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Date: 04.10.2013
From: Kim

Subject: Would you employ me?

Hello Everyone
I just want to ask a question of you, and please truthfully let me know.
The question is; WOULD YOU EMPLOY ME.
Due to panic attacks, I cannot travel on public transport, therefore I either take a taxi or get family to drive me to/fro my destination (I'm a non driver). I also cannot be in a room with too many people in, as this triggers an attack - doctor refered to it as sociaphobia. I cannot walk very far, lift and handle due to lower spine OA, and arthritic joints. I cannot sit or stand for too long as I get fidgety with aching and numbness in my lower joints. I have to have a nap in the afternoon, due to effects of meds and lack of sleep through the night. I find I get easily provoked and annoyed,and could quite happily smack the person doing so. Oh yes, and I have jaw bone Osteoporosis.
I do not have any qualifications in being a pen pusher, as all my employment was manual work.
Now tell me do I get the job?
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Date: 04.10.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Hi Kim

yes I would & why not , most employers have a duty to employ disabled people but its not easy for those of us with arthritis & most with long term illness have some kind of depression , some of us with RA dont know if tomorrow we will be able to walk from room to room in our house so dont feel alone

I wish they would do more to help disabled people back into work , there is a loads out there who feel they are umemployable but they are if they were given a chance
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Date: 04.10.2013
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Do you want a job Kim? I would think if you get your panic attacks under control and some pain relief then you might be able to consider it. Perhaps seeing a psychologist might be helpful. Yoga is very good for relaxation or practice some meditation or even get referred to a pain clinic.

Good luck.
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Date: 04.10.2013
From: Kim

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

I have recently lost my DLA, and now my Incapacity as they deem me fit to work. But in truth if an able bodied person struggles to find suitable employment, how would I. And yet I'm told employers will meet the needs of my disabilities, which of course is going to be a great expense to them, and in todays economic climate is that truly going to happen. I just wish my G.Ps would take on board my pass visits and given me the help I requested, for pain clinics and therapists. But all I'm ever told to do is exercize, and in my menopausal state I could personally throttle them.
Thank you Rhonda & Colin, lets see where I go from here, I have 2 week to find out.
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Date: 04.10.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Kim , if you lose your Incapacity I would appeal or atleast try to get transfered to ESA , the working group which should help people get back into work , got no idea about your DLA but would talk to citizen advice bureau & they can help with appeals
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Date: 05.10.2013
From: Chris

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

i feel your anger, they are utter bastards.
Appeal, get your evidence sorted. If nothing else don't bow down and let them 'win'.

However, i think you are employable. In a limited way, with an employer who 'understands'.
I also think alot of your symptoms are treatable, you may scoff at that, but mental illness often walks hand in hand with pain.
If you havn't already, find your local Mindfullness based CBT course, it's an 8 or 10 week course. It's not bullshit, it works. It will give you a new perspective and is very good for pain management.
However if you're anything like me, your brain will try and derail you from this process.
All the best,
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Date: 05.10.2013
From: helen

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Hi Kim. I lost my job 3yrs ago. I was a senior care assistant but as I have chronic back pain due to slipped disc and sciatic nerve damage of which they new about at the time of taking the carers job. After a few years they offered me a sit down office job creating care plans/packages as they new I was struggling with the heavy care job. Few yrs later back pain took hold of me and my life so I went on sick leave. Iv not worked since. Last year I lost my life friend then all these joint pain and tiredness came from outta knowhere. I now have oa in both knees pa in most joints and last week diagnosed with fibromylagia. At the moment I'm sure I couldn't go back into work and like you who would want me cos I'm not reliable I struggle to sit or stand long enough, always in pain so i find it hard to concentrate. Iv tried pain management but couldn't get my head around what they and we spoke about. I'm on DLA but have to re-aply next year and i worry about being turned down. They do need to be in our shoes or slippers everyday to understand how we feel and that the worry doesn't help with this disease or any other illness. I do think you need to visit the cab get them to help fill out any forms they know how to write things down. I'm looking into the esa as I couldn't get incapacity due to being a year behind in paying a full stamp. Its so hard to find anything out I didn't know about this ESA scheme until the other week but again this depends on income and other contributions made. I dont know for sure but if they think your unfit to work they can still offer it to you. U do need to find that out for sure or does anyone else have any idea?
Good luck to you
Helen. X
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Date: 06.10.2013
From: Laura

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Hiya I just saw the title of your thread I'm going through difficult time at work and want to change jobs I'm a carer and my whole team find my health a complete joke and I have had enough I'm worried if I will be able to get another job but keep going there are some employers out there not many but some
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Date: 06.10.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Hi Helen, slipped disc is an awful thing but I was wondering why you haven't been offered surgery.
I had surgery for this 4yrs ago and my Husband has just had the surgery after three months of being bed ridden and unable to work. He has made a great recovery and will soon be returning to work. It is very unusual to be left in pain these days. I wish you well and hope you maybe could look into surgery.
Take Care.
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Date: 07.10.2013
From: helen

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Hi Marlene. I started of with tingling toes then lower back pain followed by that awful sciatica pain. I slipped one evening due to intence pain and completely damaged the main nerve going down the leg. So no feeling only a few tingles in the foot and toes. I was offered an op but because iv no sciatic pain no need doing it as lower back pain will remain. This has been going on for at least 10yrs took months for MRI scan I had to beg for that now I was told they have to be doing something within 6-8wks. They discharged me from orthopedics. Iv just said to my husband the pain is v tiring what with the PA and now FIBRO and the back I'm at breaking point I think the oramorph bottle is coming out. I was up at 1am Sunday due to knee feet pain so I'm determined to stay in bed tonight. God don't I go on SORRY.
Hope your husband makes a full recovery.
My daughters work friend has now had two ops on her back in 10wks and again its still here. They won't do any other. Maybe different hospitals. I was offered a fusion is that what your husband and you had?
Take care Helen. X
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Date: 07.10.2013
From: Kim

Subject: Re: Would you employ me?

Thank you everyone to responding to my thread. Just an update; Ive received the letter of the decision made on my Incapacity assessment, and I cannot believe what as been put. Answers to questions I was never asked,observations of me carrying out tasks (which the army taught me never to volunteer anything willingly that helps the enemy;)I NEVER DID. I am appealing against the decision, and hopefully with a little help from an advisory centre. If all fails me and I have to go to interviews then so be it. As for getting the medical attention to sort my problems out, it took 12 years for me to get an x-ray to confirm my condition. And requests for pain clinics and therapists have fallen on deaf ears.
Take care everyone and good luck in whatever you want and need.
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