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Date: 20.06.2013
From: kylee

Subject: gob smacked n in agony

I suffer with arthritis and ms. On wednesday I had a rhummy appointment to have a chat regarding my right knee. Over the past 7months id been getting chronic pain on the outer knee around the area of the ligament that runs dwn the outside. My rhummy had a look and slightly poked area. Felt some discomfort but nothing painful. The nxt day I was in agony in that area and was unable to stand. I phoned rhummy to say I was in agony and finding it difficult to cope. He asked me to see gp to find out if it was likely arthritis or an orthapedic matter. My new gp brushed it aside told me it was fine. I left the docs in floods of tears I felt helpless. I spent an hour at home crying as the pain got worse despite takin. Pain relief. I then went to a and e the pain was to much. They xrayed my leg and found a fresh fracture at the top of the fibia. I was shocked id had no trauma or injury to cause this. They splinted my leg and asked me to see orthapedics in the morning. So this morning I saw the orthapedic. He asked why I was refeered. He comfirmed fracture but said the fibea is a non weight bearing bone and wldnt cause pain so he said my symptoms are due to arthritis. And I needed a rhummy nt orthapedic. I voiced my conserns regardin fracture as I havnt done anything to cause an injury. Told him I have had many episodes of the pain where the fracture is present. it comes and goes lasting a week at a time. And I have also had alot of steriod treatment over the. Yrs. Cld my bones now b affect by the drugs causing them to, become weak. He replied may be. But the fracture wil be ok. I cldnt make him understand that .i Was more concerned about how and why it happened. After getting no where I went home and phoned rhummy secutary as the swelling on the knee has worsend the pain is unbearable and I havnt slept since sunday due to the pain. I have a uni entrance exam today at 10am, im going to attempt to sit through it as its vital if I dnt turn up I will nt be offered a placemdnt. Im gobsmacked that yet again that my pain symptoms and concerns have been tossed aside. I cnt cope with the pain caused by the swelling any longer and just want it aspirating to take the pain away. My rhummy didnt return my call, im at the end of my teather. what shal I do. my pain is that bad I feel I could just keeping takin tabs till im knocked out
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Date: 20.06.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: gob smacked n in agony

hi Kylee , poor you & think what a great load of doctors you have , just wish mine were the same , its only a small bone broken & dont matter why it happened

is there any chance you moving GP surgery or at least not seeing that GP & maybe try to get refered to different hospital , think the treatment they have given you is shocking

have they done any bone density test for Osteoporosis , long term steriods can cause problems & if you are getting breaks without knowing why they should be doing some test to find out why
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Date: 20.06.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: gob smacked n in agony

Hi Kylee, firstly good luck with your exam and fair play to you sweetheart you seem like nothing is going to beat you and why should it? You will be an asset to your University.

I agree with Colin your treatment is terrible and you need to change GP or Hospital. I am lucky when I was treated badly my GP was having none of it and sent me to a different hospital and since then have had nothing but first class treatment.
You have every right to go somewhere else!!
Good luck and I hope you get the right help soon. I hope you have good pain meds! another thing that needs to be sorted for you there is nothing worse than dealing with Pain especially when it is long term.
Take Care xxxxx
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