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Date: 14.10.2013
From: Carol

Subject: Knee Arthroscopy

Hi Everyone who has been good enough to reply to me during the last couple of months. My Knee arthroscopy was cancelled as I had to have an echo cardiogram. It is now been be rebooked for next Monday 21st October. The pain I was suffering was excruciating down ouside of knee to leg and whole of foot. I had been unable to go out except to GP or Hospital. I spent months just lying about with
hotwater bottles and on painkillers none of which really worked. I stopped all painkillers because of side effects and because they brought on my IBS. For the last month or so I have just been having the odd paracetamol. What I can't understand is that the pain is so much better now
almost to the level it was a year ago before this all started. (I have had OA for years). I mentioned this to my GP today and she could not give me an answer and suggested that I speak to someone at the hospital as I might not need the
surgery. She also gave me the impression that there is a lot of pain after the surgery and that it could take upto 3 months before I would be walking properly again. I should add that since
the pain improvement I have started to go out again short distances using a stick with just a little pain. Obviously I don't want to go to the hospital and then they won't do it, or worse still I cancel and the pain comes back and then I have to go through the system again. Anyone shed any light as to what might have happened for the pain to have improved so much. Thanks
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Date: 15.10.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Knee Arthroscopy

Hi Carol, it is good to hear that your pain is easing. This can happen if your knee problem is OA. Once the bone has finished trying to heal its self the pain can stop. (best way I can explain it).
The other thing why would your GP say 3 months of pain I thought Arthroscopy was a gentle way of surgery and the healing process was quick. Maybe you should do a bit of research on line. I am not a Dr obviously but sometimes we get told all different things by different GP's and consultants. It can all be a bit much for us to take in at times.
I hope this post helps a bit I am an OA sufferer so I understand the pain you have from that.
I hope you stay relatively pain free. Take care and keep your chin up.
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Date: 16.10.2013
From: Carol

Subject: Re: Knee Arthroscopy

Thank your Marlene for the kind words and explanation about the pain easing. Will report back on how I get on. All the best to you
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Date: 16.10.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Knee Arthroscopy

Hi Carol, glad I could help a little. Let me know how you get on and stay pain free xx
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Date: 21.10.2013
From: Carol

Subject: Re: Knee Arthroscopy message for Marlene

Hi Marlene, Went for surgery today, spoke to consultant who said that when they decided to try the wash out they were not sure whether it would help or not. I explained about the pain being much better and he said that sometimes the body does the job for us (which is much what you said). In view of this he said he would prefer not to operate and for me to try physio again. So I was back home by 10am. I now wait for physio appointment. I have the exercises from last time so can start them again. I must get serious about
losing some weight as well. The consultant did say that should the pain get bad again he could
do more urgent surgery. Hope all it well with you
and you are not in too much pain.
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Date: 22.10.2013
From: Ron

Subject: Re: Knee Arthroscopy

I had an knee op. recently and prior to the op. itself I too had periods where relief seemed to happen from time to time but according to the surgeon this is not unusual in many cases. Seemingly we unconsciously rest more due to pain thus making the knee feel like it's 'healing' itself. He was spot on as whenever I overused the joint it was agony afterwards and I'm only thankful I did go ahead with the operation.
After the took four months for the pain to diminish completely, some are less, some are more; one person I knew took a year to get total relief and was on morphine a good part of that time.
You are given all these facts prior to the operation and too about any infections etc.
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Date: 22.10.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Knee Arthroscopy

Hi Carol, sounds like a good idea to wait for a while if you find the physio is hard on your knee ask if you can go to the hydro pool. So much easier as under warm water your joints are not under strain. I found this much better as Dry Physio is so painful for me. The hydro pool is once a week for six weeks but only once a year but well worth a try.
I hope your knee settles and stays that way for you. I think your Consultant is right to wait. I have had surgeries and am not sure I would want anymore.
At least you know your Consultant is happy to do urgent surgery if necessary. (lets hope not).

Take Care Carol and so glad I could give you a bit of advice xxxx
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