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Date: 04.02.2013
From: Lynne

Subject: my daughter

Hi, this is my first time on here. I was finally diagnosed with pa after years of being in sometimes agony with my spine and now having it nearly every joint in my body. But it's my daughter I am worried about now. She is 20 and has been in pain with her back for a couple of years now. And is being treated just like I was, ie being told she,s pulled a muscle or she,s just depressed??so does any one know if you,'ve got to have psoriasis to get pa.Because she seems to be getting all the same symptoms as me. It's destroying her young life being in pain all the time and no one believing her, Can any one advise me please.
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Date: 04.02.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: my daughter

Hi Lynne, welcome to the forum. You must push your GP to let your daughter have the tests.
It is unfortunate that a lot of GPs do not fully understand the different Arthritis out there. They mostly seem to put us all in the same box.
I have OA and it took years to be diagnosed properly.
Try to see a different GP, I was lucky enough to see a young new Dr at my surgery whom sent me for all the tests to find exactly which arthritis I had and what joints were damaged.
When I went back to see her she said she could see the pain in my face and the pain had caused my blood pressure to rise. Thank goodness for new blood.
I hope you can get your gp to listen to you and do the right thing by your daughter.
Best wishes to you both x
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Date: 05.02.2013
From: lynne

Subject: Re: my daughter

Is there a blood test that can tell if you,'ve pa, because years ago when they tested me I'm sure it did,by pick it up. I think it only showed if it was RA?. All I know is all my bloods did,my show anything. Then I had a deep bone scan which by then showed nearly every joint was effected. TO LATE for me, but now it's happening to my daughter + all they say is she can't have the same as me because she has,by got psoriasis.But I know it history repeating itself. Even I don't seam to be getting the proper treatment from what I,'ve read on here. It's very frustrating to say the least. But thank you for replying Marlene.
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Date: 05.02.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: my daughter

Hi Lynne, you are entitled to go to a different hospital for a second opinion. Speak to your gp and let them know you have rights and insist on using them.Don't give up on yourself or your daughter, if you read the posts on here some of the girls and guys have taken years before the get the correct treatment.
It can be a long haul but you must not give in!!!
Your daughter at such a young age needs the correct diagnoses.
I wish you luck and take care.
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Date: 05.02.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: my daughter

Lynne, it is not clear whether your daughter has been referred to a rheumatologist. If not, then she needs to get that done. If so, and the rheumy is saying she doesn't have pa, then Marlene is right, she should ask to see another one.

Sometimes putting it all in writing helps (but your daughter will have to do it I think). Having your concerns on paper is something they HAVE to address.
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Date: 05.02.2013
From: Deborah

Subject: Re: my daughter

Hi Lynne,
Welcome on here, I to have pa and have had it for 13 yrs now and was like you at the start it took a long time to get any answer's.
I also have it in every joint and my back would be the most painful.
I have a son and like you worried when he had unexplained pain in some of his joint's and he has pain's since he was sixteen now his rhumy team think he has (as) but I think he may have the same as me (pa) because now he is getting pain in his collar bone.
When you have blood test's it will show level's of raised inflammation (crp) that is how they tell that you have arthritis but the problem is you have to be pretty advanced with the disease before it will show up in your blood's so it could take a while before your daughter would find out if there is anything wrong.
I do hope not.
Also you can have the arthritis first then the psoriasis or the other way round, I had the arthritis first.
My son and I both take bio-logic treatment's he is on Humria and I am on Golumamab what are the chance's of 2 member's of the same family well mum and son on these drug's at the same time.
I do hope you get some answer's soon.
Take care Deborah.
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Date: 06.02.2013
From: lynne

Subject: Re: my daughter

Hi bsk, in answer to your question, has my daughter been referred to a rheumatologist, no she has,nt. My Gp who was very sympathetic towards me is convinced she has the same as me & preferred her to some idiot who said she was being very silly as she could,by possibly have pa as she did,my have psoriasis. He told her she probably just pulled a muscle and to stop crying over nothing! He then made arrangements for her to see a physio therapist as he thought she needs some exercise. My daughter was really upset at the way not just him but all medical people are making her feel like she,s putting it on' Now I'm annoyed as well, as I can see she in pain nearly every day & she even walks funny, sort of with a shuffle. These doctors don't seem to know a lot & are to quick to dismiss people. And thank you to all who answered me.
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Date: 06.02.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: my daughter

Who did your gp refer her to? Your gp can always refer her to someone else. She is entitled to a second opinion.

Did your daughter go to the physio? They sometimes spot things that doctors miss. I was referred to physio at the hospital who spotted immediately that something was wrong - though,admittedly, two of them didn't seem to think it was important I couldn't walk or lift my arm above my waist!

It is really, really worth writing. They HAVE to address your daughter's worries if she asks them too.
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Date: 06.02.2013
From: lynne

Subject: Re: my daughter

Thank you bsk.i'm going to see that some one takes her seriously, because she won't say anything but I will. I will not let them push her to one side like she don't matter. Not like I had done to me, as I did,by say anything either.Thanks
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Date: 06.02.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: my daughter

Good luck with it Lynne, let us know how she gets on.
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Date: 06.02.2013
From: lynne

Subject: Re: my daughter

Yes I will, and thanks
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Date: 07.02.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: my daughter

Hi Lynne, good for you stand your ground and don't let your daughter be fobbed off.
Take care and stay in touch with the forum. xx
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