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Date: 28.05.2013
From: laura

Subject: rheumy

hi all had crap day went to rheumatology today 20 mins before my appointment they cancelled it as apparently the clinic didn't excist so went in had a right go they said they would get me in I waited an hour and a half when I did get seen I got examined he said my joints were fine I asked about the friction syndrome (that I got told about in march) I said the pain can be quite bad he said that my scan also showed that my right knee cap is out slightly. then the consultation ended. it was only on my way home that I realised that he didn't tell me anything else about it or if it was serious.
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Date: 28.05.2013
From: Deborah

Subject: Re: rheumy

Hi Laura,
Sorry to hear that your appointment was cancelled and you had to wait so long for another one can't believe these people sometime's but I suppose at least they did try to help which is something.
I have had experience's like this when I was first diagnosed and you often come out wondering why did I not write everything down to ask them as you forget the half of it.
So hopefully the next time you see one it will be more informative.
Take care Deborah.
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Date: 29.05.2013
From: laura

Subject: Re: rheumy

yeah they have done this before its appalling service really I cannot stand the department they are so useless they just don't do anything literally nothing they have always been the same they don't care about patients at all and they think its funny when they make errors like that. but at least I got seen but even then the the idiot I saw was as much use as a chocolate tea pot apparently my right kneecap is slightly out of alignment what does that mean ? is it dislocated? am I causing any damage to it by walking on it ? what treatment do I need? lol they just don't care at all
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Date: 29.05.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: rheumy

Write a letter Laura, they have to answer.
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