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Date: 23.01.2013
From: Joanne

Subject: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

Hi everyone...

I don't know what to say really. I am a 29 year old woman and I have just recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. For 4 years i have had swollen and painful knees, one impaticular leaving restrictive movement. The bottom of my spine/back is painful when moving and had psoriasis for at least 5/6 years now. I have had constant tests for the last 4 years since my knee became swollen with them now making the connection between the pain and the psoriasis. It has flooded my body since having my 1 year old. Its seems to get worse every week and the stiffness/pain etc was hard to bare with a little one. My hands are always sore and the psoriasis is particularly bad on my hands and back. The thing is, when looking at forums like here for example mines doesn't seem to be as severe as other people. My walking only becomes very painful if I walk for some time I find my back worse than my feet. In comparison to other I have PA?? I would love peoples opinion on this as I don't know anyone with the condition, my GP/Hospital Consultant are in agreement and on my next appointment at the end of the month, medication will be discussed. Should I get another opinion or is this similar to anyone elses experience? Even the beginning of there PA journey (can't think of another term for it, sorry). I can't see any other people to talk to and you all seem very approachable and possibly could give me better advice on your conditions or experiences of your condition?
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Date: 23.01.2013
From: Kate

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?


I am a 31 year old mum of one and I was diagnosed with PA 18 months ago. I have had psoriasis on my scalp since my teenage years but never any joint pain until a couple of years ago.

I was quite lucky because I work for the NHS so could ask advice from Rheumatology colleagues re my symptoms so I got a diagnosis pretty early compared to most people.

I damaged my ankle really badly in a fall a couple of years ago and once that had healed I started to get random pains in my heels, feet, hands, shoulders and back. My fingers were (and are)very stiff in the mornings and the bottom of my feet felt bruised when I first got out of bed.I struggle to stand for long periods or walk any real distance. Some days are better than others though.

Since my diagnosis I have been given a variety of drugs including Sulfasalazine, methotrexate, Humira plus painkillers galore.

Just had to stop taking Methotrexate due to problems with my liver but am hopeful I will find something that works long term soon.

From what you have said it sounds very possible that PA is the correct diagnosis. Good luck with your hospital appointments.

I am just about managing to still work full time and be a single mum to my 8 year old son, it is a massive struggle some days but it is doable if you have the right support.

Best of luck with everything.

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Date: 23.01.2013
From: Joanne

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

Thank you for replying Kate. Struggling with the diagnosis just as its new. Once I get to grips with it all I'm sure it will start getting easier to process at least. Everyone mentioned the symptoms but they were further on with the condition so I wasn't sure if it was a correct diagnosis that I had. Like you say, its one pain after the other and in different and more joints that previously and that seems to be the pattern. The exhaustion is unbelievable. With being a mum to a 1 year old I don't really have the time to be tired which may sound reidiculous but the xaving grace I have is when my little one sleeps I can at least try and catch up with everything that needs done and have a nod for 30 mins or so. Sometimes the cat nap is enough just to get through the rest of the day.

Appointment on the 12th so will find out more then.

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Date: 25.01.2013
From: Joanne

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

Anyone else have any thoughts? X
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Date: 28.01.2013
From: Lynn

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

Hi Joanne I to have psoriatic arthritis have had it for nearly 3 years and still not on the right combo of drugs due to side effects when mines started it was my right shoulder then the left then the right wrist then the left and that was the pattern when it started on a joint on one side it always went to the same joint on the other side I have it in all my joints and it causes me a great deal of pain and I do struggle I'm 36 with 3 kids. I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I'm soon going to have test for ms.

Feel free to ask me any questions
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Date: 03.02.2013
From: Joanne

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

I'm just unsure if my diagnosis is correct. My joints are stiff and the only way to describe it is as if I am leaning on on my arm or leg to long and then you go to move. The pain can be bad and then sometimes just uncomfortable. I am not on any drugs at the moment. On reading the information on the drugs, they are so strong i'm worried in case its the wrong diagnosis. My knee is still very swollen and has been for years. I've have steroid injections which last no more than 5-6 days and fluid taken from my knee on several occasions....I;m just so unsure. The rhumetologist isn't forthcoming with much information.
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Date: 08.02.2013
From: Lynn

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

Hi Joanne I'm sure the rheumatologist wouldn't put you on these drugs if he wasn't sure it was arthritis, I know the drugs sound daunting but try not to read into them too much the Internet can be helpful but sometimes not, I to had severe pain some days and hardly anything others that unfortunately is the way psoriatic arthritis presents I found it useful to write down questions I was wanting to ask my rhumy as I all ways forgot.

Hope things seem clearer soon
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Date: 13.02.2013
From: Anthony

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

Hi Joanne
Yes your story rings true with my own experience.
I have recently been diagnosed with PA after numerous blood tests, xrays, your symptoms, pain,fatigue swelling of knee, exactly the same,i find it very hard to accept my condition, its hard to come to terms with it as i was so fit and active.
The treatment i am having is Methotrexate by injection, on my 7th week so no effect so far, early days i must stay positive, i could be a lot worse as they say, All the best Anthony.
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Date: 17.02.2013
From: Joanne

Subject: Re: Looking for some info re PA? Please help me?

Thanks Anthony,

My latest appointment was dreadful......the consultant today told me that the other doctor that I seen was probably incorrect and that the treatment that he was going to prescribe (can't for the life of me remember the name) would prob work but the side effect is that it would inflame my psoriasis! I just looked at him and burst into tears. He gave me no other options and told me to go to another hospital and come back to them in 9 months if I was still having problems!??!??! Compassion eh?! I've dealt with this for 4 years! I'm the same Anthony, struggling with the diagnosis. I am a new mother and all the talk about medication and not being on it to have another child etc.....its just so much to take in. Things could be worse, completely and i so appreciate that! If someone could just say....yes this is what you have and this is how we will go about dealing with it then it would be fine but all this one consultant saying one thing, the other contrdicting....just confusing!!!
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