moment and I'm glad I get to share this miracle with you ! If you would Like to learn more please visit my website ! There is also a .pdf file on that page that will show you all of the nutrional FACTS .

Thanks for reading and have a perfect day !
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: Bev

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

What a load of old bollocks !!
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: julie

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

If this was any good then don't you think we would all be offered it. Its bad enough having this illness without people like you giving us all false hope.
What a load of codswallop!!!
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

no its good ,they cure ageing & hair loss along with curing about everything else , put your trust + money in DR.OZ
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: julie

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

Now if it was the wizard then I might believe cos I would love to be able to wear red sparkly shoes again!
Just a money making scam, but then again some people will be so vulnerable they will fall for it.
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: marlene

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

I'm glad you said that Bev I wouldn't want someone no names mentioned to think I was being out of order. I haven't laughed so much in days!!!!
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: marlene

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

Patton just looked at your site this is sold as an energy drink. How fantastic I will change my 88yr old mums cocoa to Vemma and wait for the cartwheels!!!

By the way not very good reviews on the internet either. So good luck with your sales pitch on here.
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: bsk

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

I think this is a pyramid selling scheme and a scam.
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Date: 21.01.2014
From: Willis

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

Yes quite Marlene - I nearly said something but thought best not to :)
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Date: 22.01.2014
From: marlene

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

It is BSK I looked at the web site and it seems people don't get paid either. So Beware!!!!!!
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Date: 22.01.2014
From: John - There Is Hope!

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?


34 year old from London here. Had appendix out at 21, gout 24, uveitis (often referred to as Arthritis of the eye)at 27 and on going bouts of this lead to Gloucoma (the drugs they gave for Uveitis caused Gloucoma!)

so I know how you feel. I have family members been very sick which led me into researching alternative products. Often I saw things like this product. Rubbish.

There are alternatives out there that can help and help very well, in fact only "alternatives' and diet changes will regress or reverse your disease. Mainstream medicine can only hide symptoms with drugs which is completely nonsense.

If you want to reverse these things 8 times out of 10 you can (I just made that number up) but its not going to be done with one sexy supplement. It will take dietary changes, some money spent making sure you give your body what it needs (yep some supplements) and some effort but it can be done most of the time.

The problems is there is a disconnect between so called specialists that concentrate on genetics and drugs and surgery and the people that are regularly reversing these conditions. Call it ignorance, suppression or what ever you like but I know of people reversing almost any disease.

There is Hope.
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Date: 22.01.2014
From: Marlene

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

Wow that was a statement and a half knowing people who reverse almost any disease. I think you have a great attitude but I have tried many supplements and diets and nothing ever slowed my onslaught of heredity Osteo Arthritis.
My consultant listed a number of supplements and told me I could try them but he couldn't exactly say they would work. I took them any way and result was I wasted every penny I spent. I still take Fish oil Capsules in hope and have a good diet but things are still progressing in the wrong way. So sorry if I seem a bit of what we call a Doubting Thomas.
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Date: 22.01.2014
From: John - There Is Hope!

Subject: Re: natural help for arthritis ?

Hi Marlene

That is a bold statement but a true one. I was going to settle in here an say hi before I was to say anything like that. I have just arrived and could be seen as just a loud mouth. I don't want to A) Offend any one B) make out I know it all C) Make out that any disease can be completely reversed D) make out it's easy. But the truth is the truth.

I have honestly seen many, and know of many many many people that have reversed apparently incurable, irreversible disease. I know that is hard to accept when your specialist tells you that the only option you have is drugs, I mean he is the specialist right? but the reason he could not advise you on supplements is because they are only taught about drugs and disease and symptom management. Remember that because that is THE most important statement to remember. You are lucky he even suggested you give supplements a go, I know many that just look down their nose at the mention of dietary changes and supplements for degenerative disease... when in fact these things are THE most important thing. After all, no one got auto immune disease from lack of steroids, or Osteoporosis from lack of Bisphosphonate drugs. Ask any doctor or specialist how much training they have had in nutrition or nutritional biochemistry and I guarantee they tell you none. I have asked many over the years. It's all biochemistry and what effects your biochemistry more than the foods and nutrients you feed your body?

Unfortunately there is a ton of crappy supplements out there but there are some very good ones.

I don't expect you to take my word for it. We have all heard great promises before that have led us down the garden path. all the way to dissapointment! Imagine the rubbish I have found researching remedies and cures for Gout, Uveitis and Cancer (where my research started years ago when some one close to me was diognosed with it)
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