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Date: 24.02.2013

Subject: RA? Please help........

Hi I am really new to all of this. I am really just after some info or advice on what I'm experiencing. I have been refered to an RA specialist from my GP. I'm 32 years of age and have experienced lower back pain much of my life but in the last 6 months I have been waking up with really stiff fingers and being awoken from sleep with these joints really hurting me. This also applies if I have been resting, my joints seem to stiffen up and really hurt. At the moment its affecting my fingers mostly, my wrists, occasionally my elbows and recently a warmth from my knees. I appear to have NO visible swelling. Each day seems to be getting worse for me. I take a number of pain killers and anti inflamatrys none of which seem to make a difference. I have had blood work, my RA factor was negative but I tested positive to some auto immune test and had a slight vitamin D dificency which I also take tablets for. During the day I do cope well, it mainly affects me in the morning and through the night although I do get very tired throughout the day.I have noticed after doing some everyday jobs like the hovering, my wrist seems to start hurting.I know my doctor also suggested fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis to. I am just wandering if anyone is experiencing the same sort of symptoms and is it possible to have no visible swelling in RA. I'm worried what ever I may be diagnosed with is in the early stages and may only get worse. As a mother of 3 I just want to enjoy bringing my 3 lovely children up. Also what am I to expect at my first appointment? I have no swelling and feel I may not be believed. If anyone has any advice or help would really love to hear please. Thanks Di
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Date: 24.02.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

H Dianne, welcome to the forum. You can be negative for the rheumatoid factor and still have RA but there are other types too. It isn't always a straightforward thing to diagnose unfortunately.

At your appt they will examine all your joints, send you for bloods and sometimes xrays or scan but they will listen to what you say too as not everyone present in the same way. They will believe you. When is your appointment?
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Date: 24.02.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........


welcome to the forum , pleased they are refering you to a rheumatoligist , a negative RF does not rule out RA; rather, the arthritis is called seronegative , about 20% of people with RA dont have RF .

there is other blood test they can do like check ESR & CRP , both are for inflamation , things with RA are morning stiffness , redness/heat in joints & swelling in joints , also tends to be a Symmetric Arthritis

the stiffness you get with your fingers would tend to be a arthritis & not fybro but realy need a specalist to look at it
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Date: 25.02.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi thank you for your replies. My appointment is on the 9th April so a few weeks off. The stiffness is what I struggle most with, I feel its getting worse each day. This morning I almost felt like I could not bend my fingers at all, it feels like my skin around my fingers is so tight. Still no swelling though. For the last 3 nights I've also had really warm knees, hot touch but no pain which is maybe nothing related. The doctor mentioned possible fybro diagnosis but said more seemed like RA but as my RF was negative wasn't convinced. Hoping to get some kind of help at my app.
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Date: 25.02.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi Dianne, Sorry you are in pain, to make sure you tell them everything make a list of everything that bothers you. I do this now as when you get there if something is not hurting on that day you may forget to mention it. I wish you luck on the 9th and it will be here before you know it.
Keep your chin up x
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Date: 25.02.2013
From: Emm

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi I'd like to offer my best wishes too. I got RA at age 24 and everything you are describing was how I was, the heat, stiffness and the tiredness. Also a sort of internal itch that seemed to deep in finger and knuckle that was a cross between an itch and a burning. I used to cry with the pain.
But! I am older now and there are new drugs that some people are finding helpful, that weren't available then.
I hope it is not RA and you get some help at your Appointment.
Wishing you well. Lots of love and let us know how it goes. X
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Date: 25.02.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi all, its so nice to be able to chat with people that seem to understand some of what I am experiencing. All my symptoms and so far what I have found out seem to be pointing to some sort of arthritis but I really hope its not. I think its a good idea that I now keep a bit of a pain diary. It really sounds like there are a few of you who no how i'm feeling which is nice but obviously not nice you all suffer to xx
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Date: 26.02.2013
From: Tara

