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Date: 17.09.2013
From: Linda Bradley

Subject: New meds

Hi all, As some of you know I've been struggling with my feet this last few weeks. Well been to Dr's this afternoon and he's given me Naproxen, think thats how you spell it!. He also put me on the sick for 2 weeks. So hopefully it sorts me out. So sick of it now. Just wanted to let you all know. It'll be good to have some time off work, thats been getting me down too lately.
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Date: 22.09.2013
From: willis

Subject: Re: New meds

Hi Linda
glad you have some respite from work and pain.
Is it helping you? The Naproxen I mean.
I had that for a few weeks - make sure you eat with that as it's pretty strong stuff :)
hear from you soon x
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Date: 23.09.2013
From: Linda Bradley

Subject: Re: New meds

Hi Willis, been on it for 5 days now, not feeling any benifit yet. Getting some weird pains in my left foot. Going to see podiatrist tomorrow, so she may have an idea whats the matter. Thanks for the reply. Hope ur ok.
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Date: 24.09.2013
From: helen

Subject: Re: New meds

evening linda. glad uv got somewhere with the dr re ur painful feet. im due tomrro to have ultra sound scan on foot and elbow im really hoping will show up as at times i feel im going mad. lung function test today and thurs a clinic appt again with some answers to these flare ups and mayb put on some more treatment. so confused by it all didnt realise what a flare up was but think iv has some lately. iv slept the afternoon away so no tea made for hubby good job he dosnt mind and understands how i feel.
Anyway linda i hope you get some rest from your work place and if you dont feel ready to go back dont push yourself its not worth it.
from helen
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Date: 25.09.2013
From: Linda Bradley

Subject: Re: New meds

Thanks Helen, I know what you mean when you say you feel like you're going mad. You know you have these pains etc, but then they don't find anything! I don't really know a lot about flare ups or how long they last, all I know is I feel I'm getting worse! Anyway hope all goes well with the ultrasound, lung function and clinic appt. Let us know how you get on,
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Date: 25.09.2013
From: willis

Subject: Re: New meds

how did you get on at Podiatrist Linda? I hope you are getting the rest you need and it helps you feel even a little bit better.

Helen - you too, hope you got on alright and they are beginning to get you the help you need.

Flares - yeah, I didn't read up enough on RA before I had one of those! oh my giddy aunt did I think i was dying or what!
they creep up on you. As if you didn't feel bad enough and weary enough then bam have a flare!!

how long do they last? that's the 60m dollar question - they differ. they can last weeks, months
even now 2.5 years down the line i've had a few and never actually realise that it's creeping up on me and until i feel so bad so sore, achy, stiff, bloated, and every part of me literally 'throbs'
you should go on the message board and look for the message to Marlene etc - it's got about 400 posts against it now
There are some ladies on there that have suffered Arthritis alot longer than us and they are really helpful and supportive - they may beable to answer lots of your questions or give you advice on various things.

keep well and rest when you can
lots of hugs to you
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Date: 26.09.2013
From: Linda Bradley

Subject: Re: New meds

Hi Willis, afraid to say it was a waste of time. She (podiatrist) just gave me more insoles and said there was not much else she could do, but if I wanted her, to give her a ring.. Thanks for the info on flares... I'm feeling better today, although my left foot still hurts! Seeing doc on monday... never seem to be away from the
Thanks again, it really helps to talk.
Bless ya x
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Date: 27.09.2013
From: helen

Subject: Re: New meds

Hello Linda and all, iv had different tests all week. Clinic appt yesterday lovely registra, over an hour in her room going over the weeks test and how I'm feeling. Anyway I'm going back on mtx and folic acid if breathless again which can be a side effect but like last time no damage to the lungs. If OK and without side effects but feel im not feeling much benefit than I can try mtx injections.?? Also as no evidence with ultra sound on foot and how I explained how they feel day and night plus other painful points iv been diagnosed with fibromalagi. So two problems with similar problems to the body and mind. I feel better that I was listened too and that I'm not going mad. I'm still feeling rubbish and have been for months. Again slept the afternoon away but then not sleeping during the night I also had to go into town early for an eye test. Everything seems harder to do that is just a normal task.
Anyway thanks to all
Have a good weekend.x
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Date: 28.09.2013
From: Linda Bradley

Subject: Re: New meds

Hi Helen, thats brilliant! not diagnosed with 2 things and you still feel rubbish, but the fact that someone took the time to listen to you and actually cared!! I know what you mean when you say things are harder to do. I wish I had the motivation.. lol. Good luck with the mtx. Enjoy the weekend... lovely and sunny up here (lakedistrict)
Take care. x
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