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Date: 26.02.2009
From: David Berg

Subject: Knee Arthritis Typically Affects Folks 50+ Years

by David Berg

Arthritis of the knee typically affects people over 50 years of age though it is not exclusive to this age group. This type of arthritis is more common in people who are overweight, and weight loss tends to reduce the symptoms associated with knee arthritis.

When you have arthritis pain and stiffness, finding the proper exercise can be somewhat difficult. Walking may be a good exercise choice for those with arthritis. It helps build strength, maintains joint flexibility, aids in bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

It may not make sense at first, but when arthritis makes your joints ache all over, a workout of sorts may be in order. Researchers at the hospital for Special Surgery in New York City studied more than 100 people who had arthritis of the knees. Half were put on a walking program; the other half did not partake in regular exercise.

Interestingly, after eight weeks, the walkers reported decidedly less pain and less reliance on pain medication. Also, they were able to walk further without pain in the experiments pretest.

There is also water walking which is usually done in waist - to chest -deep water. You can walk forward, backward, or sideways. You can use varying speeds and long or short steps. Since warm water relaxes the muscles and eases joint stiffness for people with arthritis, the pool should be well heated.

For any kind of water exercise, the Arthritis Foundation recommends a water temperature of 83F to 88F, comfortably warm, but not hot.

So, you many not be able to find the cure for arthritis yet but certainly you can explore all possibilities to ease the pain and improve the quality of life.
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Date: 13.05.2009
From: christine

Subject: Re: Knee Arthritis Typically Affects Folks 50+ Years

Hi david just read your post, i agree and dont agree with you,i have R,A, and i have always been active in the gym, but 3yrs ago i was told i had RA, they may as well of told me i had cancer, because i and you know there is no cure, bye the way have you got RA, because if you have you will know the pain,and for your information i have never been over weight, im actually under weight, so there you go it dont come down to the size of you. christine.
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Date: 14.05.2009
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Knee Arthritis Typically Affects Folks 50+ Years

Chrisitine hi nthere, he talks Poo! take no notice! think hes the local salesman on here,

Hope your ok

Jill x
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