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Date: 07.02.2013
From: Caroline Callaghan

Subject: Steroid injection in ankle?

Hi everyone - a newbie here! I've recently been confirmed as having OA in my knees, ankles and toes. I also have fibromyalgia, polymyalgia rheumatica and suspected Sjogren's syndrome - but that's another story (and another forum!).

Currently have terrible trouble with my left ankle - unbearable pain and swelling. Doc has suggested a steroid injection in my ankle. Has anyone here had this done and what are your experiences - good or bad? I did an internet search and found some "horror stories" about pain and after effects so I'm a bit worried. :-/
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Date: 08.02.2013
From: Bsk

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

Hi Caroline, I haven't had one in my ankle but several in my knee and shoulder and no problems at all. Not painful etc. I don't know if smaller joints are worse. Someone else might enlighten you!
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Date: 08.02.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

Hi Caroline

have loads done in my ankles , a good Rheumatologist will have no problems & you wont feel anything

one thing strange is Sjogren's syndrome goes with Rheumatiod Arthritis & normaly OA is in one joint & not is several , & is this a Rheumatologist you are seeing & if not would try to get a referal if you can

hope you feel better soon & dont worry about the injection
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Date: 08.02.2013
From: Tara

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

HHi hun
Had a steroid injection in my hip just last week not painfull at all and the relief was fantastic
Just previous to that my hip was very pain full and was keeping me awake relief was all most instant as in next day I have ra not oa but a lot of the treatments are the same

By the way I agree with Colin you sound like a person with ra not oa
I hope you feel better soon hun
Take care
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Date: 08.02.2013
From: Emm

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

Hi Caroline,

I have had knee and shoulder jabs and the relief is fantastic for me they work for 3-4 months.
I have a really bad ankle for the last 2 years, but was told they cannot inject ankles.
I will be interested to know how you get on with it. Please keep us updated.
Good luck with it all !
Love Emm
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Date: 13.02.2013
From: Caroline Callaghan

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

Hi everyone - thanks so much for your reassuring comments. Sorry it took me a few days to reply - I forgot where the forum was!!

Colin, Tara - I seem to be a difficult person to diagnose. I have been seeing a rheumatologist. He was testing me for Sjogren's as I have dry eyes, skin, dry everything in fact. I also know that Sjogren's can cause problems with joints, though they've said that's fibromyalgia and polymyalgia (I'm actually not sure I agree with these diagnoses). But my lip biopsy came back OK (my mouth is the least problematic of my dryness symptoms) so he won't diagnose Sjogren's. And when I mentioned to him about my ankle he refused to even look at it and said that wouldn't have anything to do with it!

So, it's an orthopaedic surgeon who says it's ankle arthritis (I initially suspected ligament damage after doing some internet searching, which is how I got my GP to refer me to an orthopaedic surgeon - she had initially put it down as "unexplained pain and swelling"). The orthopaedic surgeon is the one who is going to give me the steroid injection.

I don't have the rheumatoid factor (is that what it's called?) so they've said I don't have RA, even though my mother and grandmother both had it themselves. I do feel, though, that there's something "rheumatic" going on in my body, and at least they've now acknowledged that with the PMR diagnosis. But I seem to have a constant fight with the doctors and consultants to try to find out what's wrong with me.

Anyway, I'm going to try the steroid injection in my ankle to see if it helps. Thanks again for your replies! :-)
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Date: 13.02.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

hi Caroline

When RA is clinically suspected, immunological studies are required, such as testing for the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF, a non-specific antibody). A negative RF does not rule out RA; rather, the arthritis is called seronegative.

one thing about RA is that it runs in families & one reason I would go back to your GP & ask about this , they can check your blood to see it its showing inflamation ( CRP & ESR ) & mention your family history of RA & could you be seronegative , its not always easy to get the correct diagnosis because not showing RF

gl with the injection , take 24 hours rest afterwards so the steriod has chance to work
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Date: 13.02.2013
From: Caroline Callaghan

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

Yes, I might try the docs again on that one Colin - thanks. I forgot to say though, the only swelling I get is in the ankle that they're going to inject. And that isn't a red and hot kind of swelling, it's a pitted edema (spelling?). None of my other joints are visibly inflammed, just really painful. I've had raised inflammation markers for a long time though - again, they just keep saying it's "unexplained". After so many years of me saying there's something wrong with me and being told there isn't you just get tired of trying to get some answers out of the doctors. :-(
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Date: 23.03.2013
From: Rowantree

Subject: Re: Steroid injection in ankle?

I have been diagnosed with oa too, in most of my joints in hands and wrists and both big toes. Not ra., all blood tests came back negative. I wondered about hyper mobility syndrome although I don't quite meet enough criteria.
I was glad to be told I don't have ra, but I feel the same-oa doesn't quite fit my symptoms either.
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