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Date: 20.05.2013
From: Carole Parkes

Subject: Never been referred for proper disgnosis

My GP said he thought I had Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was about 33 and treated me with a variety of Nsaids over 7 years. Nothing seemed to make the swelling and pain in my fingers go away, and as I considered the pain to be only mild, I told him I didn't want to try the new untested pills he wanted to try on me (the ones I had to sign a form to take). I told him I wanted to come off the Nsaids but maybe would need them if my RA became worse. I had several blood tests for RA but they always came back negative. Over the following decades I have had periods where I've been more severely affected by pain in my fingers, wrists and knees and have been sent to the hospital by my GP three times for cortisone injections when I was unable to walk. The third Hospital Doctor refused to give me the cortisine injection as he didn't believe they were beneficial in the long run. I am now 68 and for the past 15 months have been virtually unable to walk for some periods in every day. My last GP visit resulted in me getting a hospital X-Ray on my knees which my GP said showed NO arthritis. This is despite the fact I can hardly walk and I've had a couple of other knee X-Rays on my knees over the years which did show calcification damage. Incidentally, I forgot to mention that several years ago I underwent a series of tests for MS which my brother had. The specialist who was examining me said "No, you don't have MS", but pointed to my swollen twisted fingers of my right hand and said "You do have Rheumatoid Arthritis though". She wasn't a Rheumatologist so I got no further help from her. I have never been referred to a Rheumatologist ever except for the cortisone injections. I have to add that unlike the common pattern of RA, I am at my best first thing in the morning and get stiff and sore after moving about for about 30 minutes or after sitting for a short while. I am at my worst at the end of the day. Does Arthritis show in Calcification damage? Why would I be given Cortisone injections twice if I didn't have Arthritis?
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Date: 20.05.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Never been referred for proper disgnosis

ho Carole , you need to refered to a rheumatoligist , GP's & most other doctors know very little about RA & cant give you the drugs you would need

not everyone with RA has Rheumatiod factor show up in thier blood test , its about 80% does but there is other arthritis it could be so ask to get refered
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Date: 20.05.2013
From: Carole

Subject: Re: Never been referred for proper disgnosis

Thank you for that Colin. I will make an appointment and ask for a referal.
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Date: 20.05.2013
From: kazz

Subject: Re: Never been referred for proper disgnosis

hi carole i have never had a postive ra factor in my blood and i sound alot simular to you with my fingers wrists knees etc even under my feet get lumps and the pain is terrible i was diagnosed with sero negative arthritis but after my last visit to rhuemy was told they are not sure what i have lol so dont just take gps word for it get help from rhuemy like colin said and good luck
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