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Date: 19.12.2013
From: Patrick

Subject: Food poisoning and joint problems

Hi i stumbled across this very useful forum whilst searching for answers to my recent illness.

After recovering from food poisoning I began to have back pain, it was so painful that I was not able to get out of bed without help. The pain then seemed to spread into my hands and wrists and feet which became swollen and very painful to touch.
Blood tests and x rays have not shown any signs of arthritis. I have been taking 500mg of naproxen and omeprazole for the last three weeks or so. The back pain has improved, however I still have pain in feet and wrists and have no strength, if I bang my hand it really hurts and walking is slow and painful. I have an appointment to see a rheumatologist in about a month. I have read that reactive arthritis can be caused by food poisoning. Does anyone have any experience of this?

I also have a list of alternative treatments that I am working my way through as I do not wish to take drugs if I can avoid it.
Does anyone have any advice of these good or bad: cyder vinegar, lemon slices in water, acupuncture, massage, colonic hydrotherapy. The last one supposedly flushes out toxins which could be a cause however I am not convinced but am willing to try most treatments in order to get back to my normal not quite fit middle-aged self.
Regards Patrick
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Date: 20.12.2013
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

Hi Patrick

You need to have a period of gut rest to let your gut heal. When you get food poisoning your gut becomes hyperpermeable to attack the infection but in doing so it lets in foreign proteins to your bloodstream.

My arthritis is AS - which has very strong associations with Reiter Syndrome (a form of reactive arthritis). My view generally is that most arthritis is a lack of immune tolerence / reaction to either bacteria or food protein, leading to immune complexes being formed as our systems try and cope with the influx.

Please read up on 'gliadin' and 'zonulin' - I would strongly suggest a "Paleo diet" for a few weeks. Something I have tried for gut repair is hot water with honey, turmeric, coconut oil and black pepper.

Not easy at Christmas though! But at least you can eat lots of Turkey.

Hope you find relief somehow!
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Date: 20.12.2013
From: Patrick

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

Hi Sean, thanks a million for the information. It's good to hear that there is an alternative to drugs. I will give the paleo diet a go. Giving up bread and alcohol will be hard but I need to cut down on both. I am trying to take a break from tablets over Christmas, so far so good on day one.
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Date: 21.12.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

Patrick, I understand your worries about medication but be careful about taking breaks. This horrible disease which ever type you have can cause terrible joint damage if not treated properly.
Take care
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Date: 21.12.2013
From: Patrick

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

Hi Marlene,
I did think about possible joint damage, however as the naproxen didn't seem to make much difference to my swollen feet and week hands and wrists I thought I would try a break from it. I guess perhaps I should start taking them once more.
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Date: 21.12.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

Hi Patrick, I have OA and joint damage for me is endless so I just feel if you can avoid it then it will be better for you. I have had to have surgery on my elbow and discs in my back due to OA. For me that is the only route given a choice I would definitely take medication.
I have to take pain meds every day and it is certainly not what I would like to be doing.
Take care and I hope the posts on here help.
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Date: 21.12.2013
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

There are two schools of thought here. The main stream view of beating it with NSAID drugs or then perhaps looking for a possible reason for the arthritis attack. In this case it was food poisoning that triggered it - why disrupt the gut lining even more with drugs?

Even methotrexate is used in experiments on animals to induce colitis - to make their guts permeable.

I agree that there is a place for medication - but there is a place for more natural approaches too and they are not unproven they are just unstudied. Sometime an attempt at a natural approach is at odds with the "damage" that drugs can also do - in some ways once you set off on the medication route it is a one way street.

With an attempt at dietary approach early on in your illness you can assess the benefit and then resort to medication of whatever level is required - based on what you need.

If you switch off your immune system - it is treatment of the symptoms without any exploration of a cause.

You should know in just 1 or 2 weeks if you are helped by a diet change - once you start stronger medication then you may never know.

This lady is amazing - but is becoming a rich celebrity too off her alternative treatments -

Btw - my Dad developed a stomach ulcer from his medication for AS - then anaemia
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Date: 22.12.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

hi Patrick , they know what can cause reactive arthritis & pleased you being refered to a consultant

alot of those things you mentioned dont think will help much & think trying some of the things Sean mention may help + antibiotics should help , they know food poisoning can cause it & its well know some foods can make RA & other arthritis worse but it varies from fruit , Dairy , wheat & some nightshade vegetables , a elimination diet may help but normaly we get to find what foods makes our conditions worse

A DMARD called sulfasalazine is used to treat Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis & they may try that if you cant get it under control
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Date: 22.12.2013
From: Patrick

Subject: Re: Food poisoning and joint problems

Having read through some of Sean's links I am going to give the naproxen a rest and attempt a change in diet.
I believe what I have may well be reactive arthritis. I have not taken any tablets today and got through the day ok. I also feel a slight improvement in my hands and feet.
What surprised me most was the rapid change in my body, overnight feeling like I had aged about 30 years and having no strength. I am really grateful for the responses to my post.
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