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Date: 26.06.2013
From: JOE


Last year, after being admitted to hospital due to a suspected blood infection, I was eventually diagnosed with auto immune inflammatory arthritis. At that time I couldn't walk and was suffering from extreme pain.

Since then, I have experienced a great deal of pain in my neck, wrists, fingers, feet, ankles and especially my lower back on a daily basis, although it is better than I was this time last year.

I find it very difficult to sit or stand for periods longer than approximately 5 minutes, as the pain in my lower back comes into full effect. I cannot bend without hurting and to say I am no longer able to participate in tennis, golf etc. or live my 'old' life is a bit of an understatement. I constantly feel like I've sprained my body.

The problem is I show no signs of swelling. My blood tests are coming back saying there is no inflammation and my rheumatologist has asked if I may be "a little over-sensitive to pain". I have assured her I'm not, having dealt with another (blood-related) disability for most of my life, where I bleed into my joints, as well as aches and pains in my knees since I was young due to another condition, but she still seems to push an overwhelming sense of paranoia onto me every time I go to see her. She gives me the impression she doesn't believe what I'm telling her, despite the fact I'm being 100 per cent genuine. Apparently, If I don't have signs of inflammation in my blood tests, I shouldn't be aching!

I am currently waiting to see another rheumatologist at another hospital. I am as active as I can be, when dosed up on my endless amount of tramadol, solpadeine and methotrexate, such as the slow walking of my dog for a couple of hours a day etc, so I wouldn't say it's lack of exercise. The reason for my post is because I wondered if anyone else on this forum experienced a similar thing to me, whereby they showed no signs of swelling, but continued to ache.

I'd really appreciate any feedback to see if I'm the only one with what could be a strange phenomena!!

Many thanks for reading.

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Date: 26.06.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: HELP PLEASE!

hi Joe , do you have any psoriasis or had it in the past , there is a condition called Fibromyalgia which can affect your pain levels

why are they giving you methotrexate if they dont think you have any inflammation , one thing your condition dont sound like Rheumatiod Arthritis but please you are seeing another Rheumatoligist
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Date: 26.06.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: HELP PLEASE!

Hi Joe, just like to say these people would do well to walk in our shoes for just one day!
Don't let one persons flippant remark make you feel bad.
I am sure a second opinion will be helpful.

Good luck take care and chin up!!!!
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