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Date: 11.01.2014
From: mum

Subject: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

Im a little thrown by whats happened over the last couple of years it all started in pregnancy, pregnant with my third child after two completely trouble free pregnancy's I developed preeclampsia which was awful wont go into it all but my little one was fine other the she stopped growing, once over all the troubled pregnancy I had a sudden flare up in a joint in a finger my doctor said it was viral and would soon go 18months later I live like a zombie through fatigue, have pains in my toes, feet, ankles, knees, wrists a few other joints but my fingers are awful... over Christmas it suddenly got much worse and the stiffness/throbbing ect would last near on three hours before I could function properly and would by evening my fingers back to the awful throbbing ect.. have developed a small lump on the middle joint of middle left had finger which I noticed once the pain eased again about a week ago, have neen referred to rumatologist am scared as doctor is convinced its RA and with three young children a job and a house to stay on top of RA is not something that mixes well xx
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Date: 12.01.2014
From: Tracey

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

Hi, has your gp ever checked your bloods like a rheumotoid factor and inflammatory markers esr and crp? It does sound like you have some type of inflammatory arthritis. I was the same about 6 mths ago, I have psoriatic arthritis, it took 4 steroid injections, methotrexate and sulfasalizine and I am beginning to feel better altho my bloods are still high but not as high as they were. I have 2 young kids too. Hope you get some answers and dont wait too long for appointment.
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Date: 12.01.2014
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

hi , agree with tracey & get your doctors to do some blood test & refer you , with RA some people go into remission in pregnancy but it comes back very quick after brith , the treatment for all inflammatory arthritis is the same

if you are having problems ask your GP to give you a steriod injection so you get some help until you get seen
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Date: 13.01.2014
From: mum

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

Thanks, the gp said she was skipping the bloods as the rumatologist would want to do their own anyway, just waiting on the letter for appointment from referral will hopfully have more answers and at least a plan of action, arthritis makes you feel so low, the tiredness the pain the inability to pull yourself out of it or control it to a degree... just wish one morning I could wake up feeling refreshed amd energetic rather then feeling worse then when I went to bed and like some one had taken a hammer to all body while I slept.. will let you know how it goes with rumatologist and hope your both well xx
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Date: 13.01.2014
From: marlene

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

Hi mum, sorry to hear you have so much pain. I hope you get sorted real soon. Take care and keep your chin up. xx
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Date: 13.01.2014
From: sue

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

hi mum,
I feel for you, I know what to mean about the hammer only too well, but like marlene said, keep your chin up, xx
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Date: 13.01.2014
From: tracey

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

Hi again,

Are u in the uk? If so and your gp has sent your referrel as routine you could wait up to 12 weeks. Id ask of your gp cpuld send as urgent and suggest that they take some baseline bloods esr, crp, rhuematoid factor and fbc. You could be anaemic too which cones with the arthritis. At least that way when you get seen by rheumotology they will have the blood results, rather than them taking them and you then having another wait for results. If you get them to send as urgent you should be seen within 2 weeks.
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Date: 18.01.2014
From: mum

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

Yes doctor phoned me she said shed had trouble with my referral and it can take 3months! Very depressing she said she was pushing it because of my history but could be a wait... may ring monday and ask about urgents and maybe doing bloods now.. honestly very frustrating x thanks guys xx
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Date: 22.01.2014
From: John - There Is Hope!

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

Hi Mum

Has the doctor given you any nutritional advice at all?
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Date: 25.01.2014
From: mum

Subject: Re: so looks like rumatoid arthritis

No nothing yet hoping the rumatologist will help with things like what foods, exercise ect x
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