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Date: 21.06.2013
From: Barbara

Subject: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

every day numerous times a day I get severe flushes and sweats and this has only started since I was diagnosed, does anybody else have this problem . My face goes bright red as well its not nice especially at work .Can anyone help.
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Date: 21.06.2013
From: Sandie

Subject: Re: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

Hi Barbara, so sorry to hear about your condition. I have PA and OA and suffer severe flushing and sweats randomly throughout the day. So far no-one appears to be able to help, and I get tired of them asking about the menopause and then shrugging their shoulders. I can sympathise with you as it is a very uncomfortable feeling and can be exhausting eventually. Hopefully one day we might discover how to treat it, until then, try to stay calm. I know that sounds ridiculous but I do my very best to try to control it when it starts, by telling myself to be calm and relaxed, and I do think it passes a lot faster than when I give in and go with it. Worth a shot, but it is something you have to work at and don't give in. Good luck.
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Date: 21.06.2013
From: Heather

Subject: Re: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

I get them, am not of menopause age, so can only think that it has something to do with the RA (thought this for quite a while now). They are often worse during the night and I often wake up part way through the night soaked through and have to change my PJ's. I've started getting them through the day, but thought that this could be to do with being on steroids as it's certainly worse when I'm on them.
I don't have a solution, I'm afraid, but you're not alone.
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Date: 21.06.2013
From: Gillian

Subject: Re: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

I have these hot sensations as well. At work most of the people in the office feel the cold so the heating is whacked up. I feel the heat so much and end up having sweats and a red face. I have found it helps to buy a little mini fan and put that on my desk. It blows at me but does not effect the rest of the office. It is quiet as well. I use it every day at work. I bought it from B&M for about £8. Well worth the money.
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Date: 21.06.2013
From: Barbara

Subject: Re: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

thanks for your replies glad to here i'm not alone. I find it hard to sleep at night because of sweats I also wake up soaking . I work at Tesco on the deli department so I don't think I would be aloud a fan , I am really starting to feel really depressed with it.
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Date: 22.06.2013
From: Sean

Subject: Re: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

Hi Barbara

RA has a strong association with a bacteria called "proteus mirabilis" which is same bug that can cause UTI. Which can cause night sweats.You don't have to have a UTI - as the link here says its often sub-clinical. But I would have thought there could be a body response to infection - like with a flu.

BTW - proteus mirabilis is a normal resident of the colon and digestive tract - but is one of the possible causes of RA when it gets through to the immune system for people with certain genes - HLA-DR..

My own arthritis (ankylosing spondylitis) also has a strong link with a bacteria - called klebsiella that also live in all of us but cause probs mainly for people with certain genes. HLA-B27

Hopefully these cooler days / nights will help you...
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Date: 22.06.2013
From: Linda

Subject: Re: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

I hope you don't mind Barbara, but are you of a certain age. I was one of those people who went through the menopause without having any hot flushes. My mother was the same. I know from what others say, that they are very distressing.

If it is not the menopause perhaps it is the RA. Maybe it is not such a bad thing. I once read that sick people do not sweat much. Sweat gets rid of the toxins in your body. I rarely ever sweat unlike my husband who visably sweats and he is pretty healthy, so I do wonder which is better.
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Date: 22.06.2013
From: Barbara

Subject: Re: does anybody suffer with sweats with RA

hi Linda I went through the menopause no problem and I would much rather be ill than having these flushes and sweats all the time . next time I see my nurse I will ask her .
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