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Date: 02.01.2013
From: Caroline Jackson

Subject: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

I feel so down today, I havent been able to take my meds (Meth and enbrel) over the xmas hols due to an infection. The RA has hit me like a sledge hammer again, missed almost all the festivities..that I can deal with but its the frustration at trying to explain myself to friends and family all the time of how i feel.Its not sympathy I want its just a bit of understanding. I dont want to hurt everytime i move or pickup something or even put a shoe on. I feel very depressed I haventbeen able to go to workfor the last 4 months. Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
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Date: 02.01.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

Hi Caroline, sorry to hear you are in so much pain and off your meds. We all understand the bit about people understanding, it isn't the oh never mind and so sorry that we want. It is so hard for other members of the family and friends to understand, remember that they don't know what it is like they don't have it. Leave some leaflets laying around. Try to explain how frustrating it is that your daily life is hard for you. I never asked for help and have found life better since I accepted I need help with certain things.
There is life at the end of the tunnel and you will get there. Hang in there and take time out for yourself and take plenty of rest.
We are all here for you !!!!
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Date: 02.01.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

Hi Caroline, Sorry to hear you are suffering and I know exactly how you feel as was the same 6 months ago.

I take a half dose of Enbrel now because I got so many infections and, though things aren't always perfect, am much better than I was. I don't take Mtx either because I got so ill on it but I do take a small dose steroids every day. You need to talk to your rheumy nurse and try and work out something that works for you.
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Date: 04.01.2013
From: Deborah

Subject: Re: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

Hi Caroline,
Know exactly how you feel.
I have had to go off my anti- inflamatory because of high blood pressure and my joint's are killing me.
Went to the doc yesterday got more painkiller's and only took one so am as sick as a dog and still have all the pain's typical.
So yes agree with Marlene keep asking for help as this is the only way to let other people know how bad your arthritis is and how you feel and I know it is alway's hard to let people down when you can't go or do anything so what I do is say yes I would love to do that or go there but can't promise anything as I have to wait and see how my pain's are and people although will not fully understand but will try to understand a bit more.
So yes we all get really fed up at time's so you are not alone there but good luck and hope this has helped you a bit Deborah xx.
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Date: 07.01.2013
From: robbie

Subject: Re: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

Hi Caroline,
I want to help you. The problem is: No ONE believe me when I said I got cured from arthritis. I tryed to help people on a forum in the Netherlands. The only reaction of people were: it was not arthrits, how much money you earn on the book, only a swollen finger and a toe, a simple doctor told you you have arthritis, I did the cure and it brought me nothing, etc....
I know one thing: the pain which I had on my finger and toe were unbarable. The two joints were swollen and it did hurt like hell.
And if this doctor who wrote the book telling us that we have to change our whole way of eating plus to take some vitamines for your bones than most of the people say sorry: if I can't drink coffee, no alcohol, no smoke, no pastry, no softdrinks, no prepared food, nothing that is made in a factory... well than I better stay with my pain. Well that is the choice you have to make. In fact there is no medication or cure for arthritis. Well my arthritis was gone in SEVEN days.
I'am not sitting here for any kind of financial benefit. I know how painful this disease is.
This is the only reason I want to help people. On the other hand I'am affraid that I will get the same negative reactions which I had on the Netherlands forum.
The book is from Dr. Giraud Campbell title: Arthritis.
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Date: 07.01.2013
From: willis

Subject: Re: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

Robbie - if the only pain you had was in your one finger and one toe then you are very lucky unfortunately the rest of us aren't and diet is not the only 'help and assistance' that chroninc arthritis sufferers need to adhere to and.. if it was that simple there wouldn't be such forums as this. As others have suggested to you - start your own message up and people can see your full story there
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Date: 09.01.2013
From: robbie

Subject: Re: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

This is the logical reaction from people who have chronic arthritis. I do understand this perfectly. When I was in the same situation I would react exactly the same. After I tryed everything that is possible and nothing would help. You are totally right. The only thing I can do overhere is to try to help people. Because I do love people. And I do understand how painful this disease is. I cured already two people: one woman has arthritis all over het body. It took her six weeks to get cured.
I'am living in Belgium in Europe. I don't have any benefits if you buy this book anywhere. I don't have any shares from his company. The only advise I can give is read the book. Afterworse you can decide what to do.
Healthy greetings to all.
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Date: 23.01.2013
From: Caroline Jackson

Subject: Re: Fed Up!!! Why does no one understand?

Thanks guys, suppose its a bit of a comfort to know there is others out there in similar positions. I hope you are all well x
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