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Date: 22.09.2013
From: Ann

Subject: Inflammatory Arthrtitis

It has just been confirmed, after many years of not knowing for sure, that I have Inflammatory Arthritis. Sorry if I sound stupid, but what is the difference between this and Rheumatoid Arthritis? Are they one and the same? Also could someone tell me if extreme fatigue is common? I feel so washed out most of the time and to be honest this is causing me more distress than the actual pain Im in with my feet and knees.
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Date: 23.09.2013
From: Linda Bradley

Subject: Re: Inflammatory Arthrtitis

Hi Ann, I was diagnosed with inflammatory artritis last year. Been on mtx since April. When I last saw my consultant I asked the question, she said although my bloods etc were high, meaning I had inflammation somewhere, there were no other 'markers' to suggest anthing else. Went to see rhuemy nurse at beg Sept, she sent me for an x-ray on my foot, she put on the card RA! On the sick now and on my sicknote the Dr put flare of RA.. ! So I'm confused now. I also feel washed out at times, car't be bothered to anything.. my house is a mess at I feel so lazy. Anyway hope this helps. I know its not much.
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Date: 24.09.2013
From: Ann

Subject: Re: Inflammatory Arthrtitis

Hi Linda. Thank you for your reply. My inflammatory markers were high but other markers were normal so been told I have seronegative inflammatory arthritis. Asked her what the difference is between that and RA and was told I have seronegative RA ... confusing! Shes refused to refer me to a Rheumatologist tho at this point. Am on Celebrex and co-codymal aswell as ibuprofen.

I dont want to have RA but after so many years of not knowing for sure Im just glad I finally have a diagnosis at last.
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Date: 24.09.2013
From: Eve

Subject: Re: Inflammatory Arthrtitis

Inflammatory arthritis covers a number of different types of arthritis of an inflammatory nature, e.g. Rheumatoid, Psoriatic...

Which type you have depends on various factors.

I had the inflammatory arthritis tag for a fair while before they said rheumatoid, I have it show up as a Rheumatoid Factor in my blood now though. It doesn't always show up right away, sometimes not at all.

It can get confusing. I remember times ending up in A&E or at the doctors or other hospital appointments and saying inflammatory arthritis, always prompting the question "which one?" then being questioned who diagnosed me etc...

Pointing out the hospital I was (often at that point) sat in diagnosed me and saying my consultant's name usually satisfied them though.

It does seem a lot easier being able to say it's rheumatoid now though so I still get questioned sometimes - I wonder maybe due to my age and looking younger than I am.

I'd front them nicely on your next appointment as to what your actual diagnosis it and have it explained to you in terms you understand. They should understand that if you don't understand your diagnosis, how can you properly explain it to others, read up on it etc...
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Date: 25.09.2013
From: Linda Bradley

Subject: Re: Inflammatory Arthrtitis

Hi Eve, your post has helped a lot. I did ask my Rhuemy consultant last time, thats when she said Inflammatory.. maybe I have seronegative! My ESR and CRP are high, tho slowy coming down. It seems to take a long time to get diagnosed and 'sorted' out. I've been suffering 18 months or more now.

Thanks for the reply Ann, glad you can put a 'label' on it now.
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