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Date: 29.08.2013
From: Bea

Subject: Pain shooting up and down leg

Hi. Can anyone confirm if the pain from arthritis in the knee is supposed to one day shoot up my leg and another shot down towards my feet. Painkillers never seem to work so I'm back at the docs as soon as I can. I've only had the xrays in July 13 as the pain was almost constant since April 13 and the doc says it's early signs of OA.
I'm having to walk my dogs with a walking pole in the morning and had to shorten the walk although it takes as long as I'm slower!
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Date: 29.08.2013
From: Kat

Subject: Re: Pain shooting up and down leg

Hi Bea, I've just had OA confirmed and my pain does that, it doesn't stay in one place! It likes to travel Ha Ha!!! Sorry having very painful day and if I didn't laugh I think I'd cry. I know what you mean about being slower, I feel like I'm walking through treacle. I had to use a walking stick this morning and it does help although at first I did feel a bit silly with it. Take care
Kat X
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Date: 29.08.2013
From: Bea

Subject: Re: Pain shooting up and down leg

Thanks Kat. My OH is convinced I haven't got OA and maybe a trapped nerve. I wish! I've had pains in my knee on and off for years but I guess it's now here to stay... Was wondering if Pilates or Yoga could help?
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Date: 03.09.2013
From: Bea

Subject: Re: Pain shooting up and down leg

Saw the doc and she gave me cocodamol but given that paracetamol and ibuprufen don't work, I'm not holding much hope. I'm getting more nerve pains.
And added to the mix of pains is now nausea and headaches! The nausea is puzzling as it's not even caused by any medication.
I'm going back to the doc in a few weeks so I can add all these symptoms. I also want a xray on my right hand as the pain has moved there more often recently.
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Date: 03.09.2013
From: helen

Subject: Re: Pain shooting up and down leg

Hi Bea
I too have OA in my knees. IV had problems for yrs at one point I even had key hole surgery for a clean out! Anyway years have past and I now have this. The pain is awful I don't know what to do with them. I also have PA in most joints I take a huge amount of pain relief for chronic back pain but how strange the knees are still a pain so what other pain relief would work? My knees are swollen and have become a strange shape. Going to bed at the end of the day is a laugh picture the vision IV got chronic back pain joints stiff painful from pa feet I don't know what's going on with them and knees with not much strength in my husband bless him pushes me up the stairs I say he only does it for a grope of the bum!! Which has no pain but I'm sure he says I'm a pain in the bum. Don't know what I would do without him. IV never been offered anything for the oa in my knees do u know if steroid injections into them are available. Sorry for the long msg.
Take care.
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Date: 09.09.2013
From: Bea

Subject: Re: Pain shooting up and down leg

Hi Helen
I've only just been diagnosed and I'm due back end of next week as I have more symptoms than I had when I visited last time. I'm not as far as you in pain but I read of people getting steroid injections so it might be worth asking your gp.
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Date: 15.09.2013
From: helen

Subject: Re: Pain shooting up and down leg

Hi Bea. IV been back to my gp she's upped my pregabalin for pain in the knees from OA and other joints which has PA. Waiting for ultra scans so its pain killers and rest. IV started writing down daily problems with pain and where you get it. Write down any questions you want to ask. Good luck Helen x
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