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi there
Welcome to the forum just wanted to say hello
I am 41 and have ra
Sorry to hear your feeling so bad at the moment hopefully your consultant will sort you out with a diagnosis and meds
Diagnosis can be slow but you will get there your on the right track now
Just keep looking forward hun
Take care :-)
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Date: 26.02.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi Tara thank you for the hello. I am sorry to hear you have RA. It doesn't seem to treat people nicely. I have had a fairly busy weekend and I am paying for it now. It grieves me that I can not go to a play place with my children and play with them without me hurting for the next 2 or 3 days after. I feel I am letting them down. Hopefully I will get some answers at my app. xx
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Date: 26.02.2013
From: Tara

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

I hear you girl
I have 6 kids and at time it can be very hard but try not to beat your self up over it
Hopefully you'll get some answers at your app and get the meds you need
It can be very slow process to get the right diagnosis and drug treatment I am still trying to get the drug treatment that's right for me its very frustrating at times but we have to look to the future and try to stay positive
Stay posting and come here if you need a good rant any time we all know how you feel
Take care hun :-)
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Date: 26.02.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Tara 6 children that must be hard work!! I'm not expecting miracles but at least I know i'm in the right direction now and hopefully will get to the bottom of what is causing my aches and pains. As a rule I am quite positive, I think I just have those days as I am sure everyone does. Its good to be chatting to people who understand what i'm going through. xx
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Date: 27.02.2013
From: Tara

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Ya some days can be quite hard
My kids range in age from 23 to 6 every age in between lol my oldest lives about 5 hours drive away and I miss her a lot she finished her masters last year and was lucky enough to get a job in her field
The rest live at home with hubby and I
Things I find hard are things like doing my little ones hair and bath time buttons on uniforms etc but they are very good bless them :-)
I get up at 6 30 every week day morning just in case I am feeling bad I then can shuffle around and get things done at my own pace lol
That's it really hour by hour some days :-)
Hope you are feeling better to day
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Date: 27.02.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

I can imagine you do miss her so much. Sounds like she is doing very well for herself. My children are 12, 8, and 1. Eldest ones are brill with me and know I can't do to much. My youngest is really placid to so even though he is young, I think he knows. After the first hour of being up I seem to feel ok. Seems to be evenings and mornings I suffer but i'm just hoping this doesn't get worse. Maybe i'm jumping the gun. Have felt better today after a few days rest. I just need to learn to pace myself a bit more. you seem to have a very good routine for yourself and I suppose we do just have to adapt. Finding this forum very helpful. Thankyou :-)xx
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Date: 04.03.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi I have a couple of new symptoms, i'm sweating a lot, all through the night and the day to. But I have very cold hands. Can anyone relate to this???x
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Date: 04.03.2013
From: Heather

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

I can dianne. I get that too - never considered it could be an RA thing though! Hmmmm...
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Date: 04.03.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

i'm not to sure either but just wandered if it was connected xx
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Date: 05.03.2013
From: willis

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Hi Dianne
for 8 months i had the sweats but only after i'd been diagnosed with RA and never suffered it before so i put it down to the RA and the meds I was on. meds have been changed so not as bad now. i thought if not that then me hormones must be what's up. speak to doc but think it may be related.
I've got seronegative RA and what you mention as your pain etc is what I suffered before diagnosis.
if you get to point of going mad then ask your doctor if they can't get you an earlier appointment.
write down what and where the pain is - daily if needs be and list questions and take to the hospital with you on the day.
i hope they help you soon
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Date: 05.03.2013
From: Sean

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

I've read before that bacteria (non clinical) play a big role in triggering and continuance of RA - I am also aware of that my own arthritis (Ankylosing Spondylitis) is linked to a bug caused Klebsiella quietly living in my guts!

The main bug implicated in RA (Proteus Mirabiis) can cause night sweats and chills - two links below

Has anyone on this forum - been proposed antibiotic therapies for RA - I have read a lot about ROADBACK.ORG that seems to be having good sucess with treating RA
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Date: 05.03.2013
From: dianne

Subject: Re: RA? Please help........

Thank you, I have been writing this all down to mention at my appointment. My husband keeps telling me to go back down to the doctors as I am in so much pain through the night, I just can't move my fingers at all. Definitely getting worse day by day. I didn't think the doctor would do anything as I now have been referred. My hands have been so cold today and a really funny blue/grey colour and I had an awful pain in my right ankle all of yesterday which the pain started up my leg to. Has eased today. I was not aware of the bacteria causing this and will defo look at those sights. Maybe worth a mention at my app to xx
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