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Date: 27.04.2013
From: Kate


We are currently carrying out a research study looking in to the treatment and management of
Rheumatoid Arthritis. The objective of this research is to gain a better understanding of the people living
with Rheumatoid Arthritis, their quality of life, the available treatment options, adherence to treatment
regimes and the relationships they have with their doctors.
If you fulfil our recruitment criteria we will send you a secure and confidential link to access the survey to
complete in your own time, and on completion you will be remunerated with a £10 gift voucher as a
token of our appreciation for your time and help with the research.
If you would like to take part then please contact me on and feel free to pass this on to anyone you think may be interested. Thank you.
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Date: 01.05.2013
From: Julian Earl


I was diagnosed in 2008 although seronegative but now confirmed as RA. Initial treatment was of little use: NSAIDs; suphasalazine, paracetamol, then methotrexate and finally Humira. The last has been a silver bullet: 90% of symptoms cleared within two weeks. I am susceptible to infections particularly in my job: I'm a vet, and exposed to zoonotic diseases. I have a good relationship with my doctors especially my GP; the rheumatologist is good enough but I've ha six different ones as they move, replaced by locums, the replaced again...
My quality of life is okay as no major joints area ffected: knees, hips ok, wrists and elbows are affected as is every injury I've ever had. Finally, I'm a racing cyclist and continued with that thanks to the humira. cycling is a tough sport, so I am proud of my ability there despite the RA. Sadly in August last year, I crashed, sustainws a double fracture of my skull, s frsctured shoulder, five ribs, one scapula snd had four months in hospital as they had to re-operate on my skull due to infetion. They forgot to stop my methotrexate so my "CVP shunt" got blocked by infection. I was finally discharged in January snd now struggling with balance. The A is no more than an slightly painful inconvenience now on top of the fractures etc.
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Date: 01.05.2013
From: Julian Earl

Subject: Re: SURVEY [spelling corrected now in reply?]

I was diagnosed in 2008 although seronegative but now confirmed as RA. Initial treatment was of little use: NSAIDs; suphasalazine, paracetamol, then methotrexate and finally Humira. The last has been a silver bullet: 98% of symptoms cleared within two weeks. I am susceptible to infections particularly in my job: I'm a vet, and exposed to zoonotic diseases. I have a good relationship with my doctors especially my GP; the rheumatologist is good enough but I've had six different ones as they move, replaced by locums, the replaced again...
My quality of life is okay as no major joints are ffected: knees, hips ok, wrists and elbows are affected as is every injury I've ever had. Finally, I'm a racing cyclist and continued with that thanks to the humira. cycling is a tough sport, so I am proud of my ability there despite the RA. Sadly in August last year, I crashed, sustained a double fracture of my skull, s fractured shoulder, five ribs, one scapula snd had four months in hospital as they had to re-operate on my skull due to infection. They forgot to stop my methotrexate so my "CVP shunt" got blocked by infection. I was finally discharged in January snd now struggling with balance. The A is no more than an slightly painful inconvenience now on top of the fractures etc. reply ¦ back to forum
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