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Date: 21.11.2013
From: laura

Subject: people just dont understand

I love my job but my colleagues just don't understand what fibro is like they ask me to do tasks that are difficult to do then when its not right are really rude treat me like im making it up since my previous manager left they all take the piss my old boss was great supportive. cant wait to get either a transfer or new job
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Date: 22.11.2013
From: willis

Subject: Re: people just dont understand

hi Laura
why dont' you do what the other girls mentioned to someone else and get some literature on Fibro and leave it in the office - they may pick it up
you need to talk to the new boss at your next supervision and explain what fibro is and what is wrong with you etc
tell her what the others are doing to you or what they make you feel like
keep notes/diary of what happens to you so that you can let her know when you see her
the last thing she needs is you leaving because of the treatment as you could have a case against them.
maybe go see Citizens Advice to see what your rights are
hope it sorts itself out for you
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Date: 22.11.2013
From: laura

Subject: Re: people just dont understand

hi thanks for your reply I have got my supervision tomorrow afternoon. I will take your advise I will be telling her everything cos im sick and tired of being treated this way I asked for a transfer about a month ago as (one problem is I have out grown the job lol). I have recently been diagnosed with a muscle spasm in my back and I did panick and say I wanted a transfer as hoisting is getting tricker so my boss said get gp to write a letter about your physical conditions and then we will go from there. I got letter from gp (who got wrong end of stick )I also have a company called graft who help me with the empolment side of things my adviser told me not to hand letter in and at next appointment said she could phone up on my behalf if I chose to since then I have had to go back to gp and get permanent meds for this spasm graft don't know this yet I asked my doc what cause of spasm was he says it linked with fibro . so graft said I probably panicked a bit saying it was cos of hoisting. my mum has said to tell my boss this in supervision and if she insists on letter to then get graft involved as technically its nothing to do with them
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