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Date: 05.09.2013
From: Carrie

Subject: Arthritis and smear tests

One for the ladies this!


So I have JIA since 15 mths old, I have been told I have Cin3 from my last smear test. Not amused, actually rather worried!

Here is a quick low down- 2009 told had cin2, colposcopy confirmed abnormal cells, biopsy taken, no other cells removed, biopsy came back as negative, all fine, went for a follow up smear six months and all was clear. Had my son in 2010, still all ok, no odd smear results, had one done recently and it came back with Cin3, what the heck is going on. Too many years of medical treatment and regularly seeing mistakes happen how on earth did I go from Cin2 to all clear to Cin3!?! Anyway, since the result got sceptcaemia and had my left knee removed which was replaced years ago as it had the bug all over it, now got one leg in cast till bugs go and meanwhile colposcopy chaps still reckon they could do a colposcopy with my leg in cast, course they couldn't. They said I could wait till they did a new knee replacement and they would remove cells under anesthetic. Course I ended up calling eight weeks after saying to colposcopy team you just can not wait for my knee surgeon to do the op, it could be months before he can do it! They agreed to do Lletz under anaesthetic on 26th sept.

Has any other women on here had cin? Has anyone had any problems with lletz treatment? Am obviously very worried about having cin3, they say it can take years for this to developer to cancer but obviously we have compromised immune systems so am concerned things will progress far more rapidly, would this be the case? It's only been three months, lletz delayed due to getting sceptcaemia etc but hope all will be ok?

Please answer ladies, anyone who has any experience of this, it gets too conversational about arthritis and yet we are women and have normal women problems too which get over looked in the arthritis field on forums etc because we are all worried about our latest new drugs yet given cin3 this seems far more terrifying than arthritis which at end of the day is not life threatening and am worried.

Thanks for any advice x
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