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Date: 05.07.2013
From: Samantha

Subject: Pins and needles

Sorry if I'm flooding the forum with questions.

The last couple of nights I've had real problems sleeping. My middle finger on right hand has had pins and needles and a sharp ache that stretches to my elbow. I looked this up and carpal tunnel seemed to be the cause. Is this a symptom of PsA?
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Date: 05.07.2013
From: Eve

Subject: Re: Pins and needles

I'm sure many of us have been there, so many questions :)

I'm not sure about PsA but you can get carpal tunnel whether you have PsA or not. Have you done anything which could have injured anything round there, even mildly?

Have you been doing anything which might aggravate things like lots of typing or repetitive work or been hunched over a computer or, as it's only been a couple of nights, slept (if you did sleep) awkwardly on your neck, shoulder, arm etc...

If it continues, let your GP to have a look at that or the bruising. Carpal tunnel is a relatively common problem so they should be able to give you some idea of whether that is the likely cause.

If it is causing an ongoing problem you can pick up light wrist/elbow supports very cheaply to give them a try, see if it helps, they sell them in the pound shops usually, or try a tubi grip (very cheap in Quality Save etc...). You could try them when doing work like typing.
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Date: 05.07.2013
From: Samantha

Subject: Re: Pins and needles

I have arthritis in my right wrist so maybe that can cause the carpal problem. I've got my first hand therapy on Tuesday so I'll ask then. Thanks Eve
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Date: 05.07.2013
From: Eve

Subject: Re: Pins and needles

Carpal tunnel is caused by compression of the nerves so wrist arthritis could be a cause of that compression, for example by inflammation or bone issues.

Hopefully therapy can help. If the problem continues they may be able to provide aides such as wrist splints, you can get different ones for working and resting - try them out if you want to use them for working as the metal bits in them can make it hard and uncomfortable to do things like typing. They can be moulded to fit though.

I do like tubigrips for gentle pressure. I cut one in half and double it over for my wrists as both affected. I also avoid wearing a watch too much or anything tight around my wrist. I also try to keep them straight and supported (but relaxed) when I'm trying to get to sleep at night.

Let us know how you get on.
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