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Date: 24.01.2009
From: doris104

Subject: Need some answers, please

Hi everyone,

I thought that maybe I can find some help on a board that just talks about arthritis. I don't know where to start, but here goes. (If it gets to long, just turn me off)

I am a 53 year old female and work 32 hours per week. After I had a hysterectomy in 2003, my body just started falling apart. Before I was at my lowest weight ever in my life and feeling really good about myself. My husband and I would go bowling, Bow hunting, hiking, gardening, and walk about 2 miles a day, etc. I think you got the picture. Afterwards, I started gaining weight, my blood sugar has been unstable(low), my body seems to be fighting back at me since I have developed AS, Osteoarithritis in my knees and feet, Fibro, Reiters Syndrome, and it seems to never stop. I have gained back almost 100 pounds and I am just miserable. I need to lose this weight, but I can't walk or exercise anymore because it hurts to bad. I need water exercise, but I live to far away from any heated pool that would help me. I am so frustrated and mad at myself for letting things go this far, but it seems like no matter what I try, the weight just seems to stay or get worse. Of course, there are things that I am eating that I shouldn't, but I have given up losing weight, something that I don't want to give up. I have tried almost everything on the market to control the pain. My doctor wants me to try Remicade, but it seems like the side effects can be really bad and I don't need anymore problems. I have a wonderful husband that accepts me anyway that I am and supports any decision that I make. Right now we are low on funds to pay for any diet help and most diets say they work along with exercise (which has been proven by me in the past). Does anyone have any ideas that will help me through this?

A friend is someone who thinks your a good egg, even though you are slightly cracked!
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Date: 22.02.2009
From: suszannah

Subject: Re: Need some answers, please

hello, i have hip arthritis (also herniated l5 s1 disc) and love all the sweet and fat things, managed to lose a stone it has helped a lot....

Try to cut out the fats, i did and it worked, my george foreman helped a lot on that, same food less fat, lower calorie deserts all help.....

I try to walk rather than use the car as it's easier once i am up, getting in and out of car is murder and i have seen me hang over a wall trying to straighten up, sad to say i am allergic to most medication which does not help.....

try the lower fat option, it's not a diet as such just a healthier way to eat the food you enjoy...

please let me know how you get on and good luck :)
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