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Date: 13.06.2013
From: Cosy

Subject: Painkillers

Sorry if someone has asked this before. I have this terrible fear of becoming addicted to painkillers so tried for a while not to take them but that became impossible. I have Osteoarthritis I started taking Co-codamol 30/500 two in the morning and two at night, I was at my GP the other day and asked him was that okay as I am never sure whether to take them regularly or just when I am in a lot of pain (I have found taking them regularly keeps the pain away - well nearly) He said if I wanted to take painkillers on a regular basis I would be better taking Paracetamol every four hours with a total of 8 in a day. Well I tried that but I feel they don't touch the pain and also upset my stomach been in the loo most of the time! I think I would prefer the co-codamol. Does anyone know if this would be okay. I bought GOPO for joints today as I had read this could also help my arthritis. I also attend Homeopathic doctor and take a remedy. I am also diabetic so take a lot of other medication. I feel the co-codamol helps me feel better and am going on holiday soon and don't want to be fighting pain all the time. I also gave up taking Statins recently as I feel they were giving me so much pain in my muscles, my GP knows about this and I feel things have eased a bit with my muscles. Does anyone have any advice they could give me ie do they take co-codamol on a regular basis. Thank you in advance for any advice.
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Date: 13.06.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Painkillers

You know not to take the co-codamol with the paracetamol I take it! If you are having problems you could ask your gp to refer you to a pain clinic. I've never been but have heard some good reports.
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Date: 13.06.2013
From: Cosy

Subject: Re: Painkillers

Yes I would not take paracetamol if I am taking co-codamol, as I say don't think the paracetamol agrees with my stomach anyway so stopped taking it. I don't feel I am in enough pain to attend pain clinic. I feel the four co-codamol a day helps but just don't know if this could become a problem addiction wise at a later date.
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Date: 13.06.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Painkillers

Co-codamol has got paracetamol in it Cosy, so am wondering why that doesn't affect your stomach. I would think if you stick to the dose you wouldn't get addicted but that's just my opinion. Sorry I can't be of more help.
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Date: 14.06.2013
From: cosy

Subject: Re: Painkillers

Yes it does affect it a bit but not as bad as paracetamol on it own the codine must counteract this - I think! I have gone back to my two two in the morning and two at night and it definitely helps me manage my pain at the moment. Thank you for your comments. Hope you are well yourself.
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Date: 14.06.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Painkillers

Thanks Cosy, I'm ok apart from a cold. The painkiller thing is difficult and I try not to take them very often, mostly at night. Wish you the best with the pain control.
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